Category:Pius IX in art
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Media in category "Pius IX in art"
The following 25 files are in this category, out of 25 total.
God bless our pope (IA b10252290).pdf 747 × 983, 8 pages; 788 KB
Bismarck-Papst-Pius-IX Dorn-im-Auge.jpg 1,042 × 1,390; 180 KB
Bl. Pius IX José Miralles Darmanin circa 1872.jpg 711 × 1,000; 128 KB
Blessed Pius IX by Hercule Louis Catenacci 1859 or 1869.jpg 775 × 1,000; 576 KB
Death of Pope Pius IX- At the Vatican, Rome, February 7th 1878 LCCN91794820.jpg 7,056 × 5,402; 7.09 MB
Death of Pope Pius IX- At the Vatican, Rome, February 7th 1878 LCCN91794820.tif 7,056 × 5,402; 109.14 MB
Deckengemälde in der Stadtpfarrkirche St. Josef (Reinhausen).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.1 MB
Descriptive portraiture of Europe in storm and calm (1885) (14577571150).jpg 1,436 × 2,070; 768 KB
Figaro-Wien-1875 Jesuiten-Pius-IX-Bismarck.jpg 1,035 × 1,390; 229 KB
Io9cardinal1846.jpg 729 × 769; 120 KB
LilleEté2016 ND treille Chap Saint-Joseph (2).jpg 3,244 × 3,586; 8.96 MB
Manifattura francese, Fazzoletto commemorativo di Pio IX, 1846.jpg 3,072 × 2,421; 1.52 MB
Pio91856.jpg 705 × 1,072; 158 KB
Pio91877.jpg 379 × 669; 52 KB
Pio9pepeking.jpg 810 × 1,374; 154 KB
PioIXa.jpg 669 × 1,019; 148 KB
PioIXmass.jpg 613 × 943; 124 KB
Pionono11.jpg 709 × 931; 68 KB
Pionono12.jpg 874 × 1,301; 216 KB
Pius 9 Sacro Cuore di Gesù.jpg 738 × 1,794; 196 KB
Portrait du pape Pie IX en train de prier.jpg 1,012 × 1,445; 195 KB
Portret van Pius IX, RP-P-1903-A-23584.jpg 5,478 × 7,166; 3.89 MB
Print (BM 1865,0812.218).jpg 1,066 × 1,600; 188 KB
San Francesco de' Macci, interno, pio IX.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 997 KB