Category:Panama Canal Zone in the 1910s
This category has the following 11 subcategories, out of 11 total.
Media in category "Panama Canal Zone in the 1910s"
The following 149 files are in this category, out of 149 total.
11-CULEBRA CUT.jpg 769 × 410; 249 KB
141-Concrete Bridge on Zone Highway.jpg 1,251 × 821; 545 KB
198a-Street of married quarters at Pedro Miguel.jpg 1,314 × 966; 702 KB
198b-Typical Dining Room.jpg 1,315 × 913; 627 KB
202a-Shifting track by hand.jpg 1,221 × 842; 519 KB
202b-Track shifting machine.jpg 1,220 × 829; 419 KB
209-A Squad of Mounted Zone-Police in front of the Ancon Hospital.jpg 2,052 × 1,258; 1.11 MB
234-A Pair of Gates - Gatun Locks.jpg 1,373 × 981; 667 KB
252-Dredging Fleet at Cucaracha.jpg 1,202 × 582; 376 KB
263-City of Panama from Ancon Hill.jpg 1,369 × 734; 654 KB
275-Pedro Miguel Locks.png 1,239 × 782; 754 KB
Ancon Hospital grounds, Panama Canal Zone; the Tivoli Hotel Wellcome V0030230.jpg 3,131 × 2,286; 1.76 MB
Balboa Shop Building and Docks (51133133956).jpg 5,440 × 3,475; 5.17 MB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air 04.png 1,982 × 3,092; 2.12 MB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air 05.png 1,969 × 3,066; 2.12 MB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air 06.png 1,807 × 1,414; 1.22 MB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air 07.png 1,829 × 1,438; 1.04 MB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air 08.png 899 × 913; 445 KB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air 09.png 1,731 × 2,101; 1.25 MB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air Burgess.png 1,710 × 741; 465 KB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air France.png 1,714 × 753; 598 KB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air German.png 1,713 × 758; 626 KB
Can the Panama Canal be Destroyed from the Air wireless.png 1,704 × 741; 536 KB
Construction of Panama Canal, Isthmian Historical Society, ca1913.jpg 3,945 × 646; 974 KB
Ladder dredge Corozal working on Cucaracha slide.jpg 894 × 676; 386 KB
Ladder dredge corozal working on cucaracha slide.tif 9,985 × 8,107; 154.42 MB
Culebra Cut, Panama Canal LCCN2007663304.tif 4,101 × 705; 8.28 MB
Culebra Cut.jpg 630 × 509; 130 KB
Cutting through last of Cucaracha slide.jpg 907 × 703; 458 KB
Cutting through last of cucaracha slide.tif 10,092 × 8,097; 155.88 MB
Dinner time Gatun locks 3a07009r.jpg 640 × 483; 88 KB
Ditch, two months after grass burning; Panama Canal construc Wellcome V0030225.jpg 2,752 × 2,579; 1.99 MB
FMIB 32965 A 1100-Ton Gate Under Construction.jpeg 583 × 283; 61 KB
FMIB 33054 Concrete Arches, Showing Culvert 18 Feet in Diameter.jpeg 568 × 271; 47 KB
FMIB 37556 Canal de Panama - Ville Nouvelle de Pedro-Miguel.jpeg 913 × 655; 255 KB
FMIB 38372 Electric Towing Locomotive in Action.jpeg 1,100 × 689; 265 KB
FMIB 38660 Machinery for Moving a Lock Gate.jpeg 1,165 × 688; 279 KB
FMIB 38671 Concrete Mixers, Gatun.jpeg 660 × 482; 125 KB
