Category:SVG coats of arms of Brazilian baronies
This category assembles the coats of arms created for the barons of the Empire of Brazil (1822–1889). It is not guaranteed, however, that all blazons created during the First Reign are here, since the registries of this period were partially destroyed, and much that is known nowadays is a result of later researches. The coats of arms are named after the highest rank achieved by the first noble that received each blazon. Many arms were shared by different titles, but were not transmitted hereditarily. Most of these arms are based on arms of Portuguese families, since the majority of the Brazilian aristocracy had Portuguese ancestors. The Brazilian heraldry presents, nevertheless, some French influence, due to the active presence of some French artists in the country, like Debret, Taunay and Boulanger – the second and last king of arms of Brazil.
Media in category "SVG coats of arms of Brazilian baronies"
The following 115 files are in this category, out of 115 total.
COA Baron of Abiaí.svg 347 × 432; 336 KB
COA Baron of Água Branca.svg 344 × 432; 43 KB
COA Viscount of Aguiar de Toledo.svg 347 × 432; 155 KB
COA Baron of Alegrete.svg 347 × 432; 4.36 MB
COA Baron of Almeida Ramos.svg 347 × 432; 1.57 MB
COA Baron of Amaraji.svg 347 × 432; 435 KB
COA Baron of Atibaia.svg 483 × 603; 978 bytes
COA Baron of Avelar e Almeida.svg 347 × 432; 88 KB
COA Marquess of Baependi.svg 347 × 432; 67 KB
COA Marquess of Barbacena.svg 347 × 432; 1.52 MB
COA Baron of Beberibe.svg 347 × 432; 707 KB
COA Baron of Bemposta.svg 347 × 432; 70 KB
COA Baron of Benfica.svg 347 × 432; 62 KB
COA Baron of Cambaí.svg 278 × 346; 44 KB
COA Baron of Campo Verde.svg 347 × 432; 2.6 MB
COA Marquess of Cantagalo.svg 347 × 432; 25 KB
COA Count of Carapebus.svg 347 × 432; 790 KB
COA Baron of Cascalho.svg 347 × 432; 61 KB
COA Baron of Castelo.svg 347 × 432; 335 KB
COA Baron of Catete.svg 347 × 432; 575 KB
COA Duke of Caxias.svg 347 × 432; 1.62 MB
COA Viscount of Maracaju.svg 347 × 432; 182 KB
COA Baron of Diamantino.svg 347 × 432; 1.25 MB
COA Baron of Engenho Novo.svg 278 × 346; 369 KB
COA Viscount of Entre-Rios.svg 347 × 432; 3.17 MB
COA Marquess of Erval.svg 347 × 432; 57 KB
COA Baron of Escragnolle.svg 347 × 432; 9 KB
COA Baron of Estrela.svg 347 × 432; 115 KB
COA Baron of Fonseca.svg 347 × 432; 1.59 MB
COA Viscount of Gamboa.svg 347 × 432; 48 KB
COA Marquess of Gávea.svg 347 × 432; 29 KB
COA Viscount of Guaí.svg 347 × 432; 149 KB
COA Viscount of Guaratiba.svg 347 × 432; 450 KB
COA Baron of Guaribu.svg 347 × 432; 155 KB
COA Baron of Gurupi.svg 347 × 432; 697 KB
COA Baron of Ibiapaba.svg 347 × 432; 440 KB
COA Baron of Iguape.svg 347 × 432; 172 KB
COA Count of Ipanema.svg 347 × 432; 35 KB
COA Baron of Ipiabas.svg 347 × 432; 104 KB
COA Viscount of Ipiabas.svg 347 × 432; 103 KB
COA Baron of Ipojuca.svg 347 × 432; 236 KB
COA Viscount of Itabapoana.svg 347 × 432; 1.14 MB
COA Count of Itaguaí.svg 347 × 432; 324 KB
COA Baron of Itamarati.svg 347 × 432; 23 KB
COA Baron of Itambi.svg 512 × 637; 57 KB
COA Viscount of Itaúna.svg 347 × 432; 1.1 MB
COA Baron of Itu.svg 347 × 432; 8 KB
COA Baron of Ivaí.svg 347 × 432; 427 KB
