Category:Police officers at work in Taiwan
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Media in category "Police officers at work in Taiwan"
The following 104 files are in this category, out of 104 total.
01.25 總統參香新北市「蘆洲湧蓮寺」並發送新春福袋向民眾賀年 (49438412211).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.54 MB
01.25 總統參香桃園市「中壢仁海宮」並發送新春福袋向民眾賀年 (49438633542).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.67 MB
01.26 總統參香「台南太子宮」並發送新春福袋向民眾賀年 (49442635663).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.89 MB
01.27 總統參香「雲林縣北港朝天宮」並發送新春福袋向民眾賀年 (49448964257).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.53 MB
01.28 總統參香 「新埔褒忠亭義民廟」並發送新春福袋向民眾賀年 (49452874208).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.12 MB
01.28 總統參香 「新埔褒忠亭義民廟」並發送新春福袋向民眾賀年 (49452874368).jpg 2,048 × 1,152; 1.91 MB
0120 6 0001 700 警兵民力大校閱 103年春安工作明啟動.jpg 700 × 467; 79 KB
02.05 總統前往臺北、新北、桃園及新竹等地廟宇發放福袋 (46079094895).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.19 MB
02.05 總統前往臺北、新北、桃園及新竹等地廟宇發放福袋 (46993141211).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.86 MB
02.06 總統前往雲林、嘉義、臺南及高雄等地廟宇發放福袋 (40043126383).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.57 MB
02.18 總統初三至嘉義嘉邑城隍廟發送新年福袋,騎車經過的民眾也探頭看看廣場的熱鬧景象 (26463369498).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.63 MB
03.28 總統訪視「前瞻基礎建設計畫行程:千塘之鄉埤塘光電綠能計畫」,沿途民眾捕捉總統身影 (33314357150).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.53 MB
04.22 總統參訪「陳氏宗祠」,熱情的民眾於宗祠外向總統道別 (34036394042).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.86 MB
04.29 總統出席「牛挑灣龍安宮揭匾」,熱情的鄉親們於宮外守候 (34209878931).jpg 2,100 × 1,400; 2.04 MB
04.29 總統出席「牛挑灣龍安宮揭匾」,熱情的鄉親們於宮外守候 (34209884831).jpg 2,100 × 1,400; 2.34 MB
04.29 總統出席「牛挑灣龍安宮揭匾」,鄉親們爭相與總統握手 (33494891674).jpg 2,449 × 1,712; 622 KB
05.07 總統出席「110年基隆市全民防衛動員暨災害防救演習」 (51163315553).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.68 MB
06.15 「106年警察節慶祝大會活動」外執勤的警察同仁 (34472608584).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.22 MB
07.06 「柴山滯洪公園」啟用典禮外負責維安的員警 (35586959172).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.67 MB
08.01 總統參拜「聖雲宮」 (50176208591).jpg 2,048 × 1,382; 1.75 MB
08.01 總統參拜「聖雲宮」 (50176462542).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.46 MB
09.21 「106年度國家防災日—臺北市文山區景美國民小學『防災你我他』地震避難掩護演練」 (36549815733).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.06 MB
12.19 總統接受「宏都拉斯共和國新任駐臺特命全權大使寶蒂絲妲呈遞到任國書」 (49240378993).jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.44 MB
1985 LtGenLo Review.jpg 847 × 584; 92 KB
2008-11-06 Riot control in Taipei.jpg 3,888 × 2,592; 3.99 MB
2014-03-24 立法院 20140324-19-44-39-P3240980 (13456734585).jpg 2,281 × 3,041; 1.27 MB
20150204 EMG vehicles for GE235.jpg 4,160 × 3,120; 3.09 MB
2016年華航空服員罷工事件 (27279753504).jpg 5,184 × 2,920; 5.42 MB
2016年華航空服員罷工事件 (27790758952).jpg 5,184 × 2,920; 7.24 MB
2017 Women Run TPE at Guanshan Riverside Park 20170423-002.jpg 3,024 × 4,032; 2.54 MB
CMC Delica 1935-YH and TCPD Zhongzheng First Squad 20171223.jpg 1,818 × 1,228; 383 KB
Crowds at a wartime drill in Kenseicho.jpg 2,510 × 1,673; 2.1 MB
