Category:Old maps of the Republic of New Granada
Media in category "Old maps of the Republic of New Granada"
The following 15 files are in this category, out of 15 total.
1846 Carthagena detail map Colombie et Guyanes by Duvotenay BPL 11108.png 1,064 × 746; 1.75 MB
1846 Maroa detail map Colombie et Guyanes by Duvotenay BPL 11108.png 1,064 × 746; 1.75 MB
1846 Medellin detail map Colombie et Guyanes by Duvotenay BPL 11108.png 1,064 × 746; 1.75 MB
AGHRC (1890) - Carta XII - División política de la Nueva Granada, 1851.jpg 4,262 × 3,467; 5.82 MB
Map of the republics of northern South America (1860).jpg 3,177 × 2,096; 2.63 MB
Map of Venezuela, New Granada and Ecuador (1855).jpg 2,493 × 2,038; 1.46 MB
Mapa de la Nueva Granada (1852).jpg 4,208 × 3,024; 2.96 MB
Mappa das republicas de Venezuela, Nova Granada e Ecuador - btv1b8441178s.jpg 4,776 × 3,577; 3.06 MB