Category:Paintings of John the Baptist holding a cross
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See also categories: Paintings of John the Baptist with inscribed scrolls and Paintings of John the Baptist with lamb.
This category has the following 49 subcategories, out of 49 total.
- Foligno Madonna by Raphael (32 F)
- Madonna Bolognini (5 F)
- Madonna Diotallevi (7 F)
- Pala Lioni (3 F)
- Virgin of the Veil (4 F)
Media in category "Paintings of John the Baptist holding a cross"
The following 181 files are in this category, out of 181 total.
'Saint John the Baptist Preaching' by Luca Giordano, LACMA.JPG 2,652 × 2,048; 688 KB
1100 Weitmosergasse 57 - Wandbild St. Johannes d.T. von André Roder IMG 8013.jpg 1,500 × 2,000; 625 KB
1495 Granacci Maria mit segnendem Kind anagoria.JPG 2,632 × 2,776; 4.15 MB
Francia Virgin and Child with Saint John.jpg 625 × 830; 336 KB
Credi Adoration of Child.jpg 779 × 784; 373 KB
Imola Virgin and Child with Saint John.jpg 747 × 934; 415 KB
Maître du Fils prodigue - Vierge à l'Enfant.jpg 2,335 × 2,806; 2.9 MB
Jacob Jordaens - Saint John the Baptist.jpg 790 × 1,063; 1.23 MB
Jacob Jordaens Rubenshuis Jean-Baptiste.jpg 1,665 × 2,265; 752 KB
Pitati Holy Family.jpg 3,651 × 2,952; 9.41 MB
17Jh Johannes-Täufer 60x47cm Lombardische-Schule.tiff 2,280 × 2,934; 19.16 MB
Agostino Masucci - A Santíssima Trindade, com a Virgem e Santos.JPG 500 × 972; 172 KB
Andrea del Sarto - Sts John the Baptist and Bernardo degli Uberti - WGA0415.jpg 700 × 1,515; 115 KB
Andrea del Sarto 005.jpg 750 × 1,095; 96 KB
Andrea del Sarto 012.jpg 395 × 500; 26 KB
Andrea del sarto, matrimonio mistico di s. caterina, dresda.jpg 747 × 1,024; 1.08 MB
Andrea Previtali - Mystic Marriage of St Catherine - WGA18403.jpg 1,157 × 900; 192 KB
Bartolomeo Schedoni - John the Baptist.jpg 800 × 976; 248 KB
Beccafumi - The Baptism of Christ, 1528.jpg 6,059 × 4,508; 11.66 MB
Beccafumi, sacra famiglia monaco.jpg 282 × 285; 42 KB
Biagio d'antonio tucci, madonna col bambino, san giovannino e un angelo 2.jpg 2,958 × 2,988; 4.86 MB
Biagio d'antonio tucci, madonna col bambino, san giovannino e un angelo.JPG 2,012 × 1,916; 3.31 MB
Bonifacio de Pitati - Virgin and Child with Saints - WGA02426.jpg 1,400 × 852; 174 KB
Bonifazio de' Pitati - Madonna and Child with Saints - Walters 37579.jpg 1,800 × 1,166; 2.43 MB
Botticelli Trinity.jpg 950 × 1,048; 240 KB
Botticelli, tondo di piacenza.jpg 466 × 469; 211 KB
Botticelli-vierge et Enfant avec le petit saint Jean.jpg 2,652 × 2,652; 382 KB
Francesco Brina (circle) - Madonna e il Bambino con San Giovanni Battista.jpg 2,684 × 3,307; 2.11 MB
Vlaho Bukovac - Sv. Ivan Preteča.jpg 3,872 × 3,056; 1.63 MB
Ca d Oro Jacopo del sellaio Madonna con bambino e San Giovannino Venezia.jpg 7,667 × 5,385; 23.42 MB
Ca d Oro Jacopo del sellaio Madonna con bambino e San Giovannino Venezia2.jpg 7,451 × 5,048; 15.79 MB
Ca' Rezzonico - Festa di Bacco (Inv.061) - Giulio Carpioni.jpg 6,148 × 4,138; 10.64 MB
Ca' Rezzonico - San Giovanni Battista (In.32) - Paolo Farinati.jpg 4,888 × 6,099; 14.45 MB
Ca' Rezzonico - San Giovanni Evangelista nel paesaggio (Inv.8) - Marco Palmezzano.jpg 2,720 × 3,793; 7.32 MB
Caravaggio - San Giovanni Battista che Nutre l´Agnello.jpg 700 × 483; 197 KB
