Category:Special forces of Jamaica
Media in category "Special forces of Jamaica"
The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.
170719-Z-ZS247-004.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 1.26 MB
Belizean and Jamaica SOF in Fort Tolemaida, Colombia.jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 1.74 MB
Fuerzas Comando 15 150713-Z-AB123-025.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 9.16 MB
Snipers take aim during targets of opportunity event at Fuerzas Comando 2014.jpg 3,216 × 2,136; 3.38 MB
Taking aim in preparation for Fuerzas Comando 2014 140721-A-UO630-001.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 6.85 MB