FMIB 38672 Lieut Frederic Mears; the Old Panama Railroad.jpeg 808 × 1,307; 320 KB
FMIB 38686 Toro Point Breakwater.jpeg 725 × 1,144; 302 KB
FMIB 38692 Blowing up the Second Dike South of Miraflores Locks.jpeg 1,303 × 835; 241 KB
FMIB 38698 Uncle Sam's Laundry at Cristobal.jpeg 1,316 × 817; 300 KB
FMIB 38701 Floyd C Freeman; ICC Club House at Culebra.jpeg 1,249 × 866; 267 KB
FMIB 38711 S B Williamson; Lower Gates, Miraflores Locks.jpeg 1,272 × 874; 283 KB
FMIB 38712 Washington Hotel, Colon.jpeg 782 × 641; 118 KB
French Canal, deserted machinery (3608428020).jpg 700 × 607; 66 KB
French scrap metal (3607564099).jpg 700 × 613; 79 KB
Gatun Lock - end of the day 3a10168r.jpg 432 × 640; 83 KB
Gatun Upper Locks.jpg 630 × 506; 106 KB
Great cranes in Miraflores Lock 3c38618v.jpg 830 × 1,024; 428 KB
Hignett 06.blowingup.jpg 1,330 × 697; 226 KB
Hignett 10.greatwall.jpg 413 × 796; 115 KB
Houses, canal. 1912. (3608378392).jpg 700 × 508; 27 KB
Houses, street, trees (3607562369).jpg 600 × 508; 99 KB
Hugesteellockgate.jpg 506 × 674; 63 KB
I.C.C. Hotel Tivoli LCCN98517414.jpg 4,096 × 3,284; 1.72 MB
I.C.C. Hotel Tivoli LCCN98517414.tif 4,096 × 3,284; 12.83 MB
Italian Panama Canal construction workers (?), Juan Grande. Wellcome V0030235.jpg 3,118 × 2,376; 1.9 MB
Jungle and abandoned equipment (3607563265).jpg 700 × 617; 151 KB
Kroonland in Panama Canal, 1915.jpg 593 × 384; 34 KB
Laborers' kitchen (3608379988).jpg 700 × 634; 55 KB
Ladder dredges at Chagres River (3608428146).jpg 791 × 507; 58 KB
Line of men drilling (3607561825).jpg 700 × 520; 65 KB
LockConstruction.jpg 700 × 596; 76 KB
Lot 5415-1 (18500729585).jpg 3,289 × 2,377; 3.46 MB
Lot 5415-10 (18313116790).jpg 2,487 × 1,906; 1.89 MB
Lot 5415-11 (18313137980).jpg 2,795 × 2,250; 4.06 MB
Lot 5415-12 (18502734401).jpg 2,706 × 2,083; 2.5 MB
Lot 5415-13 (18313175420).jpg 2,778 × 2,241; 3.84 MB
Lot 5415-14 (18496533872).jpg 2,522 × 2,028; 2.16 MB
Lot 5415-2 (18474303516).jpg 2,439 × 1,990; 2.35 MB
Lot 5415-8 (18313093440).jpg 2,470 × 1,820; 1.73 MB
Lot 5415-9 (18313046108).jpg 2,483 × 2,078; 2.75 MB
Lower end of Gatun locks (3608378076).jpg 700 × 517; 46 KB
Man spraying kerosene against mosquitoes (3608377702).jpg 462 × 600; 64 KB
Man spraying kerosene oil against mosquitoes (3607561675).jpg 454 × 600; 42 KB
Mansprayingkeroseneoil.jpg 507 × 650; 59 KB
Miraflores Locks Panama 1914 Editada.jpg 6,102 × 647; 2.45 MB
Miraflores Locks Panama 1914.JPG 6,147 × 708; 562 KB
Miraflores Locks, showing approach wall, Panama Canal LCCN2007663295.tif 4,096 × 3,266; 12.76 MB
Mt Hope Marguerita Pt Road June 1917 - DPLA - af78e2ab4c752f45d7db388f38d532dc.jpg 1,476 × 1,192; 297 KB
Old French locomotives near Empire (Panama Canal).jpg 1,674 × 1,223; 454 KB
Old machinery from French Canal (3608379286).jpg 700 × 591; 93 KB
OldRailroadCarsUsedForHousing.jpg 700 × 563; 67 KB
Pacific entrance to the Panama Canal at Balboa LCCN2007663280.tif 2,573 × 700; 5.16 MB
