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Category:Nevada State Capitol

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<nowiki>Capitolio Estatal de Nevada; ネバダ州会議事堂; Capitole de l'État du Nevada; Capitool van Nevada; Капитолий штата Невада; Campidoglio; نیواڈا سٹیٹ کیپیٹل; Capitólio Estadual de Nevada; Nevada State Capitol; ساختمان کاپیتل ایالت نوادا; 內華達州議會大廈; Capitoliu Estatal de Nevada; state capitol building of the U.S. state of Nevada; sede governativa dello Stato del Nevada; bouwwerk in Nevada</nowiki>
Nevada State Capitol 
state capitol building of the U.S. state of Nevada
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Instance of
  • capitol building
LocationCarson City, Nevada
Architectural style
Heritage designation
Map39° 09′ 50.67″ N, 119° 45′ 58.65″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q2781160
VIAF cluster ID: 316593200
Structurae structure ID: 20025117
NRHP reference number: 75002126
LoC HABS/HAER/HALS place ID: nv0051
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English: The Nevada State Capitol building — in Carson City, western Nevada.

This is a category about a place or building that is listed on the National Register of Historic Places in the United States of America. Its reference number is 75002126.


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Media in category "Nevada State Capitol"

The following 43 files are in this category, out of 43 total.