Category:Regular graphs

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<nowiki>grafo regular; reguláris gráf; регулярный граф; regulärer Graph; گراف منتظم; 正則圖; graf regulat; 正則グラフ; Pravidelný graf; регулярний граф; 正則圖; 정규 그래프; regula grafo; regulární graf; ஒழுங்கு கோட்டுரு; grafo regolare; graphe régulier; Regularan graf; Đồ thị chính quy; regularni graf; 正則圖; regelmatige graaf; graf regularny; Reguljär graf; 正則圖; Regulaarne graaf; regular graph; Регулярен граф; grafo regular; grafo regular; graf regular; 正则图; גרף רגולרי; grafo in cui tutti i vertici hanno lo stesso grado; graphe dont chaque sommet possède le même nombre de voisins; 各顶点的度相同的图; matematikai fogalom; graf z równym stopniem wszystkich wierzchołków; גרף שבו דרגת כל הקודקודים שווה, כלומר מספר הקשתות היוצאות מכל קודקוד קבוע; 每個頂點擁有相同鄰居數之圖; граф, степени всех вершин которого равны; گرافی که در آن تعداد مجاور های هر راس با یکدیگر برابر است; Graphentheorie; graph where each vertex has the same number of neighbors; un grafo onde cada vértice ten o mesmo número de veciños; grafo tia, ke ĉiu vertico havas la saman nombron da najbaroj; 各顶点的度相同的图; graf la care fiecare nod are același număr de vecini; graf k-regulat; reguláris gráfok; Regulárny graf; K-регулярний граф; Graafi regulaarsus; однородный граф; k-регулярный граф; Еднороден граф; Правилен граф; K-regulärer Graph; Đồ thị chính quy mạnh; regular graphs; k‑regular graph; گراف منظم; 正则图; pravidelný graf</nowiki>
regular graph 
graph where each vertex has the same number of neighbors
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Wikidata Q826467
BabelNet ID: 03742114n
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English: This category should contain only categories. Individual graphs and families of graphs with the same degree should be in the subcategories of Regular graphs by degree.


This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.

Media in category "Regular graphs"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.