Category:Musical boxes
English: A musical box (UK usage; music box in US English) is a 19th century automatic musical instrument that produces sounds by the use of a set of pins placed on a revolving cylinder or disc so as to pluck the tuned teeth of a steel comb. They were developed from musical snuff boxes of the 18th century and called carillons à musique. Some of the more complex boxes also have a tiny drum and small bells, in addition to the metal comb. Note that the tone of a musical box is unlike that of any musical instrument (although it is best described as somewhere between the timbres of an mbira).
Musical boxes |
Dansk: En lirekasse er et musikinstrument mest brugt af gøglere og landevejsriddere. En lirekasse er en trækasse, typisk med forskellige udskæringer, med et påmonteret håndtag. Når man drejer på håndtaget giver kassen en melodi.
Deutsch: Eine Spieldose ist ein selbstspielendes mechanisches Musikinstrument. Eine Spieluhr ist dagegen eine mechanische Uhr, die eine Melodie spielt.
Esperanto: Muzikskatolo estas aŭtomate ludanta mekanika muzikinstrumento. Muzikhorloĝo tamen estas mekanika horloĝo, kiu ludas melodion.
Español: Una caja de música es un instrumento musical mecánico, creado en el siglo XIX. Estas cajas funcionan por medio de unos remaches ubicados en un cilindro giratorio o disco, que al ser tocados por un cepillo de metal, producen el sonido. Fueron desarrollados en base a un tipo de cajas musicales del siglo XVIII y llamados carillons á musique. Algunas de las cajas de música más complejas tenían también un minúsculo tambor y pequeñas campanas, en suma al cepillo metálico. Alec Templeton, un avido coleccionista de cajas de música y músico profesional, notó que el tono de las cajas musicales no es acorde a ningún instrumento musical.
Suomi: Soittorasia on pieni jousimekanismilla toimiva koje, joka soittaa tietyn sävelmän. Yleisin käyttötarkoitus lienee lasten nukuttamiseen tarkoitetuissa leluissa, mutta erilaiset soittorasiat ovat melko yleisiä myös koriste-esineinä. Ensimmäiset soittorasiat valmistettiin 1700-luvulla.
Français : Une boîte à musique est un instrument de musique mécanique dont l'organe musical est constitué d'un ensemble de lames d'acier dont une extrémité est maintenue fermement, et dont l'autre, restée libre, est mise en vibration mécaniquement.
Bahasa Indonesia: Kotak musik adalah alat musik abad ke-19 yang menghasilkan musik dengan menggunakan serangkaian pin yang ditempatkan pada suatu silinder atau cakram berputar sehingga menyentuh gigi-gigi dari suatu sisir besi. Alat ini dikembangkan dari suatu kotak serupa dari abad ke-18 yang disebut carillons à musique. Beberapa jenis kotak musik yang lebih kompleks juga memiliki drum dan lonceng kecil di samping sisir besi tersebut. Nada yang dihasilkan oleh suatu kotak musik dianggap berbeda dengan semua jenis alat musik lainnya.
Italiano: Il carillon è uno strumento musicale automatico del diciannovesimo secolo che produce musica facendo vibrare, con delle punte poste su un cilindro o su un disco rotante, delle lamelle di acciaio disposte a pettine.
ქართული: არღანი, მექანიკური საკრავი, გადასატანი უკლავიშო ორგანის ნაირსახეობა. შეიქმნა ევროპაში XVIII საუკუნეში, საქართველოში გავრცელდა XIX საუკუნის დასაწყისიდან, უმთავრესად ქალაქებში.
Nederlands: Een speeldoos is een muziekinstrument dat behoort tot de lamellofonen dat na opwinden een melodietje ten gehore brengt.
Polski: Pozytywka – XIX-wieczny instrument muzyczny, wydający dźwięki za pomocą zaczepiania metalowymi wypustkami umieszczonymi na obrotowym wałku o zęby odpowiednio nastrojonego metalowego grzebienia.
Русский: Шарма́нка (от — «Прекрасная Катрин», название одной из первых песен, исполненных на шарманке) — механический музыкальный инструмент. Изобретена итальянцем Барбьери. В России ее иногда называли «Катаринка». Представляет собой небольшой орган без клавиатуры — ящик, внутри которого размещены в несколько рядов звучащие трубки, меха и деревянный или металлический валик с шипами-кулачками. Крутя ручку, шарманщик мог воспроизвести 6-8 мелодий, записанных на валике.