Crowds before the Caohu Nezha Temple 20210320.jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.23 MB
Female police officer in front of TRA Taichung Station 20131203 - panoramio.jpg 1,280 × 960; 387 KB
Google Street View camera car on Songlian Rd., Taipei 20090209 03.jpg 1,620 × 2,430; 3.08 MB
Han Kuo-yu speaking to the police officers at the Legislative Yuan 2024-02-05.jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 308 KB
Kaohsiung MRT Police in Kaohsiung MRT rolling stock 20090601.jpg 1,339 × 2,048; 1.93 MB
Mounted Police Squad at Yingge Old Street 20060311a.jpg 1,024 × 683; 240 KB
Mounted Police Squad at Yingge Old Street 20060311b.jpg 1,024 × 683; 217 KB
Mounted Police Squad at Yingge Old Street 20060311c.jpg 1,024 × 683; 228 KB
Navy Command Headquarters, MND 20221002.jpg 4,912 × 3,264; 4.14 MB
People at fire drill in Kenseicho 1941.jpg 2,476 × 1,696; 2.13 MB
People welcoming President Tsai Ing-wen before the Tianmu Sanyu Temple 20210316.jpg 2,048 × 1,266; 1.55 MB
Police and long truncheon.JPG 1,121 × 2,659; 570 KB
Police and street vendor in Taihoku.jpg 2,112 × 1,200; 1.93 MB
Police automobile and officers of the National Highway Police Bureau 20190122.jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.48 MB
Police from Railway Police Bureau in THSR Taichung Station 20070310.jpg 2,100 × 1,400; 1.33 MB
Police officers at the Legislative Yuan saluting the president Han Kuo-yu 2024-02-05.jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 1.88 MB
Police officers at the Wild Strawberries Movement, Taipei 20081207.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 3.33 MB
Police officers at the Wild Strawberries Movement, Taipei 20081212.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 2.45 MB
Police officers at work at the Sunflower Movement in Taipei 20140319.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 763 KB
Police officers at work outside of Hulu Temple 20221015.jpg 2,048 × 1,238; 2.36 MB
Police officers before the Taihoku Public Hall 1940 01.jpg 2,484 × 1,650; 1.88 MB
Police officers before the Taihoku Public Hall 1940.jpg 2,485 × 1,650; 1.96 MB
Police officers of TCPD Da'an Precinct in front of NTUSC 20150301.jpg 4,813 × 3,209; 2.07 MB
Police officers of TCPD Da'an Precinct in front of NTUSC 20181208.jpg 1,500 × 2,000; 380 KB
Police officers of TCPD Da'an Precinct in front of NTUSC 20181209.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 1.85 MB
Police officers of TCPD Da'an Precinct patrolling in front of NTUSC 20150301.jpg 3,079 × 4,618; 1.59 MB
Police officers with Chevaux de frises on Taichung Port Road 2009-12-20 01.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 748 KB
Police on duty at the Taichung Interchange 2009-12-20.jpg 1,600 × 1,200; 635 KB
President of the Legislative Yuan Han Kuo-yu greeting the staff 2024-02-05.jpg 3,000 × 2,000; 1.85 MB
Presidential Building 45684-Taipei (28368269216).jpg 3,000 × 1,758; 1.13 MB
Presidential Building 45694-Taipei (28368277996).jpg 3,000 × 1,573; 1.07 MB
Protest to Taiwan Taipei District Prosecutors Office 20240901.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 3.03 MB
