Category:Quality images of animals in Quebec
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Provinces and territories of Canada: Quebec ·
The images in this collection have been assessed according to Images guidelines and are considered Quality images. |
Media in category "Quality images of animals in Quebec"
The following 146 files are in this category, out of 146 total.
Agelaius phoeniceus PP.jpg 3,284 × 2,189; 3.59 MB
Anas platyrhynchos portrait.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 8.11 MB
Anas rubripes PM3.jpg 3,420 × 2,280; 5.59 MB
Anas rubripes PM4.jpg 3,324 × 2,216; 5.32 MB
Anser caerulescens CT3.jpg 3,066 × 2,044; 4.58 MB
Anser caerulescens CT4.jpg 3,248 × 2,165; 3.83 MB
Anser caerulescens CT5.jpg 2,079 × 1,671; 2.29 MB
Anser caerulescens CT6.jpg 3,272 × 2,181; 4 MB
Anser caerulescens CT8.jpg 2,957 × 1,971; 2.79 MB
Archilochus colubris CT.jpg 1,824 × 1,812; 1.56 MB
Archilochus colubris CT2.jpg 2,388 × 1,592; 2.49 MB
Ardea herodias CT3.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 6.71 MB
Ardea herodias CT4.jpg 2,722 × 1,815; 2.87 MB
Balaenoptera acutorostrata Saint-Laurent 02.jpg 4,603 × 3,069; 7.05 MB
Bihoreau Gris 3.jpg 2,000 × 1,519; 1.23 MB
Bihoreau Gris 4.jpg 1,548 × 1,900; 1.48 MB
Bihoreau Gris.jpg 2,000 × 1,514; 1.77 MB
Black duck headshot 2.jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 5.28 MB
Black duck headshot.jpg 4,928 × 3,264; 5.38 MB
Blue Jay 2010-05-09.jpg 2,840 × 1,898; 867 KB
Bombycilla cedrorum CT2.jpg 2,772 × 1,848; 3.01 MB
Bombycilla cedrorum juvenile CT.jpg 2,011 × 3,016; 2.74 MB
Bombycilla garrulus CT2.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 7.66 MB
Bufo americanus PJC1.jpg 3,341 × 2,227; 5.18 MB
Calidris pusilla Quarry 01.jpg 3,234 × 2,156; 4.13 MB
Canis lupus arctos PO.jpg 4,876 × 3,251; 7.71 MB
Canis lupus PO.jpg 3,269 × 4,904; 10.1 MB
Carduelis flammea CT6.jpg 2,691 × 1,794; 2.99 MB
Carduelis flammea CT7.jpg 3,220 × 2,147; 4.42 MB
Carduelis pinus CT7.jpg 3,380 × 2,253; 4.93 MB
Carduelis pinus CT8.jpg 3,040 × 2,300; 4.56 MB
Carduelis tristis male 2011.jpg 3,530 × 2,367; 2.62 MB
Carduelis tristis QC.jpg 2,106 × 1,309; 1.99 MB
Carpodacus purpureus CT2.jpg 3,234 × 2,156; 3.96 MB
Carpodacus purpureus CT4.jpg 3,432 × 2,288; 4.17 MB
Catharus fuscescens CT.jpg 2,150 × 1,511; 2.53 MB
Catharus guttatus GJ.jpg 2,969 × 1,979; 4.38 MB
Charadrius vociferus CT.jpg 2,651 × 1,767; 3.09 MB
Cistothorus palustris CT.jpg 1,736 × 1,736; 1.52 MB
Colaptes auratus deformed beak CT.jpg 2,866 × 1,911; 3.54 MB
Colaptes auratus MP2.jpg 3,179 × 2,123; 4.57 MB
Cyanocitta cristata CT.jpg 3,486 × 2,324; 4.19 MB
Dendroica coronata PJC.jpg 2,080 × 1,386; 1.98 MB
Dendroica magnolia GJ.jpg 2,002 × 1,335; 2.39 MB
