Category:Reed (plant)
English: Reed is a generic botanical term used to describe numerous tall, often unrelated grass-like plants of wet places.
Reed (plant) |
Žemaitėška: Nendrė īr migliniu šėimuos žuolinis augals. Aug ežerū, tvankiniū, pelkiu, mariu pakrontėsė, sodara vėšlius sāžalīnus.
Català: La canya és la tija de diferents poàcies (antigament gramínies) lignificades. El seu nom prové del llatí canna i del grec kanna, que a la vegada tenen origens semítics qanaw-: en accadi qanû, en arameu qanya i en hebreu qane, que conformen l'arrel protoindoeuropea qnw.
Čeština: Rákos obecný (lat. Phragmites australis) je velmi statná vytrvalá tráva dorůstající 1 - 4 m (ale někdy až 6 m).
Dansk: Tagrør (Phragmites australis) er et staudegræs med en tæppedannende, men opret vækst. Stænglerne er først blågrønne, men de bliver snart grågrønne. De er opdelt i afsnit med markante led ("knæ"), som hver bærer ét af de spredte blade. Bladene er flade, hårløse og grågrønne med hel (men skarp) rand. Bladskeden er åben og lukker sig ikke omkring stænglen. Blomstringen sker i august-september, hvor man ser de mange, violette småaks samlet i en endestillet top. De nedre aks er som regel rent hanlige, mens de øverste er tvekønnede. Blomsterne er - som altid hos græsserne - reducerede og uregelmæssige. Frugterne er nødder.
Deutsch: Schilf bezeichnet:
Ελληνικά: Το καλάμι ή καλαμιά είναι κοινή ονομασία πολλών μονοκότυλων πολυετών συνήθως φυτών.
Español: El término caña denomina vulgarmente tallos cilíndricos, con nudos macizos y entrenudos huecos.
Eesti: Harilik pilliroog (Phragmites australis) on taime liik kõrreliste sugukonna pilliroo perekonnast. Pilliroog on levikult kosmopoliit.
Suomi: Järviruoko eli ryti (Phragmites australis) on rannoilla kasvava monivuotinen ruohovartinen kasvi, jota voidaan käyttää monella tavoin hyödyksi. Se on ainoa Suomessa kasvava ruokolaji. Järviruo’on varsi on pysty ja tavallisesti 1–3 metriä korkea, hyvin ravinteisissa paikoissa jopa nelimetrinen. Lämpimillä seuduilla se voi kasvaa 7 metriä korkeaksi. Lehdet ovat pitkiä ja 1–2 cm leveitä, vihreitä ja terävälaitaisia. Röyhy on tuuhea, miehen kämmenen kokoinen. Juurakko on haarova ja pitkä. Järviruoko lisääntyy sekä siemenistä että kasvullisesti juurakosta.
Français : On appelle diverses plantes des sols humides d'assez grande taille, à tige creuse et rigide, plus ou moins ligneuse. Il s'agit d'un terme ambigu qui en général, en français, peut désigner des graminées, appartenant particulièrement aux genres Arundo ou Phragmites.
Italiano: La cannuccia di palude (Phragmites australis) è una pianta erbacea perenne della famiglia delle Poaceae.
한국어: 갈대는 세계의 온대와 한대에 걸쳐 널리 분포하는 여러해살이풀이다. 습지나 갯가, 호수 주변의 모래땅에 군락을 이루고 자란다. 뿌리줄기의 마디에서 많은 황색의 수염뿌리가 난다. 줄기는 마디가 있고 속이 비었으며, 높이는 3m 정도이다. 잎은 긴 피치형이며 끝이 뾰족하다. 잎집은 줄기를 둘러싸고 털이 있다. 꽃은 8-9월에 피고, 수많은 작은꽃이삭이 줄기 끝에 원추꽃차례로 달리며, 처음에는 자주색이다가 담백색으로 변한다. 포영은 호영보다 짧고 3맥이 있으며, 첫째작은꽃은 수꽃이다. 양성소화의 호영은 안쪽으로 말려서 끝이 까락처럼 되고, 수술은 3개이며 꽃밥은 2㎜ 정도이다. 열매는 영과이고 종자에 관모가 있어 바람에 쉽게 날려 멀리 퍼진다. 번식은 종자와 땅속줄기로 잘 된다.
