Category:Sheet music of Ottaviano Petrucci

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Български: Отавиано Петручи е италиански художник.
Deutsch: Ottaviano dei Petrucci war ein italienischer Buchdrucker und der erste bedeutende Musikverleger.
English: Ottaviano Petrucci was not a composer. He was the first to print a book of sheet music from movable type.
Français : Ottaviano Petrucci est un imprimeur vénitien.
Italiano: Ottaviano Petrucci è l'inventore della stampa musicale a caratteri mobili.
Nederlands: Ottaviano Petrucci was een Italiaanse drukke.

Media in category "Sheet music of Ottaviano Petrucci"

The following 11 files are in this category, out of 11 total.