Category:SVG priority road signs of Italy
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
Media in category "SVG priority road signs of Italy"
The following 12 files are in this category, out of 12 total.
Italian traffic signs - confluenza dx.svg 834 × 735; 3 KB
Italian traffic signs - confluenza sx.svg 834 × 735; 3 KB
Italian traffic signs - dare precedenza.svg 834 × 735; 3 KB
Italian traffic signs - diritto di precedenza.svg 847 × 847; 3 KB
Italian traffic signs - fermarsi e dare precedenza - stop.svg 1,010 × 1,010; 2 KB
Italian traffic signs - fine del diritto di precedenza.svg 847 × 847; 3 KB
Italian traffic signs - preavviso di dare precedenza (figura II 38).svg 900 × 1,086; 9 KB
Segnale stradale italiano 2025 - figura II 37 + pannello giallo verde.svg 1,051 × 1,051; 5 KB