Category:Ponza (A 5364)

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Italy Marina Militare

Type Auxiliary ship
Ship class Ponza
Built by Cantiere navale Mario Morini, Ancona
Keel laid March 25, 1987
Launch date September 21, 1988
Completion date December 9, 1988
Length overall 56.7 m (62 yd)
Beam 10 m (10.9 yd)
Draft 2.2 m (87 in)
Displacement 685 t (1,521,111.00 lb)
Main engine 2⨯ Isotta Fraschini diesel engines
Speed 14 knots


Ponza (A 5364)
is one of the five Support Lightships of
-class employed for the maintenance and modernization of the coastal maritime signalling. She is equipped with a crane able to lift buoys, lights, catenaries, pylons and to support other logistic activities as supplying water, fuel or other goods to naval ships or small islands.

Media in category "Ponza (A 5364)"

The following 5 files are in this category, out of 5 total.