Svenska: miniatyr|Metallvalsspeldosa
automatic musical instrument | |||||
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This category has the following 24 subcategories, out of 24 total.
- Audio files of music boxes (34 F)
- Videos of music boxes (35 F)
- Fabrique de Genève (2 F)
- Polyphon (111 F)
- Regina Music Box Company (9 F)
- Rolmonica (4 F)
- Sankyo musical boxes (3 F)
- Serinette (17 F)
- Staahaadler Aff (4 F)
- Symphonion Musikwerke (18 F)
Pages in category "Musical boxes"
The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.
Media in category "Musical boxes"
The following 200 files are in this category, out of 211 total.
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08-11-1947 02371 Draaiorgel naar Amerika (5786244390).jpg 1,200 × 933; 201 KB
08-11-1947 02373 Draaiorgel (4071353345).jpg 1,184 × 1,499; 97 KB
099 Museu de la Música, orgue de ressort de Diego Evans.jpg 2,536 × 2,080; 2.38 MB
100 Museu de la Música, orgue de ressort de Diego Evans.jpg 2,816 × 2,112; 2.86 MB
19thMusicBoxChipas1.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 4.21 MB
19thMusicBoxChipas2.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 3.55 MB
19thMusicBoxChipas3.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 4.22 MB
20170220HoagyMusicBoxCathPrk.jpg 1,152 × 2,048; 1,016 KB
20170220kwtcathprkstatue.jpg 4,320 × 2,432; 3.23 MB
2025-01-07 The Atomik Nation Music Box (Seven), Saint-Malo.jpg 3,578 × 3,578; 4.28 MB
230826 Rokko Forest Sound Museum Kobe Japan09s.jpg 3,648 × 5,472; 11.24 MB
230826 Rokko Forest Sound Museum Kobe Japan10s.jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 12.17 MB
843 1-967x1080.jpg 967 × 1,080; 260 KB
Antique beer stein bottom view.jpg 2,205 × 2,402; 1.55 MB
Antique beer stein music box.jpg 2,871 × 2,646; 2.44 MB
Ballerina Toy.JPG 2,534 × 1,690; 386 KB
Baud museum mg 8536.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.57 MB
Baud museum mg 8537.jpg 2,184 × 2,184; 806 KB
Bella Ciao! in a box.jpg 2,514 × 2,408; 898 KB
Biecz muzeum regionalne 074.JPG 3,264 × 2,448; 3.6 MB
Bmusique det.jpg 745 × 560; 114 KB
Boite à musique artisanale.jpg 5,184 × 3,456; 4.49 MB
Boite-a-musique-p1030425.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 921 KB
Boite-a-musique-p1030517.jpg 1,929 × 1,839; 535 KB
Boite-a-musique-p1030518.jpg 1,920 × 2,560; 896 KB
Boîte de gare.jpg 1,024 × 1,018; 212 KB
Boîte à musique Paillard SA.jpg 624 × 441; 170 KB
Caixa de Musica - Artesanato.jpg 1,024 × 681; 171 KB
Caixa de Musica DSCN3998.jpg 4,608 × 2,592; 2.52 MB
Caixa de Musica DSCN4001.jpg 4,608 × 2,592; 2.66 MB
Caja de música (1882).jpg 2,271 × 1,339; 837 KB
Caja de música.jpg 5,184 × 3,888; 3.47 MB
Caja de Música.tif 4,160 × 4,160; 140.57 MB
Caja musica.jpg 1,774 × 1,417; 458 KB
CIMA mg 8268.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.57 MB
CIMA mg 8273.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.49 MB
CIMA mg 8277.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.49 MB
CIMA mg 8284.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.5 MB
CIMA mg 8288.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.36 MB
CIMA mg 8293.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.36 MB
