Category:Pinus ponderosa (documents)
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Media in category "Pinus ponderosa (documents)"
The following 32 files are in this category, out of 32 total.
Amount and grades of lumber from Black Hills ponderose pine logs (IA amountgradesoflu42land).pdf 1,104 × 1,516, 48 pages; 1.52 MB
Container-grown ponderosa pine seedlings respond to fertilization (IA CAT77679975).pdf 1,137 × 1,570, 6 pages; 271 KB
Insects associated with ponderosa pine in Colorado (IA CAT81751447).pdf 845 × 1,325, 54 pages; 2.42 MB
Insects associated with Ponderosa Pine in the Rocky Mountains and the Southwest (IA CAT83787337).pdf 752 × 1,131, 54 pages; 4.33 MB
Self-fertility of a central Oregon source of Ponderosa pine (IA CAT92272830).pdf 1,141 × 1,520, 22 pages; 1.2 MB
Financial analysis of pruning ponderosa pine (IA CAT92272961).pdf 1,437 × 2,116, 26 pages; 1.63 MB
Growth of ponderosa pine poles thinned to different stocking levels in central Oregon (IA CAT92272977).pdf 1,200 × 1,622, 18 pages; 920 KB
Cost analysis of experimental treatments on ponderosa pine watersheds (IA CAT92273310).pdf 1,050 × 1,489, 22 pages; 1.4 MB
Damage to ponderosa pine plantations (IA damagetoponderos87curt).pdf 1,041 × 1,531, 4 pages; 141 KB
Dominant ponderosa pines do respond to thinning (IA dominantponderos09barr).pdf 1,085 × 1,485, 10 pages; 659 KB
The effect of cattle and big game grazing on a ponderosa pine plantation (IA effectofcattlebi172edge).pdf 862 × 1,139, 10 pages; 515 KB
A field guide for predicting snow damage to ponderosa pine plantations (IA fieldguideforpre385mega).pdf 922 × 1,306, 14 pages; 1.19 MB
Genetic gains from tree improvement of ponderosa pine in southern Idaho (IA geneticgainsfrom263rehf).pdf 1,118 × 1,591, 18 pages; 790 KB
Genetics of ponderosa pine (IA geneticsofponder34wang).pdf 1,412 × 1,902, 32 pages; 2.85 MB
Genetic variation in a provenance test of 16-year-old ponderosa pine (IA geneticvariation201rehf).pdf 1,131 × 1,491, 16 pages; 615 KB
Growth after partial cutting of ponderosa pine on permanent sample plots in eastern Oregon (IA growthafterparti44mowa).pdf 1,077 × 1,508, 38 pages; 1.91 MB
Thirty-year growth and yield of a ponderosa pine plantation in Arizona (IA IND20622356).pdf 1,354 × 1,670, 10 pages; 656 KB
Hail damage variation by seed source in a ponderosa pine plantation (IA IND82031105).pdf 1,387 × 1,983, 10 pages; 885 KB
Flowering in a ponderosa pine provenance plantation in eastern Nebraska (IA IND83097100).pdf 1,222 × 1,729, 10 pages; 604 KB
Logging to save ponderosa pine regeneration - a case study (IA loggingtosavepon273barr).pdf 1,097 × 1,518, 18 pages; 1.01 MB
Management of ponderosa pine in the Southwest as developed by research and experimental practice (IA managementofpond06pear).pdf 770 × 1,318, 232 pages; 29.04 MB
Northern Idaho ponderosa pine racial variation study - 50-year results (IA northernidahopon118stei).pdf 912 × 1,454, 6 pages; 297 KB
Performance of 14-year-old Pinus ponderosa hybrids in western Montana (IA performanceof14y53shea).pdf 1,089 × 1,504, 6 pages; 375 KB
Ponderosa pine (IA ponderosapine254koto).pdf 1,329 × 1,868, 10 pages; 775 KB
Ponderosa pine bibliography (IA ponderosapinebib22roea).pdf 1,072 × 1,502, 156 pages; 4.23 MB
Red rot of ponderosa pine (IA redrotofponderos23andr).pdf 1,043 × 1,487, 42 pages; 4.04 MB
Response of individual ponderosa pine trees to fertilization (IA responseofindivi206coch).pdf 1,047 × 1,533, 18 pages; 827 KB
Should ponderosa pine be planted on lodgepole pine sites? (IA shouldponderosap419coch).pdf 1,064 × 1,531, 8 pages; 302 KB
Some causes of natural tree mortality in old-growth Ponderosa pine stands in western Montana (IA somecausesofnatu51john).pdf 1,008 × 1,508, 6 pages; 284 KB