This category contains single page scans from Paulys Realencyclopädie der classischen Altertumswissenschaft, an encyclopedia on classics published from 1893 to 1978. Wikisource has an ongoing project to present select articles which are no longer subject to German “Urheberrecht”. This means the term of life of the author plus 70 years. If this does not apply to the author of a single article or chapter, the respective part of the scan will be cut away.
<nowiki>Pauly-Wissowa tomo R; Pauly-Wissowa tome R; Pauly-Wissowa tom R; Pauly-Wissowa bind R; Pauly-Wissowa boek R; Паули-Виссова том R; Pauly-Wissowa Band R; Pauly-Wissowa vol. R; Pauly-Wissowa vol. R; Pauly-Wissowa bind R; RE tomo R; RE tome R; RE tom R; RE bind R; RE bœk R; RE том R; RE Register der Nachträge und Supplemente; RE volume R; RE volumen R; RE bind R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE tomo R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE tome R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE tom R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE bind R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE boek R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE R; RE:R; RE Band R; RE:Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE vol. R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE vol. R; RE R; RE Band R; Pauly Wissowa R; Pauly-Wissowa R; RE bind R</nowiki>