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Category:Queens of Jordan

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<nowiki>Consorte de Jordania; consort de Jordanie; Gemahl von Jordanien; Reina Consort de Jordània; consorte de Xordania; قرينات الأردن; Consort of Jordan; kraljevski soprog Jordanije; Position of the spouse of the Monarch of Jordan; položaj soproga monarha Jordanije; Consort of the Kingdom of Jordan; Consort of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Royal Consort of Jordan; Royal Consort of the Kingdom of Jordan; Royal Consort of the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan; Gemahlin von Jordanien; kraljevska soproga Jordanije</nowiki>
Consort of Jordan 
Position of the spouse of the Monarch of Jordan
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  • position
Subclass of
  • Jordan
Has part(s)
  • Princess Consort of Jordan
  • Queen Consort of Jordan
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This category has the following 5 subcategories, out of 5 total.