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Category:Tai Sui

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<nowiki>Tai Sui; 太歲; Taisui; Tai Sui; Тай-Суй; Jahresgötter; 太歲; Tai Sui; 太歳; ไท้ส่วยเอี๊ย; Taisui; Tai Sui; 太歲; 태세; Tai Sui; 太歲; 太岁; Tai Sui; V kitajskem zodiaku se nanaša na zvezdo, ki se giblje v nasprotni smeri kot Jupiter; pozneje so jo začeli obravnavati kot osebnega boga.; 中国天文学において、木星の鏡像となる仮想の惑星; divinité associée à un astre du zodiaque chinois; In the Chinese zodiac, it refers to a star which moves reversely against to Jupiter. Later it has been seen as personal gods.; 中國古代天文及占星學中,與木星軌道相同但方向相反的一顆虛星,後被人格化為神祇; เทพเจ้าผู้คุ้มครองดวงชะตา; Taisuei Shengjun; Taisui Xingjun; Tai Sui; 太歲星君; T'ai-souei</nowiki>
Tai Sui 
In the Chinese zodiac, it refers to a star which moves reversely against to Jupiter. Later it has been seen as personal gods.
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This category has the following 9 subcategories, out of 9 total.

Media in category "Tai Sui"

The following 66 files are in this category, out of 66 total.