Panama and the Canal from an Aeroplane movie poster.jpg 655 × 1,000; 144 KB
Panama and the canal in picture and prose (1913) (14596708507).jpg 2,960 × 2,312; 1.34 MB
Panama Bridge of the Americas(GN04775).jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 1.27 MB
Panama Canal During Wilson's Presidency (4514500549).jpg 1,596 × 1,026; 743 KB
Panama Canal laborers ca 1900.jpg 748 × 833; 666 KB
Panama Canal Lock Forms.jpeg 556 × 369; 56 KB
Panama Canal Locks Construct.jpeg 464 × 424; 40 KB
Panama Canal relief and cross section map.jpg 1,694 × 1,028; 598 KB
Panama Canal workers' quarters (West Indian and Panaman) sur Wellcome V0030220.jpg 2,907 × 2,400; 1.63 MB
Panama-Pacific - Panama-California - Souvenir - 1915 (1915) (14801814673).jpg 1,967 × 1,479; 343 KB
Panama; a large three-storey hotel with an enclosed wrap-aro Wellcome V0030277.jpg 3,125 × 2,406; 1.4 MB
PanamaCanal1913.jpg 3,581 × 765; 1.08 MB
PanamaCanal1913a.jpg 3,453 × 733; 1.06 MB
Patriotic Exercises Balboa CZ July 4, 1915 - DPLA - a8bddbd56a7b7af6840f0aa43ecba1b7.JPG 1,824 × 1,552; 477 KB
Screens on houses (3607563467).jpg 700 × 618; 128 KB
SS Ancon entering west chamber cph.3b17471u.jpg 1,494 × 1,078; 745 KB
SS Ancon leaving west chamber cph.3b17470.jpg 1,497 × 1,088; 666 KB
SS Kentuckian, Panama Canal.jpg 4,469 × 3,510; 5.8 MB
Steel frame work of lock gate (3607564417).jpg 523 × 700; 66 KB
Street in Pedro Miguel (3607562343).jpg 700 × 680; 58 KB
Street with houses (3608379346).jpg 700 × 614; 104 KB
Street with palm trees and a hospital (3608378258).jpg 700 × 664; 145 KB
The Agua Clara Reservoir, Gatun; part of the Panama Canal Zo Wellcome V0030231.jpg 3,047 × 2,379; 1.5 MB
The gates Pedro Miguel 3a07011r.jpg 463 × 640; 80 KB
The Independent (1849) (14595101267).jpg 2,716 × 3,772; 1.07 MB
The Panama Canal Zone administration building, Ancon, Panama Wellcome V0030228.jpg 3,071 × 2,309; 1.39 MB
The Pedro Miguel Locks, Panama Canal construction works; loo Wellcome V0030215.jpg 2,894 × 2,438; 1.65 MB
Trees in the flooded river near Gatun (3608378048).jpg 700 × 913; 132 KB
America's triumph at Panama (IA triumpha00aver).pdf 1,158 × 1,606, 408 pages; 43.43 MB
USS Charleston 1910s.jpg 1,600 × 1,012; 193 KB
USS Missouri (BB-11) in Gatun Lake, Panama Canal, July 16, 1915 (18474364866).jpg 2,747 × 2,100; 2.61 MB
USS Wisconsin (BB-9) in Gatun Lake, Panama Canal, July 16, 1915 (17878059374).jpg 2,751 × 2,004; 2.31 MB
USS Wisconsin (BB-9) in the Panama Canal, July 16, 1915 (18500789835).jpg 2,277 × 1,821; 2.02 MB
Various screened-in buildings (3608380018).jpg 700 × 610; 82 KB
View of Gatun River (3608379392).jpg 532 × 700; 69 KB
Women on beach, houses in background. 1912. (3608377976).jpg 700 × 513; 51 KB
Wooden houses in Ancon (?), Panama, built during the Panama Wellcome V0030226.jpg 2,953 × 2,361; 1.47 MB
Wooden shacks at Mitchelville (3608377762).jpg 700 × 505; 35 KB
Work on lock, Panama Canal.jpg 544 × 341; 61 KB