Dendroica pensylvanica MN2.jpg 2,804 × 1,869; 3.2 MB
Dendroica pensylvanica MN4.jpg 3,244 × 2,163; 4.08 MB
Dryocopus pileatus MP2.jpg 2,520 × 2,520; 4.17 MB
Dumetella carolinensis QC.jpg 2,821 × 1,760; 3.73 MB
Empidonax flaviventris GJ.jpg 2,204 × 2,204; 3.46 MB
Empidonax flaviventris GJ2.jpg 2,878 × 1,919; 4.45 MB
Empidonax minimus CT.jpg 1,960 × 2,940; 2.87 MB
Falcipennis canadensis GJ.jpg 1,953 × 1,953; 2.87 MB
Female Mallard Duck Rest 3.jpg 2,000 × 1,451; 1.89 MB
Gallinago delicata Nicolet.jpg 2,304 × 2,865; 4.4 MB
Gallinula galeata MP.jpg 3,684 × 2,456; 4.29 MB
Gavia immer imm BS.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 6.5 MB
Gavia immer1 BS.jpg 3,410 × 2,273; 4.51 MB
Gavia immer2 BS.jpg 3,179 × 2,119; 3.62 MB
Gavia immer4 BS.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 6.6 MB
Geothlypis trichas MN.jpg 1,919 × 1,452; 1.68 MB
Goéland bec cerclé 2011.jpg 3,285 × 2,179; 2.3 MB
Hesperiphona vespertina CT.jpg 3,264 × 2,176; 4.08 MB
Hesperiphona vespertina CT3.jpg 3,072 × 2,048; 2.15 MB
Hirundo rustica PP.jpg 2,356 × 2,096; 3 MB
Hirundo rustica PP2.jpg 3,164 × 2,109; 4.39 MB
Junco hyemalis hyemalis CT1.jpg 2,958 × 1,972; 3.43 MB
Junco hyemalis hyemalis CT2.jpg 3,012 × 2,008; 3.58 MB
Larus delawarensis 3 SH.jpg 2,786 × 1,857; 3.45 MB
Larus delawarensis 4 SH.jpg 2,718 × 1,812; 2.75 MB
Larus delawarensis, first winter, Saint-Eustache, Quebec 2.jpg 2,000 × 1,339; 1.92 MB
Larus smithsonianus immature 1.jpg 2,000 × 1,339; 1.63 MB
Le Grand Heron 2.jpg 2,000 × 1,431; 1.56 MB
Le Grand Heron 4.jpg 1,018 × 1,420; 962 KB
Le Grand Heron Profil.jpg 2,000 × 1,339; 2.2 MB
Le Grand Heron.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 3.48 MB
Libellula pulchella Ripon.jpg 3,552 × 2,368; 5.01 MB
Lithobates catesbeianus PP.jpg 4,292 × 2,861; 5.35 MB
Male mallard duck 2.jpg 2,000 × 1,339; 1.72 MB
Male mallard duck 3.jpg 2,000 × 1,339; 1.61 MB
Mallard duck 03-05-2010.jpg 1,770 × 1,186; 578 KB
Megaceryle alcyon PIB.jpg 1,206 × 1,809; 1.44 MB
Melospiza georgiana MN1.jpg 1,949 × 1,949; 2.84 MB
Melospiza georgiana MN2.jpg 2,146 × 1,431; 1.62 MB
Molothrus ater immature CT.jpg 3,090 × 2,060; 3.91 MB
Montreal-Canada5926.JPG 2,136 × 2,848; 2.75 MB
Ondatra zibethicus CT.jpg 2,262 × 1,508; 2.66 MB
Pano du Parc du réservoir Beaudet.jpg 18,350 × 6,135; 50.69 MB
Pano Parc du réservoir Beaudet.jpg 15,039 × 8,893; 97.08 MB
Parc du réservoir Beaudet 2.jpg 6,000 × 3,355; 11.65 MB
Parc du réservoir Beaudet 4.jpg 6,000 × 4,000; 21.44 MB
Parc du réservoir Beaudet.jpg 5,999 × 3,292; 18.38 MB
Passerculus sandwichensis CT2.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 8.07 MB
Passerella iliaca CT1.jpg 3,174 × 2,116; 4.95 MB
Passerella iliaca CT2.jpg 3,200 × 2,133; 4.21 MB
