Category:SVG maps of the history of China
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- SVG locator maps of former provinces of China (1 P, 113 F)
Media in category "SVG maps of the history of China"
The following 161 files are in this category, out of 161 total.
742nian Tang.svg 1,000 × 850; 203 KB
An Lushan rebellion 1.-2.756, cs.svg 840 × 620; 248 KB
An Lushan rebellion 10.762 - 1.763, cs.svg 389 × 299; 193 KB
An Lushan rebellion 11.757 - 4.759, cs.svg 840 × 620; 224 KB
An Lushan rebellion 12.755 - 1.756, cs.svg 840 × 620; 253 KB
An Lushan rebellion 3.-7.756, cs.svg 840 × 620; 241 KB
An Lushan rebellion 4.759 - 10.762, cs.svg 840 × 620; 220 KB
An Lushan rebellion 7.756 - 11.757, cs.svg 840 × 620; 248 KB
Ancient North China Plain blank relief map.svg 1,734 × 1,369; 657 KB
Battle of changping,长平之战.svg 512 × 418; 2.89 MB
Battle of Red Cliffs 208 extended map-en.svg 782 × 591; 762 KB
Battle of Red Cliffs 208 extended map-es.svg 782 × 591; 738 KB
Battle of Red Cliffs 208 extended map-fa.jpg 1,280 × 967; 564 KB
Battle of Red Cliffs 208 extended map-fr.svg 782 × 591; 755 KB
Battle of Red Cliffs 208 map-en.svg 843 × 480; 718 KB
Battle of Red Cliffs 208 map-es.svg 843 × 480; 645 KB
Battle of Red Cliffs 208 map-fr.svg 843 × 480; 710 KB
Buryatia - russian ostrog.svg 1,359 × 915; 171 KB
CaudillosMilitaresEnChina1925.svg 1,199 × 922; 1.1 MB
CaudillosMilitaresEnChina1925Alternativo.svg 1,124 × 1,034; 1.17 MB
Chaing Kai-shek's Strategy 1947-es.svg 1,124 × 865; 559 KB
China - Song Dynasty-mk.svg 840 × 825; 1.06 MB
China - Southern Song Dynasty-es.svg 840 × 825; 1.22 MB
China 1820 de.svg 964 × 732; 403 KB
China 1820 es.svg 964 × 732; 400 KB
China 1911 de.svg 964 × 732; 460 KB
China 1911 en.svg 964 × 732; 485 KB
China 1911 es.svg 964 × 732; 495 KB
China 763, cs.svg 481 × 580; 243 KB
China blank map (1936).svg 1,000 × 810; 237 KB
China in 1820.svg 1,288 × 999; 1.88 MB
China in 1911.svg 1,215 × 940; 1.9 MB
China in 1936.svg 1,215 × 940; 1.97 MB
China in 1946.svg 1,215 × 940; 2.11 MB
China in 1949.svg 1,181 × 940; 2.12 MB
China in 1950.svg 1,181 × 940; 2.16 MB
China in 1952.svg 1,181 × 940; 2.1 MB
China in 1954.svg 1,181 × 940; 1.99 MB
China in 1955.svg 1,181 × 940; 2.01 MB
China in 1966.svg 1,181 × 940; 2.01 MB
China in 1968.svg 1,181 × 940; 1.99 MB
China in 1979.svg 1,181 × 940; 2.02 MB
China opium growing areas 1908 AR.svg 835 × 940; 34 KB
China opium growing areas 1908 EN.svg 835 × 940; 27 KB
China, 610-es.svg 1,000 × 850; 211 KB
China, 610.svg 1,000 × 850; 211 KB
China, 742-es.svg 1,000 × 850; 179 KB
China, 742.svg 1,000 × 850; 168 KB
China, ten jiedushi 745, cs.svg 1,000 × 850; 233 KB
China-1900-en.svg 1,000 × 850; 226 KB
China-1900-es.svg 1,000 × 850; 204 KB
China-Historic macro areas.svg 1,438 × 1,047; 3.61 MB
China-Manchukuo-map (tr).svg 424 × 302; 313 KB
China-Manchukuo-map mk.svg 424 × 302; 383 KB
China-Manchukuo-map-es.svg 1,262 × 900; 600 KB
China-Manchukuo-map.svg 424 × 302; 281 KB
