Category:Report of the Commissioner for 1882 (1884)

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Contents: (Text)
I. Tanner, Z. Report on the work of the U. S. Fish Commission steamer Fish Hawk for the year ending December 31, 1882, and on the construction of the steamer Albatross
II. Wood, W. M. Report of the operations of the USFC steamer Lookout...
III. Eastmann, F. S. Description of the U. S. Fish Commission car No. 2, designed for the distribution of young fish
IV. McDonald, M. A new system of fishway building
V. The United States exhibit at the Berlin International Fishery Exposition of 1880. From "Vossische Zeitung"
VI. (list)
VII. (list)
VIII. Sanford, F. C. Notes upon the history of the American whale fishery
IX. Southwell, T. The bottle-nose whale fishery in the North Atlantic Ocean
X. Extracts from the first annual report of the Fishery Board of Scotland
XI. Collins, J. W. History of the tile-fish
XII. Storer, F. H. Memoranda of methods employed by fishermen for "barking" and in other ways preserving nets and sails
XIII. Collins, J. W. Notes on the habits and methods of capture of various species of sea birds...
XIV. Bean, T. H. List of the fishes collected by the United States Fish Commission at Woods Hole, Mass., during the summer of 1881
XV. Smith, S. Report on the decapod crustacea of the Albatross dredging off the east coast of the United States in 1883
XVI. Hensen, V. On the occurrence and quantity of the eggs of some of the fish of the Baltic...
XVII. Ryder, J. A. A contribution to the embryography of osseous fishes...
XVIII. Ryder, J. A. On the preservation of embryonic materials and small organisms...
XIX. Blake, W. P. A report to the United States Centennial Commission upon the principal aquariums abroad in 1873
XX. Verrill, A. R. Notice of the remarkable marine fauna occupying the outer banks off the southern coast of New England, and of some additions to the fauna of Vineyard Sound
XXI Bouchon-Brandely, G. Report to the minister of the marine relative to oyster culture upon the shores of the British Channel and the ocean
XXII. Brocchi, P. Report on the condition of oyster-culture in France in 1881
XIII. Winslow, F. Report of experiments in the artificial propagation of oysters...
XXIV. Ryder, J. A. An account of experiments in oyster-culture and observations relating thereto
XXV. Ryder, J. A. The metamorphosis and post-larval stages of development of the oyster
XXVI. Puysegur, M. On the cause of the greening of oysters
XXVII. Mather, F. Account of eggs repacked and shipped to foreign countries...
XXVIII. Clark, F. N. Report of the operations at the Northville and Alpena (Mich.) stations for the season of 1882-'83
XXIX. Stone, L. Report of operations at the salmon-breeding station of the United States Fish Commission on the McCloud River, Cal., during the season of 1882.
XXX. Stone, L. Report of operations at the trout-breeding station of the United States Fish Commission on the McCloud River, Cal., during the season of 1882.
XXXI. Atkins, C. G. Report on the propagation of Penobscot salmon in 1882-83
XXXII. Atkins, C. G. Report on the propagation of Schoodic salmon in 1882-83
XXXIII. Mather, F. Report upon the hatching and distribution of Penobscot and landlocked or Schoodic salmon...
XXXIV. McDonald, M. Report of operations at Central Station, United States Fish Commission, during the year 1882
XXXV. Wood, W. M. Report of operations at the Navy Yard shad-hatching station...
XXXVI. McDonald, M. Report on the distribution of shad through Central Station...
XXXVII Smiley, C. W. Statistics of the shad-hatching operations conducted by the United States Fish Commission in 1882
XXXVIII. McDonald, M. Report of the distribution of carp during the season of 1882
XXXIX. Smiley, C. W. Report of the distribution of carp to July 1, 1881, from young reared in 1879 ad 1880
XL. Nickles, C. The artificial feeding of carp
XLI. Collins, J. W. Report of a trip of exploration in the Chesapeake Bay made in the spring of 1882 by the steamer Fish Hawk...
XLII. (list)
XLIII. Verrill, A. E. Physical character of the portion of the continental border beneath the Gulf Stream explored by the Fish Hawk