Lietuvių: Paprastoji nendrė - miglinių (Poaceae) šeimos augalų rūšis. Augalas 100-400 cm aukščio. Auga krantuose, pelkėse, pakelių grioviuose. Ypač vešlūs nendrynai Kuršių marių plovuose. Žydi liepos – rugsėjo mėn.
Nederlands: Riet of echt riet (Phragmites australis, synoniem: Phragmites communis) is een plant die behoort ot de grassenfamilie (Poaceae). De plant is prominent aanwezig is aan waterkanten. Rietgras (Phalaris arundinacea) lijkt in het vegatieve stadium veel op riet, maar heeft een vliezig tongetje in plaats van haartjes. Riet breidt zich op drie manieren uit: door zaad, door wortelstokken en door runners, dit zijn horizontale stengels waarbij op de knopen een nieuwe plant ontstaat. De plant komt ook als exoot in de Verenigde Staten voor. Daar wordt de plant als invasieve soort of onkruid gezien.
Polski: Trzcina pospolita (Phragmites australis (Cav.)Trin. ex Steud) – gatunek rośliny z rodziny wiechlinowatych (Poaceae).
Svenska: Bladvass, vass eller rörvass (Phragmites australis) är en art i växtfamiljen gräs. Denna art anses ofta vara den enda i vass-släktet (Phragmites).
Українська: Очерет звичайний (Phragmites australis (Cav.) Trin. ex Steud.) (Phragmites communis Trin.). Місцеві назви - очерет.
Tiếng Việt: Sậy trong tiếng Việt là một thuật ngữ trong ngành thực vật học được sử dụng để chỉ tới một trong các loài thực vật có bề ngoài khá giống nhau, được chỉ ra dưới đây:
Walon : Les rozeas, c' est des plantes avou on stocaesse bodje, ki crexhèt purade li long des aiwes.
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This category has the following 16 subcategories, out of 16 total.
Media in category "Reed (plant)"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 337 total.
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12-10-23 Einafjorden PermaLiv 01.jpg 5,882 × 3,922; 30.61 MB
2012 'Seegfrörni' - Pfäffikersee - Strandbad Auslikon 2012-02-12 15-07-29 (SX230).JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 3.89 MB
2012-02-12-Lagofrostigho (Foto Dietrich Michael Weidmann) 059.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 4.05 MB
2012-02-12-Lagofrostigho (Foto Dietrich Michael Weidmann) 060.JPG 3,872 × 2,592; 4.68 MB
2016-12 reeds and fence in snow.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 10.11 MB
2017-07-29 Kufstein Hechtsee9 Seerosen.jpg 5,456 × 3,632; 7.66 MB
2021 — Erste Julireise Mateus2019 — Batch (216).jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 3.02 MB
500px photo (41810242).jpeg 2,048 × 1,365; 557 KB
500px photo (68997749).jpeg 2,048 × 1,357; 1.24 MB
A beach on Lake Ontario at the 4th Concession, Pickering.jpg 3,869 × 2,579; 4.84 MB
Abant lake snowy.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.81 MB
Acrocephalus arundinaceus nest (cropped).jpg 961 × 1,159; 523 KB
Acrocephalus arundinaceus nest.jpg 1,545 × 1,403; 878 KB
Afritzersee, Schilf Westufer, Villach Land, Kärnten.jpg 1,500 × 938; 851 KB
Al-Doragh.JPG 1,024 × 768; 383 KB
Alsógyenes (10).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.76 MB
Alsógyenes (11).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.95 MB
Alsógyenes (12).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.78 MB
Alsógyenes (13).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.9 MB
Alsógyenes (14).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.73 MB
Alsógyenes (15).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.93 MB
Alsógyenes (16).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.85 MB
Alsógyenes (17).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.65 MB
Alsógyenes (18).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.93 MB
Alsógyenes (19).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.92 MB
Alsógyenes (2).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.1 MB
Alsógyenes (3).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.86 MB
Alsógyenes (4).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.95 MB
