<nowiki>febbre da morso di ratto; fièvre par morsure de rat; Vrućica štakorskog ugriza; Rattenbissfieber; estreptobacilose; 鼠咬熱; 鼠咬症; Demam gigitan tikus; rottebitfeber; гарячки від укусу пацюків; rattenbeetziekte; קדחת נשיכת העכברוש; Gorączka od ugryzienia szczura; Sốt chuột cắn; fiebre de mordedura de rata; rat-bite fever; حمى عضة الجرذ; freve da morsegon de sorze; எலி காய்ச்சல்; malattia febbrile sistemica; durch Bisse von Nagern übertragene Infektionskrankheit des Menschen; streptobacillose et sodoku; human disease; մարդու հիվանդություն; інфекційні хвороби зоонозного характеру; مرض يصيب الإنسان; Febbre streptobacillare da morso di ratto; Sodoku; Febbri da morso di ratto; Febbre di Haverhill; Sodoku; febre da mordedura do rato; febre da mordedura da ratazana; febre de Haverhill; eritema artrítica epidêmica; Rat bite fever (disorder); Rat-bite fever; Rat-bite fever NOS (disorder); Rat-bite fever, unspecified (disorder); Unspecified rat-bite fever; Sodoku; Choroba sodoku; Spirilloza; Streptobaciloza; Gorączka szczurza; Gorączka Haverhill; Szczurza gorączka; спірильоз; стрептобацильоз; содоку; fiebre de Haverhill; eritema artrítica epidémica; eritema artritica epidemica</nowiki>
English: Rats, like many other species, can be hosts to a number of diseases, and are known natural reservoirs of several zoonoses (infectious diseases able to be transmitted between species). Both Black rats and Brown rats are well known rodents that have had a close relationship with humans since the beginnings of civilization. They can also carry parasites like rat lungworm.
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.