Category:Sepia photographs of the Netherlands

This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Sepia photographs of the Netherlands"
The following 73 files are in this category, out of 73 total.
Adolf Willem Storm van 's Gravesande.png 265 × 264; 93 KB
Amsterdam, Red Ligth District, Graffiti 1996.jpg 2,146 × 3,425; 8.75 MB
Andreas Theodorus Rooswinkel 002.jpg 2,052 × 1,332; 509 KB
Betimmering eetkamer - Dining Room Wainscot (5260603758).jpg 1,280 × 928; 176 KB
Buffet - Sideboard (5260602504).jpg 1,280 × 875; 93 KB
Buffet en kastje - Buffet and Cupboard (5260602638).jpg 1,280 × 1,052; 147 KB
Dressoir - Sideboard (5259995485).jpg 1,280 × 1,016; 183 KB
Dressoir - Sideboard (5259995553).jpg 1,280 × 966; 150 KB
Dressoir - Sideboard (5260602750).jpg 953 × 1,280; 137 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259994833).jpg 1,280 × 906; 176 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259995081).jpg 1,280 × 907; 162 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259995697).jpg 1,280 × 945; 209 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259995955).jpg 947 × 1,280; 213 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259996041).jpg 1,280 × 966; 227 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259996981).jpg 1,280 × 963; 168 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259997377).jpg 1,280 × 979; 197 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259997419).jpg 1,280 × 982; 208 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259997457).jpg 1,280 × 985; 207 KB
Interieur - Interior (5259997533).jpg 1,280 × 987; 188 KB
Interieur - Interior (5260603222).jpg 1,280 × 986; 232 KB
Interieur - Interior (5260603336).jpg 1,280 × 982; 150 KB
Interieur - Interior (5260604000).jpg 1,280 × 1,026; 220 KB
Interieur - Interior (5260604464).jpg 1,280 × 982; 161 KB
Interieur Burgemeesterswoning - Mayor's House Interior (5259995273).jpg 765 × 1,280; 162 KB
Interieur eetkamer - Dining Room Interior (5259995231).jpg 1,280 × 949; 164 KB
Interieur eetkamer - Dining Room Interior (5259996703).jpg 1,280 × 982; 174 KB
Interieur eetkamer - Dining Room Interior (5260603474).jpg 972 × 1,280; 144 KB
Interieur herenkamer - Men's Room Interior (5259996803).jpg 968 × 1,280; 146 KB
Interieur herenkamer - Men's Room Interior (5260603844).jpg 962 × 1,280; 151 KB
Interieur Huis van der Leeuw - Van der Leeuw House Interior (5259997241).jpg 1,280 × 976; 155 KB
Interieur Huis van der Leeuw - Van der Leeuw House Interior (5260604162).jpg 1,280 × 972; 130 KB
Interieur huurhuis - House to let Interior (5259995183).jpg 1,280 × 908; 180 KB
Interieur landhuis - Country House Interior (5260602018).jpg 942 × 1,280; 146 KB
Interieur landhuis - Country House Interior (5260603714).jpg 1,280 × 974; 154 KB
Interieur landhuis - Country House Interior (5260604040).jpg 1,280 × 976; 206 KB
Interieur meisjeskamer - Girls Room Interior (5259995143).jpg 1,280 × 961; 194 KB
Interieur Nederlands paviljoen - Dutch Pavilion Interior (5259996641).jpg 1,280 × 968; 148 KB
Interieur Nederlands paviljoen - Dutch Pavilion Interior (5260603558).jpg 968 × 1,280; 211 KB
Interieur slaapkamer - Bedroom Interior (5259996251).jpg 1,280 × 1,211; 195 KB
Interieur slaapkamer - Bedroom Interior (5259996927).jpg 1,280 × 961; 139 KB
Interieur slaapkamer - Bedroom Interior (5259997289).jpg 1,280 × 986; 162 KB
Interieur trappenhuis - Staircase Interior (5259997337).jpg 970 × 1,280; 159 KB
Interieur vergaderzaal - Meeting Room Interior (5260603510).jpg 1,280 × 998; 148 KB
Interieur Villa Ruys - Villa Ruys Interior (5260602972).jpg 1,280 × 934; 206 KB
Interieur Villa Zonzij - Zonzij House Interior (4441099820).jpg 1,280 × 967; 238 KB
Interieur werkkamer - Study Interior (5259994921).jpg 1,280 × 952; 150 KB
Interieur werkkamer - Study Interior (5259995311).jpg 1,280 × 960; 169 KB
Interieur werkmanswoning - Working-class House Interior (5259996137).jpg 1,280 × 964; 146 KB
Interieur woonhuis - House Interior (5260602416).jpg 1,280 × 969; 188 KB
Interieur woonkamer - Living Room Interior (5260601958).jpg 1,280 × 973; 196 KB
Interieur woonkamer - Living Room Interior (5260602894).jpg 1,240 × 1,280; 204 KB
Interieur woonkamer - Living Room Interior (5260603054).jpg 1,280 × 954; 171 KB
Interieur woonkamer - Living Room Interior (5260603106).jpg 1,280 × 954; 163 KB
Interieur woonkamer - Living Room Interior (5260603882).jpg 1,280 × 966; 142 KB
Interieur zitkamer - Living Room Interior (5260601912).jpg 1,280 × 1,030; 193 KB
Kamerbetimmering met buffet - Wainscot and Buffet (5259995345).jpg 1,280 × 965; 219 KB
Kinderbedje - Child's Bed (5260604128).jpg 971 × 1,280; 151 KB
Klooster - Cloister (4440285113).jpg 1,011 × 1,280; 259 KB
Klooster van Karmelietessen - Cloister of the Carmelite Sisters (4440286035).jpg 1,280 × 922; 195 KB
Meubilair - Furniture (5259995649).jpg 1,280 × 936; 105 KB
Meubilair - Furniture (5259996179).jpg 965 × 1,280; 173 KB
Meubilair - Furniture (5260603286).jpg 1,280 × 962; 171 KB
Montelbaanstoren (4302986187).jpg 1,074 × 704; 757 KB
My home is .... (The HDR Files VII) (6045718674).jpg 3,674 × 2,888; 8.75 MB
Schrijftafel en stoel - Writing-table and Chair (5259995583).jpg 995 × 1,280; 165 KB
The HDR Files VI - The Lonely Shopper (6041478421).jpg 2,578 × 3,874; 10.48 MB
Theemeubel - Tea buffet (5260602792).jpg 980 × 1,280; 153 KB