Category:SVG logos of political parties in Romania
Media in category "SVG logos of political parties in Romania"
The following 67 files are in this category, out of 67 total.
ADU (Dreapta Unită) logo (blue background).svg 240 × 240; 16 KB
ADU (Dreapta Unită) logo (transparent).svg 240 × 240; 16 KB
ADU Portrait Placeholder.svg 180 × 240; 16 KB
Alianța Maghiară din Transilvania Logo.svg 800 × 800; 27 KB
Bell symbol of the Independent-Popular List, Romania, 1919.svg 443 × 425; 76 KB
Bloc of Democratic Parties sun (sky blue).svg 571 × 571; 5 KB
BM-Ț emblem, 1931.svg 700 × 989; 534 KB
Coasa-și-grebla.svg 1,329 × 1,153; 6 KB
Coat of arms of PCR (alternative version).svg 600 × 600; 127 KB
Coat of arms of PCR.svg 916 × 1,084; 120 KB
Crusade of Romanianism emblem.svg 394 × 447; 55 KB
Demokratisches Forum der Deutschen in Rumänien (deutsches Logo).svg 1,015 × 110; 19 KB
Emblem of the Rumänische Volksdeutsche Verein.svg 393 × 371; 6 KB
Erdélyi Párt symbol.svg 587 × 793; 109 KB
Flag of the Iron Guard (Legion of the Archangel Michael or Legionary Movement).svg 900 × 600; 323 bytes
Guardiadehierro.svg 326 × 326; 1 KB
I Ching tetragram 4 horizontals.svg 469 × 303; 3 KB
Jewish Democratic Committee logo.svg 307 × 243; 13 KB
Junimea emblem, October 1885.svg 684 × 483; 1.21 MB
Logo of HaOved HaTzioni (Haoved Haționi), Cluj, 1948.svg 556 × 667; 17 KB
Logo of the Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania.svg 512 × 53; 11 KB
Logo of the National Agrarian Party (Goga).svg 757 × 732; 4 KB
Logo of the National Democratic Front (Romania, 1944).svg 697 × 269; 4 KB
Logo of the Romanian Conservative-Democrats, 1923.svg 352 × 371; 423 KB
Logo of the Save Romania Union (2022, transparent).svg 131 × 42; 5 KB
Logo of the Transylvanian Mizrachi, 1929.svg 883 × 306; 122 KB
Logo PNȚ Biblioteca de informație cetățenească 1933.svg 678 × 678; 360 KB
Logo USR 2022 (1).svg 175 × 175; 4 KB
Logo USR 2022 (2).svg 175 × 175; 4 KB
Logo USR Uniunea Salvați România.svg 600 × 600; 3 KB
Logo USR.svg 600 × 600; 15 KB
LVȚ logo.svg 267 × 187; 2 KB
Magyar Party saltire.svg 549 × 260; 2 KB
National Christian Party swastika.svg 244 × 244; 26 KB
National Renaissance Front logo and badge.svg 329 × 376; 95 KB
Noua Dreaptă 2023 logo.svg 527 × 527; 4 KB
Ochiul PNȚ, 1946.svg 322 × 182; 5 KB
Old symbols of the Romanian National Liberals.svg 1,791 × 858; 22 KB
PartidPiratRomania2010.svg 960 × 960; 50 KB
Partidul Național Liberal (PNL) logo.svg 960 × 960; 6 KB
Partidul Național Liberal Logo.svg 428 × 86; 3 KB
Partidul Național Popular logo.svg 321 × 130; 7 KB
Partidul Oamenilor Liberi.svg 301 × 355; 36 KB
Partidul Oamenilor Tineri.svg 183 × 191; 4 KB
PC.svg 800 × 800; 5 KB
PMP logo.svg 323 × 514; 5 KB
PNL logo.svg 966 × 326; 11 KB
PRO România.svg 364 × 151; 10 KB
Partidul Social Democrat logo.svg 376 × 376; 28 KB
PSD-UNPR-PC logo.svg 376 × 376; 17 KB
PSD-PNL (CNR) 2024 logo.svg 624 × 624; 43 KB
REPER logo.svg 648 × 189; 1 KB
Revisionist menorah in Romania.svg 429 × 458; 7 KB
Romanian Communist Party logo, 1933.svg 247 × 275; 23 KB
Romanian fascist symbols.svg 188 × 199; 9 KB
Sickle logo.svg 164 × 164; 18 KB
Simbol - Grupul parlamentar al minorităților naționale.svg 353 × 353; 5 KB
SOS Romania logo.svg 2,044 × 2,026; 12 KB
Stea Averescu.svg 400 × 411; 1.85 MB
Symbol of Union of Communist Youth.svg 470 × 653; 34 KB
Two circles and bars (Ukrainian National Party).svg 609 × 335; 3 KB
USR logo.svg 115 × 159; 5 KB
USR PLUS Logo.svg 512 × 252; 5 KB
Wheat & sickle, FP.svg 1,060 × 1,069; 117 KB
Ținta (Frontul Românesc).svg 175 × 178; 2 KB