Derhamia , Lebiasina , Piabucina
Note: FishBase does not provide a list of genus. But for each species, FishBase displays its subfamily, which allows with patience to determine the subfamily content
<nowiki>Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Lebiasininae; Unterfamilie der Familie Schlanksalmler (Lebiasinidae); подсемейство риби; subfamily of fishes; فُصيلة من الأسماك; підродина риб; taxon, onderfamilie van vissen</nowiki>
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.