Cesare Gennari Giovanni Battista.jpg 425 × 480; 13 KB
Christ the King Church, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico04.jpg 1,014 × 672; 80 KB
Five saints, Nardo di Cione, WAF 1028, Alte Pinakothek Munich.jpg 2,512 × 4,244; 10.08 MB
Ciro Ferri - Madonna and Child with the Infant St John - WGA7837.jpg 870 × 720; 78 KB
Cittá della Pieve Dom - Pomarancio Gloria Angelica 1.jpg 2,601 × 3,553; 7.64 MB
Cittá della Pieve Dom - Pomarancio Gloria Angelica 2.jpg 3,968 × 2,676; 8.25 MB
Clevelandart 1966.238.jpg 2,326 × 3,400; 2.38 MB
Cserkút Keresztelő Szent János.JPG 1,583 × 2,335; 680 KB
Federico zuccari, assunzione.jpg 750 × 1,102; 136 KB
Ferran Sant Joan. Inv. 373.jpg 2,130 × 2,585; 474 KB
Fra Bartolomeo - De heilige familie met de kleine Johannes.jpg 2,013 × 2,650; 2.93 MB
Francesco Botticini, Madonna and Child, 15th cent., Sotheby's.jpg 2,000 × 1,958; 1.25 MB
Francesco granacci, riposo durante la fuga in egitto con san giovannino, 1494 ca. 04.jpg 3,648 × 5,472; 6.92 MB
Francia - madona01.jpg 618 × 800; 413 KB
Freska od Sv. Jovan vo Kratovo 13.JPG 4,272 × 2,848; 4.17 MB
Galasso di Matteo Piva - Hoofd van Johannes de Doper - NK1500 - Bonnefanten Museum.jpg 2,126 × 2,553; 3.05 MB
Geislingen-Binsdorf-Lorettokapelle5438.jpg 2,592 × 3,456; 1.85 MB
Giovanni Antonio Sogliani, Madonna col Bambino tra i santi Pietro e Giovanni Battista.jpg 3,576 × 3,726; 1.43 MB
Giovanni Bellini - Madonna and Child with St John the Baptist and a Saint - WGA1750.jpg 1,500 × 1,073; 172 KB
Giovanni bellini, assunta, 1510-15.jpg 870 × 1,335; 169 KB
Giovanni da Gaeta, Madonna delle Itrie (1470 circa).jpg 743 × 595; 239 KB
Giovanni domenico cerrini, san giovanni battista, 1640-80 ca.jpg 3,063 × 3,754; 5.88 MB
Guido Reni - The infant Jesus and St. John - Google Art Project.jpg 2,871 × 3,560; 3.68 MB
Imitador de lippi-pesellino - virgem com o menino.jpg 800 × 783; 602 KB
Jacopo del sellaio, madonna col bambino e san giovannino, ve.JPG 2,252 × 2,228; 3.57 MB
Jan Breughel d.J. & Pieter van Avont - De Heilige Familie met Johannes.jpg 3,897 × 4,915; 6.56 MB
John Evangelista and John Baptista.jpg 2,257 × 2,951; 2.98 MB
La familia de Santa Ana.jpg 1,624 × 1,305; 1.29 MB
La Ste Famile avec Ste Elisabeth et St Jean, Jacques Blanchard.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 547 KB
Leonardo Da Pistoia - The Holy Family with the Infant St John - WGA12675.jpg 880 × 1,142; 123 KB
Lodi - chiesa dell’Incoronata - Callisto Piazza - battesimo del Cristo.jpg 2,000 × 3,000; 1.98 MB
Lonsee Luizhausen Michaelskirche Empore Kleemann Johannes der Täufer 2020 03 15.jpg 3,147 × 3,924; 8.31 MB
Lorenzo Lippi Madonna.jpg 309 × 390; 37 KB
Luca Cambiaso - Holy Family with St John the Baptist - Google Art Project.jpg 4,465 × 5,001; 3.95 MB
Luca Giordano - St John the Baptist.jpeg 533 × 800; 67 KB
Madonna col Bambino e san Giovannino, Pieter de Witte 001.JPG 1,143 × 1,487; 558 KB
Maria m. Kind, Dominikus Michael Johannes d Täufer Thomas 1490er.jpg 2,840 × 2,781; 4.61 MB
Marija z Jezusom in sv. Janezom Krstnikom (Pleterska zbirka).jpg 3,056 × 3,920; 983 KB
Melegh Madonna with the Child and St John the Baptist 1827.jpg 658 × 872; 70 KB
Michele di Ridolfo Del Ghirlandaio.jpg 652 × 800; 102 KB
Michele Tosini.jpg 472 × 600; 45 KB
Moretto, battista nel deserto.jpg 561 × 640; 97 KB