ChinaCivilianairlines map 1934 de.svg 2,000 × 3,048; 712 KB
Chinese Eastern Railway.svg 852 × 743; 43 KB
Chinese plain 5c. BC-cz.svg 568 × 384; 760 KB
Chinese plain 5c. BC-es.svg 568 × 384; 758 KB
Chinese plain 5c. BC-fr.svg 568 × 384; 759 KB
Chinese plain 5c. BC-mk.svg 568 × 384; 1.09 MB
Chinese plain 5c. BC-vi.svg 512 × 371; 385 KB
Cina roku 1365-es.svg 672 × 580; 1.03 MB
Cina roku 1365.svg 672 × 580; 1.14 MB
Cina v roce 1358.svg 672 × 580; 1.1 MB
Cina v roce 1360.svg 672 × 580; 1.07 MB
Communist Offensives April-October 1949-es.svg 1,124 × 865; 571 KB
Communist Offensives November 1948-January 1949-es.svg 1,124 × 865; 565 KB
Communist Offensives September through November 1948-es.svg 1,124 × 865; 568 KB
Dauria and Amur region 1650-55 cz.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 162 KB
Dauria and Amur region 1652-58 cz.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 213 KB
Dauria and Amur region 1683-84 cz.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 200 KB
Dauria and Amur region 1685 cz.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 184 KB
Dauria and Amur region 1686-88 cz.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 189 KB
Dauria and Amur region 1689 cz.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 174 KB
East Asia 5000BP.svg 718 × 514; 44 KB
East Asian Empires.svg 1,467 × 1,050; 8 MB
Emperor Taizong's campaign against Xiyu states-es.svg 1,026 × 674; 591 KB
Emperor Taizong's campaign against Xiyu states-fr.svg 1,026 × 674; 629 KB
Emperor Taizong's campaign against Xiyu states.svg 1,026 × 674; 629 KB
Establishment of the Tang Dynasty-es.svg 1,053 × 621; 1.76 MB
Establishment of the Tang Dynasty.svg 1,053 × 621; 1.69 MB
First Sino-Japanese War-es.svg 622 × 813; 682 KB
GuerraDeProtecciónNacional19151916.svg 1,124 × 865; 1.1 MB
Japanese Empire - 1942.svg 1,100 × 837; 875 KB
Japanese Occupation of China 1940 de.svg 1,119 × 857; 217 KB
Japanese Occupation of China 1940.svg 1,119 × 857; 284 KB
Map of China during Seaban of China (1661).svg 512 × 387; 242 KB
Map of East Asia (698 - 8th century)-es.svg 553 × 537; 86 KB
Map of East Asia (698 - 8th century).svg 553 × 537; 71 KB
Map of East Hebei Autonomous Council.svg 834 × 503; 75 KB
Map of Manchukuo divisions en.svg 651 × 726; 206 KB
Map of Manchukuo divisions zh-hans.svg 651 × 726; 237 KB
Map of Manchukuo divisions zh-hant.svg 651 × 726; 252 KB
Map of Qing dynasty 18c Chinese.svg 834 × 771; 189 KB
Map of Qing dynasty 18c-es.svg 834 × 771; 193 KB
Map of Qing dynasty 18c.svg 834 × 771; 207 KB
Map of Reformed, Provisional Gov of ROC and Mengjiang - zh-hant.svg 217 × 277; 256 KB
Map of Shaan-Gan-Ning.svg 415 × 441; 93 KB
MapaDeManchukúo.svg 808 × 953; 172 KB
Ming Empire cca 1580 (en).svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.21 MB
Ming Empire cca 1580 (fr).svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.19 MB