Alsógyenes (5).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.88 MB
Alsógyenes (6).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.98 MB
Alsógyenes (7).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.86 MB
Alsógyenes (8).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 5.06 MB
Alsógyenes (9).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.73 MB
Alsógyenes.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.8 MB
AlvorNatureReserveOctober2015 (26).jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 4.91 MB
Arna de canya.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 995 KB
Arundo donax (Habitus).jpg 1,560 × 1,201; 1.56 MB
Auslikon - Pfäffikersee 2012-01-18 15-15-54.jpg 4,000 × 2,667; 3.19 MB
B W Bulrush (209857591).jpeg 1,363 × 2,048; 746 KB
Bambouseraie de Prafrance à Anduze, Gard (août 2007).JPG 2,848 × 2,144; 4.49 MB
Bass Fishing At Sunset (8456876782).jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 2.05 MB
Berzyńskie Lake (pomost wedkarski).jpg 3,968 × 2,976; 3.97 MB
Björnsundets naturreservat.jpg 4,048 × 3,036; 3.16 MB
Black and white image of man in canoe near tent camp paddling toward tall grass.jpg 3,000 × 2,403; 754 KB
Bodden Landscape, Ribnitz-Damgarten (LRM 20200529 185614-hdr-HDR-Pano).jpg 3,763 × 2,196; 5.62 MB
Boot - panoramio.jpg 2,242 × 1,527; 590 KB
Boulder Sunset (5353344942).jpg 3,446 × 5,177; 12.96 MB
Bridge and Creek, Yucaipa Reg Park 3-10-13a (8551563665).jpg 1,461 × 1,750; 1,001 KB
Broken reeds floating in a pond in Barlingbo, Gotland.jpg 4,048 × 2,936; 3.96 MB
Butzensee bodelshausen.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 2.04 MB
Camí de canyes.JPG 1,357 × 2,048; 555 KB
Canoes, Lake Bunyonyi, Uganda (15244738044).jpg 1,024 × 562; 276 KB
Canyissos i pansa, museu etnològic de Gata de Gorgos.JPG 4,450 × 3,002; 2.13 MB
Canyissos i pilons, museu Soler Blasco de Xàbia.JPG 4,417 × 3,071; 1.76 MB
Canyissos per a la pansa al Museu Etnològic de Dénia.JPG 4,154 × 3,071; 2.06 MB
Canyís i pissarra de la zona de lectura del mercat del riurau.JPG 4,450 × 3,022; 2.33 MB
Carousel and reeds.jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 5.42 MB
Cena Amazônica.jpg 2,936 × 3,916; 5.61 MB
Chill sunny day - panoramio.jpg 3,377 × 2,239; 5.28 MB
Cistell 002.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.08 MB
Clouds and empty roads in a strange world of corona. (49936447923).jpg 6,048 × 4,024; 9.51 MB
Co3grass.jpg 540 × 960; 108 KB
Compostador de bambú3.jpg 480 × 640; 172 KB
Cosmeston Lakes - Reed heads - - 1219296.jpg 640 × 480; 134 KB
County Kildare (13716765545).jpg 1,003 × 1,331; 612 KB
Cvc (49015392).jpeg 2,048 × 1,463; 770 KB
Càlam 001.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.09 MB
DanamandıraNP (10).jpg 2,407 × 1,443; 1.31 MB
DanamandıraNP (8).jpg 2,487 × 1,493; 824 KB
Dorf am See (45088675864).jpg 5,602 × 3,399; 12.82 MB
Dorfteich in Merzdorf -2 - panoramio.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 3.06 MB
Doğubeyazıt reeds in autumn.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 9.2 MB
Doğubeyazıt reeds in september.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 6.78 MB
Doğubeyazıt reeds in winter.jpg 3,240 × 2,160; 4.25 MB
Doğubeyazıt Reeds.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 8.93 MB
DSC00012 芦苇169-.jpg 6,000 × 3,375; 4.2 MB
Eagle lake (153a271cee4d43ec9112fdd7184dd927).jpg 661 × 920; 480 KB
Egelsee (Dietramszell).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 8.2 MB
Elijo Lagoon (15932400263).jpg 5,760 × 3,840; 4.91 MB
Ensinger See 12-2009 - panoramio.jpg 3,801 × 2,485; 3.06 MB
Fall-color-reeds-trees-lake - West Virginia - ForestWander.jpg 1,209 × 806; 408 KB
Fall-color-reeds-trees-lake - West Virginia - ForestWander.png 3,456 × 2,304; 12.35 MB