CIMA mg 8298.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.82 MB
CIMA mg 8299.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.66 MB
CIMA mg 8300.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.26 MB
CIMA mg 8302.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 3.61 MB
CIMA mg 8303.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 3.84 MB
CIMA mg 8304.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 3.75 MB
CIMA mg 8305.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 3.8 MB
CIMA mg 8316.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.35 MB
CIMA mg 8378.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 4.83 MB
CIMA mg 8385.jpg 4,368 × 2,912; 5.14 MB
CIMA mg 8386.jpg 2,912 × 4,368; 1.81 MB
CIMA mg 8387.jpg 2,912 × 4,368; 4.61 MB
Columbia Grafonola, Grant County Historical Museum (Canyon City, Oregon).ogv 50 s, 640 × 480; 11.58 MB
Componium.jpg 907 × 680; 249 KB
Constructie speelmechaniek Polyphon.jpg 4,100 × 2,100; 1.24 MB
Denver doll museum 073.JPG 2,448 × 3,264; 3.66 MB
Detall, orgue de maneta, Diego Evans, MDMB 65.jpg 2,594 × 2,374; 1.54 MB
DJ Analog (4214358580).jpg 2,846 × 4,270; 1.11 MB
Dontworry.jpg 928 × 1,048; 304 KB
Dynamische windvleugel 2 bladen op tandem (polyphon).jpg 2,400 × 2,000; 2.32 MB
Dynamische windvleugel.jpg 2,360 × 1,200; 230 KB
Elektrisches Klavier Vakuummotor.jpg 655 × 656; 193 KB
Elektrisches Klavier.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.27 MB
Engerln, Walzec, disk music box, MIM Berlin.jpg 2,432 × 3,648; 9.72 MB
Engerln, Walzec, music box disk, MIM Berlin.jpg 3,648 × 2,432; 9.98 MB
Erddig Grade I Listed Building in Marchwiel, Wrexham, Wales 137.jpg 3,672 × 4,896; 5.3 MB
Erddig Grade I Listed Building in Marchwiel, Wrexham, Wales 138.jpg 4,896 × 3,672; 4.62 MB
Et à gauche à droite chanson d'ambiance de St Sylvestre ....jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 2.66 MB
Etui till speldosa - Livrustkammaren - 71085.tif 6,470 × 4,961; 61.27 MB
Etui till speldosa 1016 - Livrustkammaren - 62523.tif 6,483 × 4,961; 61.4 MB
Etui till speldosa 1016 - Livrustkammaren - 79644.tif 6,490 × 4,961; 61.46 MB
F36 Cylinderspeldosa.tif 3,543 × 2,657; 26.96 MB
F37 Cylinderspeldosa.tif 3,053 × 3,543; 30.97 MB
F38 Cylinderspeldosa.tif 3,543 × 2,657; 26.95 MB
F39 Cylinderspeldosa.tif 3,543 × 2,657; 26.96 MB
F65 Cylinderspeldosa.tif 2,538 × 3,543; 25.75 MB
Fire Emblem Three Houses original soundtrack — 10 (50948895328).jpg 3,644 × 3,643; 1.39 MB
Fire Emblem Three Houses original soundtrack — 11 (50949699357).jpg 3,086 × 3,086; 1.37 MB
Gebogenes Glas, Musik Box, Österreich.png 342 × 466; 331 KB
Gem Roller Organ, Lightner Museum.jpg 9,248 × 6,936; 10.82 MB
Gem Roller Organ, Museum Speelklok.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 2.1 MB
God Save the Tsar! and Hail, Pennsylvania! music box.ogg 1 min 20 s; 1.05 MB
Grande Format Cilinderspeeldoos by Nicole Frères, Genève, Museum Speelklok.jpg 3,648 × 2,736; 1.86 MB
Hall of halls rokko04.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.01 MB
Hermann Kern Alter Mann mit Spieluhr.jpg 4,529 × 3,563; 5.23 MB
How a Wind Up Music Box Works.webm 8 min 3 s, 1,920 × 1,080; 91.76 MB
Hrací stroj Františka Řebíčka.jpg 2,954 × 1,080; 305 KB
