Category:Nicolas Terechtchenko

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<nowiki>Nicolas Terechtchenko; Терещенко Микола Артемійович; Nicolas Terechtchenko; Терещенко, Никола Артемьевич; Nikola Tereschtschenko; Nicolas Terechtchenko; Nicolas Terechtchenko; 米科拉·特雷先科; Nikola Tereshchenko; Ukrainian entrepreneur and philanthropist (1819–1903); український підприємець та меценат; ondernemer uit Keizerrijk Rusland (1819-1903); Nicolas Terechtchenko; Nikola Artemiyovych Tereshchenko; Nikola Artemijowytsch Tereschtschenko; Nikola Terestschenko; Нікола Терещенко; Терещенко Нікола Артемійович; Никола Артемьевич Терещенко; Терещенко, Николай Артемьевич; Терещенко Никола Артемьевич</nowiki>
Nikola Tereshchenko 
Ukrainian entrepreneur and philanthropist (1819–1903)
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Date of birth14 October 1819 (in Julian calendar) (statement with potentially incorrect Julian date)
Date of death19 January 1903 (in Julian calendar) (statement with potentially incorrect Julian date)
Kyiv (Kiev Governorate, Russian Empire)
Country of citizenship
Award received
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Media in category "Nicolas Terechtchenko"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.