Farnham Mires 4 January 2020 (25).JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 5.34 MB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156261 (48790135046).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 787 KB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156262 (48789773478).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 994 KB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156263 (48789773588).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 845 KB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156278 (48790136306).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.41 MB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156280 (48790136276).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 691 KB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156281 (48790282432).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.51 MB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156282 (48790135171).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.59 MB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156287 (48789774753).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.04 MB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156288 (48790282642).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.03 MB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156294 (48790136801).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 881 KB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156295 (48790136821).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.03 MB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156307 (48790283422).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.43 MB
Father Collins Park Dublin -156308 (48790283482).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.53 MB
Feathers below the blue sky in Shivapuri National Park.jpg 4,000 × 6,000; 11.46 MB
Fiery Estonian sunset and reeds (in explore) - Flickr - Vicky Brock.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 2.95 MB
Fira 033.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.16 MB
Fishing Tips (3646349424).jpg 2,229 × 2,186; 2.02 MB
Flickr - law keven - Through the reeds...jpg 3,888 × 2,250; 650 KB
Flowing in the wind - panoramio.jpg 2,400 × 1,800; 739 KB
Fog over the lake (149713143).jpg 1,920 × 1,440; 626 KB
Double portrait, 1954 Fortepan 18585.jpg 2,464 × 2,536; 2.57 MB
Men, fishing, shore, water surface, reed Fortepan 60994.jpg 5,599 × 3,451; 6.4 MB
Foto io io canya.jpg 250 × 206; 8 KB
Fr. Collins Park Dublin -156275 (48790136186).jpg 7,952 × 5,304; 1.88 MB
Fusta 002.jpg 2,048 × 1,344; 678 KB
Ganiashi.jpg 350 × 450; 39 KB
Gate to reeds (East Bay Bike Path in RI).jpg 1,900 × 2,533; 3.59 MB
Gerla.JPG 1,642 × 1,569; 816 KB
Grasscape (3356022438).jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 3.05 MB
Grădina Botanică - lac.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 3.31 MB
Heavy snowfall on reeds.jpg 3,914 × 2,936; 11.84 MB
Hosang, Ernst - Schilfernte auf dem Eise in Spreewald.jpg 1,093 × 822; 481 KB
HPIM0077.JPG 1,792 × 1,312; 794 KB
Huettnersee 7.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.97 MB
Hürmetçi wetland reeds.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 8.9 MB
Ice (2322731632).jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.77 MB
Ice Melting on Lake Balaton (10).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.51 MB
Ice Melting on Lake Balaton (11).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.74 MB
Iced reeds (8384606742).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 13.35 MB
Iceland Plants 4933.JPG 3,264 × 2,448; 3.66 MB
India - Jaipur2 - 027 - The Summer Palace sits in a cooling lake.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 1.53 MB
Ioannina lake3.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 3.91 MB
Ioannina lake4.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 3.88 MB
Japanese garden. Reeds. - Margaret Island, Budapest, Hungary.JPG 3,264 × 2,448; 1.86 MB
Jubilee Campus MMB R9 Business School South and Auditorium.jpg 3,813 × 2,274; 3.81 MB
Juncos a la orilla del lago - panoramio.jpg 2,000 × 1,500; 1.09 MB
