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<nowiki>polaina; পুট্টি; bande molletière; tăла; bena; Ыштыр; Wickelgamasche; 绑腿; viklers; moletieră; 脚絆; vyturas; owijacz; puttis; Ыштыр; fasce mollettiere; dolak; beenwindsels; ਪੁਤੀ; puttee; مسماة; ovinovačky; онуча; fâșie de material textil; Kleidungsstück; ਹੇਠਲੇ ਲੱਤ ਲਈ ਢੱਕਣ; covering for the lower leg; غطاءٌ للساق من الكاحل إلى الركبة; element odzieży; bedekking voor de onderbenen; legwrap; puttie; leg binding; winingas; wickelbander; ovinky</nowiki>
covering for the lower leg
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.

Media in category "Puttees"

The following 131 files are in this category, out of 131 total.