Hrající konvička a domeček na počasí 01.jpg 640 × 480; 75 KB
Hrající konvička a domeček na počasí 02.webm 35 s, 640 × 480; 9.59 MB
Hurdy-gurdy Music Box.jpg 2,016 × 1,512; 548 KB
In the Days of Their Youth No. 7 – Paderewski by Tom Browne (1870–1910).png 871 × 1,121; 1.1 MB
Interior of Nogueira da Silva Museum (1).jpg 5,472 × 3,648; 5.13 MB
Kalliope-Musikwerke, Spieldose für Lochscheiben MIM Berlin.jpg 2,432 × 3,648; 10.6 MB
Kam aandrijfwiel Polyphon.jpg 2,400 × 2,341; 3.73 MB
King Charle's March Regina Miusic Box.ogg 2 min 13 s, 1,280 × 720; 56.38 MB
Kirchen-Heimatmuseum1-Asio.JPG 1,488 × 1,718; 1.18 MB
Kirchen-Heimatmuseum2-Asio.JPG 2,383 × 1,652; 1.1 MB
Kuranty Clock Music Box.jpg 1,889 × 979; 538 KB
Kurfürstliche Zeitmesser - Uhren von Schloss Benrath - BEN.B 1974 9 1.jpg 1,333 × 2,000; 2.02 MB
Kurfürstliche Zeitmesser - Uhren von Schloss Benrath - BEN.B 1974 9 2.jpg 1,333 × 2,000; 1.68 MB
La vie en rose music box.wav 28 s; 2.35 MB
Lebendes Bild mit Stahlzinkenwerk Wien SAM.jpg 2,791 × 2,406; 2.99 MB
Livraria Alfarrabista Chaminé da Mota (orquestra).JPG 4,000 × 3,000; 4.28 MB
Lochplatte 1.JPG 2,560 × 1,920; 950 KB
Looking inside a music box.jpg 1,519 × 1,292; 1.14 MB
Louis George Music Clock.jpg 200 × 254; 37 KB
Lullaby wound up clock guten abend gute nacht.ogg 46 s; 1.27 MB
Lullaby wound up clock.ogg 1 min 25 s; 2.49 MB
Lyon 1er - Montée Neyret - Street music box.jpg 4,128 × 3,096; 4.1 MB
MB&F MusicMachine 1 Black.jpg 1,600 × 1,188; 539 KB
Mermod Music Box swiss 1895 IMG 0254.JPG 3,525 × 3,252; 4.07 MB
Misty water-colored memories... (3562110079).jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 1.2 MB
Muntinworp Polyphon.jpg 2,478 × 3,822; 4.8 MB
Museum speelklok tot pierement (115) (8201905821).jpg 3,575 × 2,439; 1.51 MB
Museum speelklok tot pierement (116) (8202995450).jpg 1,300 × 1,830; 412 KB
Museum van pierement tot speelklok (115) (8412768879).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.27 MB
Museum van pierement tot speelklok (116) (8412765717).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.2 MB
Museum van pierement tot speelklok (117) (8388036869).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.26 MB
Museum van pierement tot speelklok (119) (8412764747).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.18 MB
Museum van pierement tot speelklok (122).jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.19 MB
Museum van pierement tot speelklok (125).jpg 1,721 × 2,219; 887 KB
Music Box (Radioarte) - luis alvaz.ogg 17 min 30 s; 32.05 MB
Music box 2.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.06 MB
Music Box And Key, ca. 1780 (CH 18423157).jpg 4,096 × 3,111; 6.13 MB
Music Box And Key, ca. 1780 (CH 18423157-2).jpg 4,096 × 3,310; 10.07 MB
Music Box And Key, late 19th century (CH 18416829).jpg 4,000 × 2,468; 6.73 MB
Music Box And Key, late 19th century (CH 18416829-2).jpg 4,096 × 2,557; 9.42 MB
Music box elements.jpg 1,426 × 1,062; 152 KB
Music box notes 1.ogg 7.1 s; 285 KB
Music box notes 10.ogg 4.8 s; 195 KB
Music box notes 11.ogg 9.9 s; 350 KB
Music box notes 12.ogg 4.3 s; 178 KB
Music box notes 13.ogg 4.8 s; 203 KB
Music box notes 14.ogg 6.2 s; 229 KB
Music box notes 2.ogg 5.2 s; 211 KB