Ming Empire cca 1580 (ja).svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.18 MB
Ming Empire cca 1580 (mk).svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.33 MB
Ming Empire cca 1580 (nl).svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.18 MB
Ming Empire cca 1580 (vi).svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.18 MB
Ming Empire cca 1580 (zh-hant).svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.18 MB
Ming Empire cca 1580 es.svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.18 MB
Ming Empire cca 1580-hu.svg 2,304 × 2,344; 2.18 MB
Nanyue.svg 595 × 583; 107 KB
National market in the late Ming.svg 628 × 641; 167 KB
National Protection War map zh-tw.svg 512 × 394; 658 KB
Neolithic china.svg 2,000 × 1,722; 811 KB
OcupaciónJaponesaDeChina1940.svg 1,124 × 865; 1.05 MB
Poamuří kolonizace.svg 1,354 × 779; 174 KB
PrimeraFaseCentroExpediciónAlNorte.svg 1,833 × 1,216; 28.67 MB
PrimeraFaseSurExpediciónAlNorte.svg 1,860 × 1,374; 24.58 MB
Prince of Ning rebelion.svg 138 × 194; 197 KB
Prince of Ning rebellion cz.svg 499 × 577; 94 KB
Provincie říše Ming éry Jung-le.svg 628 × 641; 910 KB
Provincie říše Ming.svg 628 × 641; 634 KB
Qing Dynasty 1911 - cs.svg 1,004 × 763; 448 KB
Qing Dynasty blank map 1820.svg 850 × 709; 2.59 MB
Qing Dynasty blank map 1911.svg 1,004 × 763; 436 KB
Qingdongling map.svg 1,314 × 1,035; 34 KB
Region of xia.svg 728 × 608; 26 KB
RevoluciónDeXinhai1911.svg 1,124 × 865; 843 KB
Rise Tchang 700 nl CS.svg 556 × 537; 479 KB
ROC Administrative Subdivisions zh-hant.svg 677 × 535; 306 KB
ROC CY.svg 677 × 535; 370 KB
ROC-Timezones (zh TW).svg 735 × 585; 238 KB
ROC-Timezones.svg 735 × 585; 130 KB
ROC-TimeZones.svg 735 × 585; 343 KB
RP Chine administrative uk.svg 857 × 699; 269 KB
RutasDeAbastecimientoDelGobiernoDeChongqing.svg 1,125 × 897; 1.03 MB
Sino-russian border after treaty of Nerchinsk.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 196 KB
Sino-Russian border conflicts cz.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 222 KB
Sino-Russian border conflicts es.svg 1,985 × 1,281; 395 KB
Sino-Soviet split 1980.svg 940 × 477; 1.53 MB
Sui-610.svg 1,000 × 850; 219 KB
Syanbi state-es.svg 2,042 × 1,445; 323 KB
Tang Dynasty 700 CE-es.svg 556 × 537; 540 KB
Tang Dynasty 700 CE-pt.svg 556 × 537; 540 KB
Tang Dynasty 700 CE.svg 556 × 537; 537 KB
Tang Dynasty in the 8th century ja.svg 2,008 × 1,418; 160 KB
Tang outline map, 661.svg 1,288 × 757; 64 KB
TerritoriosDeLaCamarilladeAnhui1917.svg 1,123 × 910; 1.04 MB
Tillson Harrison last journey map.svg 933 × 621; 105 KB
Trade Offices of the Ming dynasty.svg 628 × 641; 118 KB
Wojna chinsko-japonska 1894-95.svg 622 × 814; 1.66 MB
Xia dynasty.svg 864 × 744; 906 KB
Yongli-itinerary-cropped.svg 585 × 231; 638 KB
Zh-DAYUAN map.svg 726 × 334; 526 KB
Říše Ming - obyvatelstvo 1393.svg 628 × 641; 469 KB
Říše Ming 1368-1387.svg 628 × 641; 469 KB
Říše Ming éry Chung-wu.svg 628 × 641; 469 KB
护国战争.svg 1,124 × 865; 583 KB
만주국.svg 808 × 953; 39 KB