Category:Realism on stamps

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The term Realism means a human view to the world which is characterized by the relation of the human to the reality and is seen as contrary to the "Idealism". According to the great universal lexica characterizes "Realism" a human sense for the truth. It concerns areas how the philosophy, natural sciences, literature until to the art as such in order to call only the most important examples. The term "political Realism" is seen as contrary of the world of through to the "Optimism" and has directed mostly to better solutions of some expectation as the "Optimism".

As art style is standing the term "Realism" as the kind of expessiion to the things of this world since the time after the WWII. There are:

predecessor styles: classicism, romantism
successor style: impressionism, expressionism, art of the Moderne
parallel stye: abtract styles after the WWII

Art historical has the „Realism" following tendencies:
a) „French Realism of the After-Napoleonic Era“ of the 19th century
b) „German Realism“ with beginnings in the time around 1848 until to the 1880s
c) „Phantastic Realism“ in Western Europe (especially of the „Vienna School“) in the time after the WWII until to the 2000s. - it is seen as one of the predecessors of the surrealism in Austria
d) „Socialist Realism“ in the Soviet Union (since 1932) and the states of the former „Eastern bloc“ with Soviet influence after the WWII. It can seen as successor of the „Art of the Moderne“ in Europe and had as content the world of an worker in the socialist working word. In the Soviet Union standed the october revolution of 1917 (with a Mr. Uljanov (Lenin) as main motive) and the events of the WWII in the foreground. One slended in that time to oversized artworks which were political wanted indeed. One had mainly seen the artworks of the „socialist Realism“ as „cheap mass products“ of the political ruling system. Many artworks of this time were also created with a so-called „inner emigration“ as expression of a fear for political persections.


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Media in category "Realism on stamps"

The following 8 files are in this category, out of 8 total.