Category:Paintings of Greek mythology
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Media in category "Paintings of Greek mythology"
The following 68 files are in this category, out of 68 total.
04 - The fall of Icarus.jpg 2,834 × 2,362; 2.08 MB
Adrastos slays himself on Atys' tomb (1776).jpg 720 × 600; 98 KB
Adolf Hiremy Hirschl - Studie zu "Die Seelen am Acheron".jpg 3,508 × 2,066; 2.79 MB
Adolf Hiremy-Hirschl - Zwischen Skylla und Charybdis.jpg 2,362 × 3,508; 4.5 MB
Andrea meldolla detto lo schiavone, deucalione e pirra.jpg 3,912 × 1,524; 2.64 MB
Anonyme - Scylla et Glaucus.jpg 1,655 × 1,230; 924 KB
Beccafumi, deucalione e pirra.jpg 1,441 × 588; 539 KB
Benna Smuglewicz Rape of Hippodamia.jpg 600 × 379; 127 KB
Claude Vignon - The Knight's Dream (The Dream of Daphnis).jpg 742 × 961; 902 KB
Deruet - La bataille entre les amazones et les grecs.JPG 1,169 × 792; 449 KB
E. de Witte - Philemon en Baucis - NK2434 - Delft Municipal Museums.jpg 2,126 × 1,841; 2.33 MB
Euthenia in a Garden.jpg 1,024 × 799; 278 KB
Gillis-van-Valckenborch-THE-MARRIAGE-OF-PELEUS-AND-THETIS.jpg 2,560 × 1,666; 589 KB
Gorizia Palazzo Attems Petzenstein Deckengemälde.jpg 5,884 × 3,777; 3.66 MB
Greece from the Coming of the Hellenes to AD. 14, page 39, Vase painting.jpg 3,000 × 1,720; 650 KB
Guérin Énée racontant à Didon les malheurs de la ville de Troie Louvre 5184.jpg 2,060 × 1,644; 3.02 MB
Hanging Showing Euthenia in a Garden MET DT7715.jpg 3,811 × 2,976; 5.09 MB
Hermaphroditos and Salmacis by Bartholomäus Spranger.jpg 2,371 × 3,220; 3.58 MB
Hesperides, Dance around the Golden Tree by Edward Calvert.jpg 824 × 467; 48 KB
Hippolytus Sir Lawrence Alma Tadema.jpg 1,134 × 876; 865 KB
Imitación de Ribera - Tántalo, P003784.jpg 1,920 × 1,604; 2.2 MB
Jacob van Campen - Argus, Mercury and Io - 001.jpg 2,813 × 3,000; 855 KB
Jasper van der Laanen - Die Töchter des Kekrops befreien Erechteus.jpg 768 × 577; 122 KB
Joachem Wtewael - Cephalus and Procris (The Death of Procris).jpg 451 × 600; 386 KB
Johann Georg Platzer - Casamento de Afrodite e Hefesto.jpg 640 × 462; 238 KB
John Reinhard Weguelin – The Gardens of Adonis (1888).jpg 800 × 474; 206 KB
John Reinhard Weguelin – The Toilet of Faunus (1887).jpg 245 × 450; 28 KB
Joos de Momper (II) - Shipwreck of the Greek Fleet on the Voyage Home from Troy DSC6852.jpg 4,335 × 3,930; 22.62 MB
Kefalos och Prokris.jpg 1,889 × 2,500; 1.79 MB
Lairesse, Gérard de - Aeneas beim Festmahl der Dido.jpg 952 × 742; 188 KB
Lastman Odysseus and Nausicaä.jpg 766 × 599; 136 KB
Laurent de La Hyre - Theseus and Aethra - WGA12325.jpg 684 × 809; 117 KB
Le Mythe de Sisyphe.png 2,390 × 1,658; 7.08 MB
Le retour d'Idomédée.JPG 3,118 × 2,139; 4.31 MB
Claude Lorrain - Côte vue avec Apollon et la Sibylle de Cumes.jpg 1,920 × 1,525; 441 KB
Claude Lorrain - Côte vue avec Apollon et la Sibylle de CumesFXD.jpg 1,920 × 1,525; 577 KB
Luca giordano, cefalo e procri, 02.jpg 2,778 × 2,382; 3.5 MB
Museo Capodimonte Napoli Salone delle feste Salvatore Giusti soffitto.jpg 3,566 × 6,542; 9.28 MB
Musée arts LonsleSaunier 0114.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 503 KB
Nestoris lucanienne.png 1,332 × 1,030; 251 KB
Othea's Epistle (Queen's Manuscript) Hermaphroditus & Salmacis.jpg 1,006 × 1,500; 377 KB
Rembrandt Historical Painting 1626 (Detail, with self-portrait).jpg 362 × 404; 135 KB
Rembrandt Historical Painting 1626.jpg 2,481 × 1,833; 2.85 MB
Robert Fagan (1761-1816) - Orestes and Electra - 609096 - National Trust.jpg 1,050 × 1,200; 118 KB
Rosa - Glaucus et Scylla, Inv. 4577.jpg 295 × 346; 89 KB
Rosa - Romantic landscape with Mercury and Argus, c. 1655-1660.jpg 1,280 × 774; 98 KB
Rubens-Death-of-Semele.jpg 2,050 × 1,416; 3.57 MB
Salvator Rosa Glaucus et Scylla 15092012421.jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 215 KB
Sophie Rude - The death of Cenchirias, son of Neptune and the nymph Peirene.jpg 2,000 × 1,582; 678 KB
Sophie Rude - The death of Cenchirias, son of Neptune and the nymph PeireneFXD.jpg 2,000 × 1,582; 818 KB
The Battle of the Gods and Giants - Cesare Rossetti.jpg 658 × 887; 106 KB
The-Destruction-Of-The-Children-Of-Niobe.jpg 452 × 570; 221 KB
Tiepolo - The Apotheosis of Aeneas, c. 1765.jpg 1,680 × 2,400; 1.3 MB
Giambattista Tiepolo - The Death of Hyacinthus - Google Art Project.jpg 2,520 × 3,133; 5.39 MB
Vaccaro-nicola-1637-1717-italy-glaucus-fleeing-from-skylla-th.jpg 512 × 714; 81 KB
François Verdier - Boreas Abducting Oreithyia - 1688.jpg 303 × 500; 41 KB