Music box notes 3.ogg 6.2 s; 252 KB
Music box notes 4.ogg 6.5 s; 267 KB
Music box notes 5.ogg 3.4 s; 141 KB
Music box notes 6.ogg 3.0 s; 56 KB
Music box notes 7.ogg 5.0 s; 206 KB
Music box notes 8.ogg 4.3 s; 175 KB
Music box notes 9.ogg 3.5 s; 143 KB
Music box with detachable handle - 1.jpg 813 × 609; 144 KB
Music box with detachable handle - 2.jpg 628 × 471; 101 KB
Music box with drum and dancers - Bayernhof Museum - DSC06264.JPG 4,908 × 2,940; 3.67 MB
Music Box, Musical Instrument Museum, Brussels.jpg 800 × 599; 132 KB
Music box, Williamson Art Gallery.jpg 600 × 800; 176 KB
Music boxes - panoramio.jpg 2,592 × 1,944; 1.82 MB
Musical box - 1.jpg 640 × 482; 136 KB
Musical box open.jpg 4,036 × 2,616; 1.94 MB
Musical Box.png 176 × 174; 11 KB
MusicBoxSankyoJapan.jpg 544 × 408; 103 KB
Muzički automat.jpg 1,470 × 3,806; 700 KB
Newport, Rhode Island (4887355169).jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 757 KB
Nickelodeon, Western Electric Piano Company (1922-24), Lightner Museum.jpg 3,464 × 4,618; 4.14 MB
Old story of Lady bunny muiscal boxes from japan.jpg 3,000 × 4,496; 6.6 MB
Organillo de cilindro (1882).jpg 1,491 × 1,785; 764 KB
Ostern 2016 - Dekoration 16.jpg 3,000 × 4,000; 1.93 MB
Osterndekoration 01.jpg 4,272 × 2,856; 1.23 MB
Outillage.jpg 1,024 × 681; 128 KB
Overbrenging met aangedreven wormwiel.jpg 4,100 × 3,000; 6.5 MB
Peter Wilmanns 03.JPG 3,220 × 2,415; 892 KB
Plattenspieldose kol.jpg 1,536 × 2,048; 590 KB
Polyphon 2.jpg 2,010 × 1,920; 952 KB
Polyphon carmen habanera 0.ogg 2 min 20 s, 720 × 1,280; 231.59 MB
Polyphon carmen habanera 1.ogg 2 min 20 s, 720 × 1,280; 16.36 MB
Polyphon carmen habanera.ogg 2 min 20 s, 720 × 1,280; 8.02 MB
Polyphon Deckbild.jpg 2,560 × 1,920; 1.07 MB
Polyphon merkplaatje.jpg 2,227 × 2,226; 3.29 MB
Polyphon werking tandrad.gif 500 × 298; 41 KB
Popper and Co. Rex.jpg 1,600 × 2,000; 1.35 MB
Regardez maintenant magie !.jpg 3,872 × 2,592; 2.64 MB
Regina Music Box, Regina Co, Rahway NJ, c. 1890 - Franklin Institue - DSC06640.JPG 3,240 × 4,320; 4.19 MB
Reuge Musical Box.jpg 2,048 × 1,536; 1.36 MB
Revolver-Spieldose.JPG 1,200 × 1,600; 901 KB
Salzburg 2013-08-10 Mattes.JPG 2,592 × 1,944; 2.61 MB
Sansar.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 2.12 MB
Serenade music box, Pag.jpg 2,452 × 2,506; 3.6 MB
Sing with Me! (15820721012).jpg 3,035 × 2,043; 6.76 MB
Small music box.jpg 4,512 × 3,000; 3.24 MB
Speldosa3.jpg 800 × 492; 95 KB
Spieldose Federhaus.jpg 700 × 525; 99 KB
Spieldose.jpg 700 × 525; 112 KB
Spieluhr 01 Dscf3991.jpg 1,764 × 1,461; 436 KB
Spieluhr 02 Dscf4024.jpg 1,260 × 1,125; 329 KB
Spieluhr 03 Dscf3993.jpg 1,533 × 1,023; 262 KB
Startup Sound (based on Dan ca Di cay).wav 12 s; 4.08 MB
Statuette Music Boxes, Museum Speelklok.jpg 599 × 800; 102 KB
Swiss - Snuffbox with Calendar Clock and Music Box - Walters 57214.jpg 1,800 × 1,503; 1.01 MB
Swiss cuckoo clock, ca. 1900.jpg 750 × 580; 149 KB
Symphonion Leipzig c1900 detail.jpg 3,264 × 2,448; 5.52 MB
Symphonion Leipzig c1900.jpg 630 × 806; 329 KB
Symphonion plaat getand.jpg 2,100 × 2,098; 1.54 MB
Symphonion2a.jpg 1,183 × 887; 254 KB
Thinktank Birmingham - object 1955S00580(1).jpg 768 × 1,024; 100 KB
Tongen en dempers Polyphon.jpg 1,500 × 1,250; 1.44 MB