<nowiki>religiozni humanizem; humanisme religiós; הומניזם דתי; Religieus humanisme; религиозный гуманизм; 宗教人文主义; religia humanismo; Uskonnollinen humanismi; religious humanism; انسانگرایی دینی; Θρησκευτικός ανθρωπισμός; humanismo religioso; integration of humanist ethical philosophy with religious rituals and beliefs that center on human needs, interests, and abilities; povezovanje humanistične etične filozofije z verskimi obredi in verovanji, ki se osredotočajo na človekove potrebe, interese in sposobnosti; verski humanizem; אנושנות דתית; Religieus-humanisme; Religieus humanistische; Spiritueel humanisme</nowiki>
religious humanism
integration of humanist ethical philosophy with religious rituals and beliefs that center on human needs, interests, and abilities