Category:Mug shots of people of Cambodia
Media in category "Mug shots of people of Cambodia"
The following 25 files are in this category, out of 25 total.
A tourist checks out the exhibition (14064526288).jpg 4,288 × 2,848; 3.5 MB
Cambodia 2011 monuments 08.jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 5.32 MB
Cambodia 2011 monuments 09.jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 5.17 MB
Cambodia 2011 monuments 10.jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 5.85 MB
Cambodia 2011 monuments 13.jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 4.4 MB
Cambodia 2011 monuments 14.jpg 4,752 × 3,168; 5.02 MB
Genocide Museum.jpg 384 × 512; 33 KB
Genocide museum.jpg 949 × 633; 144 KB
Genocide phnom.jpg 422 × 633; 42 KB
Mr chum mey.JPG 5,184 × 3,456; 6.43 MB
Phnom Penh-Tuol Sleng Genozid-Museum-12-Opfer-2007-gje.jpg 3,072 × 2,048; 2.16 MB
Phnom Penh-Tuol Sleng Genozid-Museum-14-Opfer-2007-gje.jpg 3,072 × 2,048; 1.88 MB
Photos of victims in Tuol Sleng prison.JPG 3,841 × 2,960; 1.47 MB
S-21 deux victimes.JPG 2,048 × 1,360; 783 KB
S21-prison-khmer-rouge-victims-mother-and-baby.png 521 × 521; 141 KB
Survivor of Tuol Sleng prison selling his memoirs.JPG 1,600 × 1,200; 618 KB
Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (11958004605).jpg 4,608 × 2,592; 1.79 MB
Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (11958007895).jpg 4,608 × 2,592; 1.92 MB
Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (11958292403).jpg 2,592 × 4,608; 1.73 MB
Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (11958839766).jpg 4,608 × 2,592; 2.1 MB
TuolSlang3.jpg 512 × 384; 50 KB
Tuolsleng2c.jpg 434 × 256; 81 KB
TuolSlengMuseum women.jpg 3,900 × 2,598; 4.19 MB