Category:Reproductive system
system of organs within an organism which work together for the purpose of reproduction | |||||
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This category has the following 14 subcategories, out of 14 total.
Media in category "Reproductive system"
The following 39 files are in this category, out of 39 total.
Anatomy of male and female human genitalia - blanc.png 2,220 × 1,152; 396 KB
Brockhaus and Efron Encyclopedic Dictionary b17 466-0.jpg 777 × 1,118; 164 KB
Chordate anatomy (1939) (19990287053).jpg 900 × 1,442; 216 KB
Complete diagram of a human spermatozoa bg.svg 621 × 554; 187 KB
Constitution02.jpg 907 × 599; 206 KB
Cycas circinalis male strobilus.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 4.06 MB
D.melanogaster Female Sperm Storage.jpg 569 × 237; 35 KB
Differentiation sexuel.png 1,297 × 2,444; 489 KB
Entsprechungen der Organe im Genitalsystem des Menschen.png 2,100 × 1,660; 242 KB
Female reproductive tract in mammals 1.png 2,100 × 1,348; 78 KB
Female-reproductive-organs-mammals.svg 512 × 271; 105 KB
Graafian Follicle Labelled.jpg 1,280 × 720; 157 KB
Graafian follicle.svg 512 × 724; 346 KB
Insekten-weibliche-geschlechtsorgane-2706.svg 512 × 512; 1.41 MB
Is it possible to get pregnant with one fallopian tube.png 1,200 × 630; 174 KB
Kidney-Cortex.JPG 2,816 × 2,112; 2.21 MB
Les voies génitales femelles chez les mammifères.png 2,122 × 1,348; 105 KB
Malformación uterina.png 1,600 × 1,000; 94 KB
On the anatomy of vertebrates (electronic resource) (1866) (14750969595).jpg 950 × 1,478; 389 KB
Oocyte Determinants.jpg 419 × 653; 44 KB
Oocyte Poles.jpg 419 × 653; 37 KB
Organe gonoporal de Chiracanthium.jpg 1,481 × 1,127; 174 KB
Parasite140013-fig3 Pterygodermatites (Paucipectines) baiomydis Photo.tif 1,102 × 896; 1.68 MB
Parasite170078-fig3 Cichlidogyrus philander (Monogenea, Ancyrocephalidae).png 2,120 × 2,118; 3.3 MB
Primary and secondary hypogonadism in pathogenesis of LOH.jpg 581 × 342; 39 KB
Rokitansky illustration.png 639 × 314; 123 KB
Schema-urogenitalsystem-voegel-weiblich.svg 512 × 444; 2.35 MB
Sistem pembiakan perempuan 1.png 1,988 × 1,084; 277 KB
The cyclopædia of anatomy and physiology (1849) (20202040663).jpg 1,266 × 848; 136 KB
Urachal cyst.jpg 944 × 608; 252 KB
Uterine malformation.png 1,600 × 1,000; 97 KB
Utero arcuato 1.png 820 × 480; 27 KB
Uterus bicornis - Zoologie 1.png 790 × 730; 35 KB
Weibliche Becken- und Genitalorgane 1.png 2,036 × 1,060; 305 KB
Weibliche Geschlechtsgänge bei Säugetieren 1.png 2,233 × 1,348; 174 KB
Weibliche-geschlechtsgaenge-saeugetiere.svg 512 × 276; 180 KB
Weibliche-geschlechtsgaenge-uterus-bicornis.svg 512 × 587; 78 KB