Category:Portrait paintings with Spanish composition

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Portrait of don Juan de Austria - typical example of composition at Spanish court

So called "Spanish" composition of official portrait is the portrait formula adopted in provincial Central and East European, Latin American and other provincial portraiture in 16-18th century from Habsburg official portrait type created by such Madrid court masters as Alonso Sánchez Coello and Juan Pantoja de la Cruz.

It included full shot image of men in proud posture (but with accentuated boots - as goose foot), hand on the table (usually covered with rich carpet), coat of arms or big inscriptions and primitive style of painting combined with thoroughly painted splendor of clothing. This influence is important in Sarmatian portrait (Poland) and parsuna (Russia), but also can be noted in other provincial art[1].


  1. См.: Тананаева Л.И. Сарматский портрет. Из истории польского портрета эпохи барокко. М., 1979; Она же. Портретные формы в Польше и России в XVII веке: некоторые связи и параллели // Советское искусствознание-81. Вып. 1. М., 1982; Тананаева Л.И., Сакович А. Примитив и его место в художественной культуре Нового и Новейшего времени. М., 1983; а также: Тананаева Л.И. Очерки кубинского искусства XVI–ХХ вв. СПб, 2001/


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