Category:Paintings of Immaculata with putti
This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.
Media in category "Paintings of Immaculata with putti"
The following 40 files are in this category, out of 40 total.
Peter Paul Rubens - Immaculate Conception (Prado).jpg 2,166 × 3,189; 3.71 MB
0 L'Immaculée Conception - P.P. Rubens - Prado - P1627 - (1).JPG 2,274 × 3,155; 6.25 MB
0 L'Immaculée Conception - P.P. Rubens - Prado - P1627 - (2).JPG 1,874 × 2,726; 4.43 MB
Bernardo Cavallino - The Immaculate Virgin.jpg 877 × 1,279; 1.27 MB
Cavallino the blessed virgin.jpg 720 × 1,016; 119 KB
Paolo de Maio (Attr. to) - The Immaculate Conception.jpg 1,305 × 1,600; 553 KB
A.Cortina. Inmaculada Concepción.jpg 1,036 × 1,688; 323 KB
Altomonte, Bartolomeo - The Immaculate Conception - 1719.jpg 800 × 1,126; 135 KB
Basilica de la Macarena, ceiling.jpg 2,248 × 4,000; 2.42 MB
Basilio Santa Cruz - Immaculate Virgin Victorious over the Serpent of Heresy.jpg 1,496 × 2,086; 1.27 MB
Cervo054.jpg 1,045 × 1,756; 617 KB
Church of the ex-Monastery of San Bernadino, Taxco 03.jpg 453 × 508; 183 KB
Echenbrunn St. Maria Immaculata 360.JPG 3,776 × 2,520; 5.58 MB
Francisco solis-inmaculada.jpg 800 × 966; 139 KB
Fresco of the Immaculata - Basílica de La Macarena - Seville.JPG 3,456 × 5,184; 9.35 MB
Gerardi, Immacolata concezione.jpg 543 × 827; 127 KB
Giuseppe Angeli - The Immaculate Conception - WGA00437.jpg 801 × 1,137; 741 KB
GriesheimSouffel StPancrace 48.jpg 2,592 × 2,736; 1.74 MB
Immaculate Conception Cuzco School NOMA.jpg 1,324 × 2,305; 1.8 MB
Inmaculada Concepción (Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla).JPG 402 × 618; 99 KB
Juan carreño de miranda, immacolata concezione, 1670.JPG 2,170 × 3,066; 3.86 MB
Carlo Maratta - Maria Immaculata, c1685.1688 - Bildergalerie Sanssouci, Potsdam.jpg 4,960 × 7,206; 4.15 MB
Martigues,ste Madeleine-de-l'Île28,l'Immaculée Conception.jpg 2,112 × 2,816; 883 KB
Pietro Novelli - Immacolata Concezione.jpg 196 × 291; 20 KB
Pietro paolini (attr.), immacolata concezione.JPG 2,304 × 3,184; 4.32 MB
PM 158029 B Outrijve.jpg 441 × 600; 284 KB
PM 158032 B Outrijve.jpg 600 × 400; 280 KB
Proclamation of Mary Immaculate - 19th-century.jpg 8,863 × 11,546; 38.41 MB
Pyhra Pfarrkirche04.jpg 2,736 × 3,648; 3.43 MB
Ribera - The Immaculate Conception, CMA 1962, 1637.jpg 5,016 × 6,970; 12.36 MB
Sainpuits-FR-89-église-intérieur-27b.jpg 2,175 × 2,564; 1.53 MB
Sassoferrato, immacolata col bambino 01.JPG 2,328 × 3,024; 4.02 MB
Sassoferrato, immacolata col bambino 02.JPG 3,268 × 2,736; 4.18 MB
Steyr Haratzmüllerstraße 14 Votivbild.jpg 5,312 × 3,542; 3.62 MB
Tobelbad Kirche Altar.jpg 2,545 × 3,831; 2.78 MB
Unterföhring St. Valentin 918.jpg 4,703 × 3,135; 8.6 MB
Vatican Museums 2020 P33 Francesco Salviati Immaculate Conception with angels.jpg 2,628 × 3,504; 1.84 MB