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<nowiki>Nematocida; nématicide; nematicida; Nematizid; nematicida; нематацыды; نماتدکش; 線蟲殺蟲劑; Nematocid; Нематоциды; Νηματωδοκτόνο; Nematisida; nematocyd; nematicider; nematicide; 殺線蟲劑; 杀线虫剂; مبيد الديدان الأسطوانية; Nematicida; nematicide; nematodicido; 杀线虫剂; Racun nematod; tipo de insecticida; Wirkstoffe gegen bodenlebende Nematoden; pestisida yang berfungsi untuk memberantas nematoda atau hama cacing; pesticide used to kill plant-parasitic nematodes; środek przeznaczony do zwalczania nicieni; Φυτοφάρμακο για την εξόντωση των νηματωδών; produit phytosanitaire; Nematicide; antinematodal agent; nematocydy; środki nicieniobójcze; środek nicieniobójczy; 杀线虫剂; 殺線蟲劑; Nematozid; Nematozide</nowiki>
pesticide used to kill plant-parasitic nematodes
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Subclass of
  • phytopharmaceuticals
  • antinematodal agent
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This category has the following 6 subcategories, out of 6 total.

Media in category "Nematicides"

The following 6 files are in this category, out of 6 total.