Perisoreus canadensis GJ.jpg 2,374 × 3,560; 5.59 MB
Perisoreus canadensis mercier1.jpg 2,864 × 2,195; 3.5 MB
Perisoreus canadensis mercier2.jpg 2,457 × 1,638; 2.55 MB
Pheucticus ludovicianus CT.jpg 1,664 × 2,496; 2.4 MB
Picoides pubescens f CT.jpg 1,733 × 2,602; 2.94 MB
Picoides pubescens f CT3.jpg 2,538 × 2,538; 3.51 MB
Picoides pubescens m CT.jpg 1,733 × 2,602; 2.84 MB
Picoides villosus CT.jpg 3,180 × 2,120; 4.68 MB
Pinicola enucleator m CT2.jpg 2,281 × 1,521; 2.03 MB
Pinicola enucleator m CT3.jpg 2,260 × 2,260; 3.29 MB
Plectrophenax nivalis CT.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 7.73 MB
Poecile atricapillus CT.jpg 3,340 × 2,227; 4.38 MB
Poecile atricapillus CT3.jpg 3,096 × 2,193; 3.31 MB
Porzana carolina CT.jpg 3,338 × 2,225; 5.11 MB
Rana clamitans CT.jpg 2,685 × 1,790; 2.92 MB
Rana clamitans MN.jpg 2,564 × 1,709; 3.28 MB
Rana clamitans MN2.jpg 2,778 × 1,852; 4.42 MB
Rana septentrionalis 2010 (2).jpg 3,872 × 1,452; 1.71 MB
Rana septentrionalis 2010.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 4.56 MB
Rana sylvatica SC.jpg 3,568 × 2,379; 5.51 MB
Sayornis phoebe CT3.jpg 3,019 × 1,981; 3.37 MB
Sciurus Carolinesis.jpg 2,000 × 1,461; 1.85 MB
Seiurus noveboracensis MP1.jpg 2,832 × 1,888; 3.24 MB
Setophaga coronata MP.jpg 2,290 × 1,527; 1.95 MB
Sitta canadensis CT2.jpg 2,756 × 1,936; 3.62 MB
Sitta canadensis CT3.jpg 3,062 × 2,042; 3.83 MB
Sitta carolinensis CT.jpg 3,096 × 2,064; 3.89 MB
Sitta carolinensis CT2.jpg 2,076 × 2,076; 2.82 MB
Song Sparrow.jpg 2,820 × 1,880; 3.26 MB
Spizella arborea CT.jpg 1,591 × 1,061; 1.07 MB
Spizelloides arborea CT5.jpg 2,580 × 1,720; 1.9 MB
Strix varia CT.jpg 3,228 × 2,150; 4.68 MB
Strix varia DM2.jpg 3,244 × 2,592; 5.91 MB
Tachycineta bicolor CT.jpg 3,102 × 1,914; 2.55 MB
Tachycineta bicolor CT2.jpg 3,168 × 2,211; 4.66 MB
Tachycineta bicolor CT3.jpg 3,344 × 2,229; 4.64 MB
Tamias striatus CT.jpg 3,193 × 2,128; 3.4 MB
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus CT.jpg 2,720 × 2,068; 3.55 MB
Tamiasciurus hudsonicus CT2.jpg 3,636 × 2,592; 6.15 MB
Tibicen canicularis1 BS.jpg 2,767 × 1,845; 2.09 MB
Toile araignee MN.jpg 2,997 × 2,068; 4.67 MB
Tyrannus tyrannus CT.jpg 2,480 × 2,480; 3.19 MB
Tyrannus tyrannus MN3.jpg 2,758 × 1,838; 2.73 MB
Tyrannus tyrannus PP.jpg 4,141 × 2,760; 6.26 MB
Tyrannus tyrannus.ogv 18 s, 1,920 × 1,088; 18.87 MB
Urban wildlife - squirrel.jpg 2,556 × 1,711; 1.89 MB
Vulpes vulpes PO.jpg 3,144 × 3,142; 5.62 MB
White Duck 2.jpg 2,000 × 1,339; 1.48 MB
Zonotrichia albicollis CT1.jpg 2,962 × 1,974; 3.77 MB
Zonotrichia leucophrys CT.jpg 3,020 × 2,140; 2.8 MB
Zonotrichia leucophrys CT2.jpg 1,728 × 2,592; 2.9 MB
Zonotrichia leucophrys CT3.jpg 3,299 × 2,199; 3.99 MB