Juncos en el lago, lloviendo - panoramio.jpg 2,000 × 1,500; 1.14 MB
Juncos Junto a la Costa.png 632 × 356; 380 KB
Keighley Tarn, Keighley - - 495780.jpg 640 × 476; 99 KB
Kenilworth Cattails.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.48 MB
Knot tied successfully.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 2.95 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 06 (10471593853).jpg 2,904 × 4,608; 6.28 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 07 (10471592923).jpg 5,094 × 2,822; 6.27 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 08 (10471414436).jpg 2,899 × 4,621; 7.54 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 09 (10471409844).jpg 4,472 × 2,616; 7.1 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 10 (10471590443).jpg 2,685 × 4,304; 9.23 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 11 (10471393625).jpg 4,032 × 2,304; 5.69 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 12 (10471407224).jpg 4,464 × 2,672; 6.38 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 19 (10471388275).jpg 5,508 × 3,564; 14.17 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 20 (10471401284).jpg 5,760 × 3,684; 10.78 MB
KOCIS Korea Autumn SkyPark 21 (10471581183).jpg 5,184 × 3,048; 6.11 MB
Kézi nádaratás.jpg 609 × 800; 119 KB
Lago di Monticolo - Photo by Giovanni Ussi - Lago Grande 33.jpg 5,152 × 3,864; 9.05 MB
Lago di Monticolo - Photo by Giovanni Ussi - Lago Grande 43.jpg 3,864 × 5,152; 7.83 MB
Lago di Monticolo - Photo by Giovanni Ussi - Lago Grande 92.jpg 4,096 × 3,072; 8.03 MB
Lake - panoramio - ---=XEON=--- (1).jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 2.57 MB
Landschaft (31122837601).jpg 4,850 × 3,616; 5.32 MB
Liepajan Lake From Ezer 1 - panoramio.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 2.55 MB
Life of a tribal 06.jpg 2,592 × 3,872; 4.3 MB
Lilla Brastjarnen Vastergotland Sweden from W August 7 2020.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 4.54 MB
Lochgelly Loch.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 9.24 MB
Looking the trees.jpg 1,874 × 1,632; 632 KB
Loooking the Trees.jpg 17,717 × 11,811; 22.49 MB
Makoro prow1.jpg 983 × 694; 1,007 KB
Maksimir 20151101 DSC 3603.JPG 4,496 × 3,000; 3.92 MB
Malowniczo położone jezioro Brzuchowo - panoramio.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 605 KB
Marsh reed flowers and purple moore hen.JPG 1,984 × 1,488; 1.54 MB
Menorca 3 139.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.09 MB
Molkom lake on sunny winter day - panoramio - René Bongard.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.11 MB
Montauk Lighthouse.JPG 4,288 × 2,848; 6.42 MB
Moustached Warbler - Uzbekistan S4E8046 (17330617425).jpg 760 × 1,140; 257 KB
Muskrat Lodge Red Hill Valley.JPG 2,306 × 1,614; 1.19 MB
Myrslåtter, Mangskogs socken, Värmland - Nordiska museet - NMA.0040783.jpg 3,000 × 2,083; 3.24 MB
Nallıhan Davutoğlan Kuş Cenneti - Bataklık - 2.jpg 3,898 × 5,123; 13.92 MB
Nature 327-7 (5565810391).jpg 5,616 × 3,744; 15.53 MB
Neetzka with view to the lake.jpg 4,608 × 2,176; 3.63 MB
New Reeds.jpg 4,032 × 2,268; 3.75 MB
Nádaratás a Fertőn.jpg 1,000 × 750; 203 KB
Nádliget a fák között. Geológus Kert - Tata, Kálvária-domb.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 467 KB
Palic.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.08 MB
Palūšė 03.jpg 4,000 × 6,016; 6.21 MB
Panorâmina sobre Nossa Srª da Estrela.jpg 1,920 × 1,280; 2.41 MB
Pappelteich flora 04.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 13.02 MB
Parc du Chemin-de-l'Ile 5. CC by Ariel Kogan.jpg 960 × 960; 194 KB
Parc du Chemin-de-l'Ile 7. CC by Ariel Kogan.jpg 960 × 960; 212 KB
Parc du château de Fontainebleau le 12 septembre 2014 - 09.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 9.97 MB
PermaLiv siv 24-07-21.jpg 5,884 × 3,923; 10.8 MB
Photospc (34040790511).jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 13.06 MB