Railway Police officers in TRA Taipei Station 20171028.jpg 1,500 × 2,000; 406 KB
ROC police barricade.JPG 1,490 × 993; 410 KB
ROC police by CKS Memorial Hall.JPG 1,600 × 1,066; 338 KB
ROC police pass in front of CKS Memorial Hall.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 335 KB
ROC-NPA Special Police riot shields outside of Wang-Zhang Meeting 20140625.jpg 2,736 × 1,824; 2.52 MB
Scene in downtown Taichung 02.jpg 2,048 × 1,367; 1.79 MB
Scenery at Longkeng Ecological Reserve Area 03.jpg 3,714 × 2,786; 2.63 MB
Scooters waiting on Guanqian Road, Taipei City 20070515.jpg 1,909 × 1,273; 980 KB
Taipei Police New Years Eve.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 887 KB
Taoyuan MRT Police in Taoyuan Metro Express Train 20170728.jpg 2,100 × 2,800; 716 KB
TCFD AXD-1587, TCFD firefighter and TCPD police at CWT57 20210328.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 2.07 MB
TCPD Da'an Precinct booth, CWT50 20181209a.jpg 4,000 × 2,250; 913 KB
TCPD EPD-3617 end at CWT57 20210328.jpg 1,530 × 2,040; 526 KB
TCPD Neihu Precinct warning board at Kao Chia-yu Service Office 20191130.jpg 3,600 × 2,700; 887 KB
TCPD policemen in front of Interchange Association Taipei Office 20130814.jpg 1,024 × 768; 123 KB
TCPD Policemen in North Court of NTU Gym at CWT39 20150301b.jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 2.49 MB
TCPD Xinyi Precinct CID at Walk of Fame start 20211002a.jpg 4,352 × 3,264; 2.09 MB
TCPD Xinyi Precinct CID at Walk of Fame start 20211002b.jpg 4,352 × 3,264; 2.05 MB
TRA 40TPK32228T and Railway Police officer 20060503.jpg 800 × 600; 78 KB
TRA DRC1026 at Shifen Station 20120506a.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.59 MB
TRA DRC1026 at Shifen Station 20120506b.jpg 1,936 × 1,288; 1.37 MB
TRA DRC1026 at Shifen Station 20120506c.jpg 1,936 × 1,288; 1.35 MB
TRA EMA833 and Railway Police officer at Taipei Station Platform 4A 20171014.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 4.24 MB
Two TCPD Police Stand in Terrance of National Concert Hall 20140607.jpg 4,000 × 2,248; 1.02 MB
Ukraine solidarity protest Taipei, Taiwan March 13th 2022 (51936906997).jpg 4,181 × 2,787; 2.04 MB
Ukraine solidarity protest Taipei, Taiwan March 13th 2022 (51938506070).jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 3.11 MB
Ukraine solidarity protest Taipei, Taiwan March 13th 2022 (51939912466).jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 2.52 MB
Ukraine solidarity protest Taipei, Taiwan March 13th 2022 (51941902930).jpg 4,896 × 3,264; 3.46 MB
West Entrance, Taipei City Hall 20170827.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 2.35 MB
Zulinshan Guanyin Temple 20240210.jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 2.89 MB
抗议者阻挠台北世界大学运动会开幕式.jpg 3,840 × 2,160; 1.9 MB
日治時期建成町消防演習.jpg 1,083 × 729; 224 KB
立法院前反服貿 警方.jpg 5,472 × 3,080; 5.33 MB
臺北市長柯文哲校閱104年全民防衛動員(民安1號)複合式災害防救演習 02.jpg 5,616 × 3,744; 12.73 MB
臺靜農故居.jpg 4,151 × 2,335; 2.47 MB
行政院長蘇貞昌前往災害現場視察 20210402.jpg 1,568 × 1,044; 322 KB
韓國瑜三重造勢場 反無人機電磁槍 20190908.jpg 4,128 × 2,322; 2.13 MB