Category:Politics of climate change

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<nowiki>İklim aktivizmi; 地球温暖化への対応の動き; action individuelle et politique contre le changement climatique; individuella och politiska handlingar mot klimatförändringar; Противодействие изменению климата; Acció individual i política sobre el canvi climàtic; 气候活动家; individuelle und politische Maßnahmen gegen Klimawandel; 氣候活動家; individual and political action against climate change; عمل فردي وسياسي بشأن التغير المناخي; 气候活动家; Acción individual y política contra el cambio climático; iklim değişikliğine karşı yapılan bireysel ve siyasal mücadele; handlingar mot klimatförändringar; actions against climate change; Действие против изменения климата; Individual and political action on climate change</nowiki>
individual and political action against climate change 
actions against climate change
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Media in category "Politics of climate change"

The following 34 files are in this category, out of 34 total.