Nagyréde, római katolikus templom belső tere 2024 07.jpg 1,600 × 2,400; 1.03 MB
National Gallery Ireland 73.jpg 3,538 × 5,029; 2.44 MB
Natività (Nativity).png 550 × 550; 418 KB
Oreste Costa John the Baptist.jpg 940 × 1,402; 512 KB
Palma il Vecchio 012.jpg 380 × 500; 20 KB
Paolo Veronese - De heilige familie met de kleine Johannes.jpg 2,663 × 2,588; 5.45 MB
Passerotti - Saint Jean Baptiste, saint Jérôme et saint François.jpg 800 × 563; 148 KB
Perin del Vaga Adorazione.jpg 900 × 1,112; 126 KB
Piero di Cosimo, The Nativity with the Infant Saint John, c. 1495-1505, NGA 515.jpg 4,000 × 4,000; 14.05 MB
Piero di cosimo, adorazione del bambino borghese.jpg 912 × 917; 286 KB
Piero di Cosimo - Holy Family with Angels, circa 1520.jpg 1,920 × 1,918; 868 KB
Gemäldegalerie Alte Meister (Dresden) Piero di Cosimo Heilige Familie um 1500.jpg 8,663 × 8,663; 12.01 MB
Piero di Cosimo Madone avec St JB-Lichtenstein.jpg 1,056 × 1,400; 192 KB
Pietro Negroni - Holy Family with Saint John.jpg 404 × 600; 48 KB
Pietro Perugino 068.jpg 2,536 × 2,680; 420 KB
Pires St. Michael and St. John.jpg 456 × 702; 241 KB
Pontevedra, Museo 09-18a, San Xoán Bautista (XVI).jpg 2,056 × 3,088; 2.52 MB
Carlo Portelli Virgen con niño, San Juanito y Santa Ana.jpg 669 × 799; 206 KB
Prospero Fontana Sagrada Familia con San Juanito 1548-51.jpg 750 × 927; 106 KB
Protestant church Fresach 06.jpg 2,152 × 4,636; 4.28 MB
Raffaellino del Garbo - Saint John the Baptist - Google Art Project.jpg 3,475 × 5,341; 5.99 MB
Reni, Guido - St John the Baptist in the Wilderness - Google Art Project.jpg 3,494 × 4,923; 2.16 MB
ReuternHolyFamily.jpg 798 × 1,134; 195 KB
Rudolf Ernst Maria Johannes und Jesuskind 1875.jpg 3,256 × 6,923; 10 MB
RV Liebfrauenkirche Gemälde Fugel Johannes am Jordan.jpg 1,554 × 1,594; 1.11 MB
Sagrada Família com S. João Baptista menino - Domingos Vieira Serrão.png 1,101 × 1,387; 2.38 MB
Sainte famille avec Saint Jean Baptiste-Michele de Rodolfo del Ghirlandaio mg 8205.jpg 2,031 × 2,760; 539 KB
San Giovanni Battista che nutre l'agnello.jpg 1,500 × 1,036; 1.02 MB
Santi di tito, sacra famiglia con san giovannino, collez. privata.JPG 2,040 × 2,658; 2.62 MB
Sarto, Andrea del — St. John the Baptist — 1517 circa.jpg 251 × 357; 14 KB
Sebastiano Ricci 054.jpg 3,200 × 2,183; 385 KB
St. John the Baptist in the Wilderness LACMA 51.4.jpg 1,841 × 2,100; 825 KB
Tableau Saint-Jean-Baptiste tour Saint-Romain.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 2.92 MB
The Holy Family with the young Saint John the Baptist.jpg 1,588 × 2,000; 1.08 MB
Valentin de Boulogne - Saint Jean Baptiste (Apiro, Collegio di Sant'Urbano).jpg 2,013 × 2,787; 549 KB
Vatican Museums 2020 P08 Pietro Lorenzetti Saint John the Baptist.jpg 2,273 × 4,435; 2.68 MB
Veronese - Saint John the Baptist, circa 1560.jpg 550 × 1,126; 461 KB
Vierge à l'Enfant, Puligo.jpg 1,786 × 1,784; 1.42 MB
Vincent Sellaer - Virgin and Child - WGA21151.jpg 750 × 1,018; 118 KB
Vincenzo Catena 003.jpg 650 × 405; 219 KB
Vincenzo Catena 016.jpg 1,042 × 600; 167 KB
Vincenzo di antonio frediani, madonna col bambino e san giovannino, 1480-1500 ca.jpg 3,468 × 3,468; 6.55 MB
Waldburg-Gebetbuch 068.jpg 1,112 × 1,595; 1.05 MB
Église Saint-Pierre Touffreville 3.JPG 3,000 × 4,000; 2.45 MB