Category:Sexuality on Roman oil lamps
Italiano: Le lucerne romane di I secolo d.C. presentano il disco decorato in rilievo con i più svariati soggetti. Le lucerne che mostrano scene esplicite di accoppiamenti sessuali erano ovunque molto diffuse nel mondo romano (difatti si sono rinvenute in case private e botteghe), e se è vero che esse non erano destinate ai bordelli (i cd. lupanari) tuttavia le scene ritratte sono di prostituzione: infatti le differenti posizioni erotiche che vi si riscontrano sono identiche a quelle mostrate sugli affreschi dei lupanari (per esempio quelli a Pompei). Va ricordato e sottolineato che una donna romana libera e/o sposata non poteva mai essere rappresentata in questo modo. Le scene erotiche del mondo della prostituzione si riconoscono nettamente per il dominio del maschio sulla donna, dell'uomo libero sulla schiava, del dominus sull' ancilla: il ruolo della donna è sempre e unicamente quello di servire l'uomo e di subire ogni suo desiderio. Di ben altro carattere sono gli affreschi erotici rinvenuti in case private (per esempio a Pompei), dove in un'atmosfera più tranquilla e paritaria dominano il corteggiamento, i preamboli, il bacio, il palpeggiare dei seni. Questo genere di scene soft è tanto raro quanto inesistente sulle lucerne.
English: The Roman lamps of the first century A.D. presenting the disc decorated in relief with the most various subjects. The lamps that show explicit scenes of sexual intercourse were everywhere very common in the Roman world (in fact they are found in private homes and shops), and if it is true that they were not destined to brothels (the socalled lupanaria), however the depicted scenes are of prostitution: in fact the different erotic positions that are show are identical to those on the frescos of lupanaria (for example those in Pompeii). It must be remembered and emphasized that a free and/or married Roman woman could never be represented in this way. The erotic scenes in the world of prostitution can be recognized clearly by the male dominance over woman, by the free man on the slave, by the dominus on the ancilla: the role of women is always and only to serve the man and to undergo his every desire. Of a very different character are the erotic frescos found in private homes (for example in Pompeii), where in a quieter and equalitarian atmosphere dominates the courtship, the preamble, kissing, the touch of her breasts. This kind of soft scenes is as rare as non-existent on oil lamps.
This category has the following 8 subcategories, out of 8 total.
Media in category "Sexuality on Roman oil lamps"
The following 55 files are in this category, out of 55 total.
20110908 P1080770 Amuleto Museo Conimbriga.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 3.8 MB
2014-01-26 Roman Oil Lamp with Erotic Motiv 00 anagoria.JPG 3,168 × 4,277; 6.55 MB
2014-01-26 Roman Oil Lamp with Erotic Motiv 04 anagoria.JPG 3,168 × 4,752; 8.43 MB
A figure in the form of a phallic motif. Photomechanical pro Wellcome V0038919.jpg 2,400 × 3,001; 2.12 MB
Clay Lamp with loving Couple.jpg 1,699 × 2,654; 2.52 MB
Coll. borgia, lucerna con fallo alato, 50 dc ca., 27867.jpg 3,404 × 1,772; 3.95 MB
Conimbriga (13248936104).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 6.42 MB
Erotic Objects from the Borgia Collection (49344843043).jpg 4,032 × 1,960; 1.22 MB
Fragmento de cerámica (37883710731).jpg 1,900 × 2,000; 922 KB
Francia2010 (4774883768).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.69 MB
Lamp fragment IMG 4361.JPG 5,616 × 3,744; 4.46 MB
Lamp fragment IMG 4365.JPG 5,616 × 3,744; 4.64 MB
Lamp fragment IMG 4549.JPG 5,000 × 5,000; 3.48 MB
Lucerna (51343354693).jpg 1,547 × 2,000; 391 KB
Lucerna con scena erotica, da pompei, I sec dc., 109412.JPG 739 × 860; 388 KB
Lucerna Dom Diogo de Sousa Museum (6).jpg 1,484 × 1,754; 304 KB
Lucerna in bronzo a forma di nanerottolo danzante, da pompei, I sec dc, 27870.JPG 1,182 × 2,706; 1.73 MB
Lucerna in bronzo a forma di nanerottolo danzante, da pompei, I sec dc, 27871.JPG 1,368 × 2,372; 1.65 MB
Lucerne con motivi erotici, dall'italia, valle del reno e asia minore, I-III sec ca. 02.JPG 1,368 × 1,460; 1.46 MB
Lucerne con motivi erotici, dall'italia, valle del reno e asia minore, I-III sec ca. 07.JPG 1,404 × 1,823; 1.88 MB
MSR lampe a huile 2000.10.29.jpg 2,450 × 3,197; 2.17 MB
MSR lampe à huile (scène érotique).jpg 6,016 × 4,016; 6.1 MB
Musée Saint-Raymond - Lampe 04.jpg 4,272 × 2,848; 3.95 MB
Oil lamp with couple performing Sex at the Römisch-Germanisches Museum Cologne.jpg 1,071 × 1,247; 443 KB
Oil lamp with sexual motiv, 2nd to 3rd century AD, 187519.jpg 4,359 × 2,906; 8.28 MB
Oil lamp with wrestling scene, Romisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne (8119514114).jpg 2,941 × 3,946; 8.22 MB
Periodo romano, lucerna con scena erotica.jpg 1,884 × 1,806; 1.63 MB
Piazza Navona Underground (48492880912).jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 6.05 MB
RGM 113-1.jpg 992 × 1,364; 409 KB
RGM 117-1.jpg 1,087 × 1,335; 455 KB
Roman oil Lamp with erotic motif 01.jpg 1,729 × 1,954; 531 KB
Roman oil Lamp with erotic motif 02.jpg 1,821 × 2,270; 563 KB
Roman plate fragment-IMG 4714.jpg 5,000 × 5,000; 1.4 MB
Roman Terracotta Erotic Oil Lamps (28450834210).jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 3.48 MB
RomanThreesome.JPG 2,112 × 2,816; 2.58 MB
Romisch-Germanisches Museum, Cologne (8119500648).jpg 2,974 × 3,953; 7.83 MB
Secret Cabinet (48451808376).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 9.1 MB
Secret Cabinet (48452046827).jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 6.39 MB
Sexual scene - relief - 2nd century CE.jpg 2,788 × 4,000; 2.21 MB
Sexual scene - relief - 3.jpg 2,816 × 3,611; 3.02 MB
Sexual scene - relief - 31.jpg 2,130 × 2,725; 1.43 MB
Sexual scene - relief - 5.jpg 3,000 × 3,639; 2.19 MB
Sexual scene - relief - 6.jpg 3,790 × 3,000; 2.15 MB
Sexual scene - relief - 7.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 3.16 MB
Sexual scene - relief - 8.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.71 MB
Sexual scene - relief - 9.jpg 3,000 × 3,850; 3.66 MB
Sexual scene on an Oil lamp - 1st century CE.jpg 2,670 × 3,503; 2.45 MB
Sexual scene on an Oil lamp - end of 1st century CE.jpg 2,640 × 3,740; 2.28 MB
Split Archaeological Museum (10421366563).jpg 3,264 × 4,928; 5.78 MB
Telesphorus, Oil lamp, terracotta, 100-200 AD, Agora Museum Athens, 080650.jpg 2,742 × 2,024; 2.73 MB