COA Baron of Ivinheima.svg 347 × 432; 187 KB
Brasao Bento Lucio de Machado.svg 602 × 957; 41 KB
COA Marquess of Jacarepaguá.svg 347 × 432; 491 KB
COA Baron of Japurá.svg 347 × 432; 750 KB
COA Marquess of Jundiaí.svg 347 × 432; 108 KB
COA Baron of Laguna.svg 347 × 432; 61 KB
COA Baron of Limeira.svg 278 × 346; 736 KB
COA Baron of Lorena.svg 347 × 432; 408 KB
COA Baron of Macabu.svg 347 × 432; 47 KB
COA Viscount of Macaé.svg 347 × 432; 382 KB
COA Baron of Maraú.svg 278 × 346; 12 KB
Brasão do municipio de japaratuba.jpg 620 × 1,004; 81 KB
COA Baron of Maruim.svg 465 × 661; 787 KB
COA Viscount of Mecejana.svg 347 × 432; 67 KB
COA Viscount of Meriti.svg 347 × 432; 31 KB
COA Marquess of Monte Alegre.svg 347 × 432; 53 KB
COA Baron of Morenos.svg 347 × 432; 620 KB
COA Baron of Muriaé.svg 347 × 432; 171 KB
COA Marquess of Muritiba.svg 347 × 432; 52 KB
COA Baron of Nazaré.svg 347 × 432; 354 KB
COA Count of Nioaque.svg 347 × 432; 427 KB
COA Baron of Nova Friburgo.svg 278 × 346; 97 KB
COA Count of Nova Friburgo.svg 347 × 432; 37 KB
COA Baron of Oliveira Roxo.svg 347 × 432; 3.14 MB
COA Baron of Ouricuri.svg 347 × 432; 3.15 MB
COA Baron of Palmeiras.svg 347 × 432; 61 KB
COA Marquess of Paraná.svg 347 × 432; 909 KB
COA Baron of Pati dos Alferes.svg 347 × 432; 920 KB
COA Viscount of Pindamonhangaba.svg 347 × 432; 21 KB
COA Viscount of Piraçununga.svg 347 × 432; 3.27 MB
COA Baron of Pirapama.svg 347 × 432; 4.41 MB
COA Baron of Poconé.svg 347 × 432; 35 KB
COA Count of Porto Alegre.svg 278 × 346; 845 KB
COA Baron of Quartim.svg 278 × 346; 383 KB
COA Baron of Ribeirão.svg 347 × 432; 144 KB
COA Baron of Rio Bonito.svg 347 × 432; 172 KB
COA Viscount of Rio Bonito.svg 347 × 432; 128 KB
COA Baron of Rio Branco.svg 347 × 432; 33 KB
COA Baron of Santa Clara.svg 347 × 432; 767 KB
COA Baron of Santa Fé.svg 347 × 432; 13 KB
COA Baron of Santa Justa.svg 347 × 432; 634 KB
COA Baron of Santa Rosa.svg 347 × 432; 584 KB
COA Baron of Santo Ângelo.svg 347 × 432; 7 KB
COA Baron of São Bento.svg 347 × 432; 110 KB
COA Baron of São Fidélis.svg 347 × 432; 1.36 MB
COA Baron of São Gonçalo.svg 347 × 432; 201 KB
COA Baron of São João da Barra.svg 347 × 432; 1.12 MB
COA Baron of São João de Icaraí.svg 347 × 432; 637 KB
COA Baron of São João Marcos.svg 347 × 432; 310 KB
COA Baron of São João do Príncipe.svg 278 × 346; 2.09 MB
COA Baron of São João do Rio Claro.svg 347 × 432; 84 KB
COA Baron of São Joaquim.svg 347 × 432; 79 KB
COA Baron of São José.svg 278 × 346; 931 KB
COA Baron of São Vítor.svg 347 × 432; 203 KB
COA Baron of Saquarema.svg 347 × 432; 219 KB
COA Baron of Silveiras.svg 347 × 432; 89 KB
COA Baron of Sirinhaém.svg 347 × 432; 65 KB
COA Baron of Soledade.svg 347 × 432; 258 KB
COA Viscount of Suaçuna.svg 347 × 432; 2.64 MB
COA Viscount of Tabatinga.svg 347 × 432; 618 KB
COA Baron of Tefé.svg 347 × 432; 343 KB
COA Baron of Teresópolis.svg 347 × 432; 66 KB
COA Baron of Tinguá (first).svg 278 × 346; 16 KB
COA Baron of Valença.svg 278 × 346; 548 KB
COA Marquess of Valença (Brazil).svg 347 × 432; 238 KB
COA Count of Vila Nova de São José.svg 347 × 432; 121 KB
COA Marquess of Vila Real da Praia Grande.svg 347 × 432; 68 KB