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Category:Lamentation of Christ

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See also: Category:Descent from the Cross and Category:Pietà

Depictions of people (usually including Virgin Mary) lamenting the dead body of Jesus Christ.

The lamentation over the dead Christ
label QS:Lit,"Lamento sul Cristo morto"
label QS:Lfr,"La lamentation sur le corps du Christ mort"
label QS:Lsv,"Kristi begråtelse"
label QS:Lpl,"Opłakiwanie Chrystusa"
label QS:Lnl,"De bewening van Christus"
label QS:Lde,"Die Beweinung Christi"
label QS:Lpt,"A lamentação sobre o Cristo morto"
label QS:Len,"The lamentation over the dead Christ"
label QS:Lcs,"Oplakávání"
label QS:Lmk,"Оплакувањето на Христос"
<nowiki>Lamentación sobre Cristo muerto; খ্রীস্টের খেদ; déploration du Christ; Ukop Isusa; Kristoren Erosta; Oplakávání; оплакивание Христа; Beweinung Christi; Beweinung Christi; Lamentação de Cristo; Lamentation of Christ; مرثیه‌خوانی برای عیسی; Klemmvan d'ar C'hrist marv; Beskrieming fan Kristus; Prohodul Domnului; キリストの哀悼; Lamentation of Christ; galarnad Crist; Compianto sul Cristo morto; opłakiwanie Chrystusa; Аплакванне Хрыста; bewening van Christus; Krisztus siratása; lamentació sobre Crist; Аплакваньне Хрыста; Valitus Kristuksesta; Lamentation of Christ; lamento de Kristo; Оплакување на Христос; objokovanje Kristusa; motiv v krščanski umetnosti; épisode de la passion du Christ; тэма ў хрысьціянскім мастацтве; thema yng nghelf Gristnogol; soggetto dell'arte sacra cristiana; тема в произведениях искусства; subject in Christian art; künstlerisches christliches Thema; episodi Kristuksen kärsimyksestä, aihe kristillisessä taiteessa; theme in Christian art; arta temo pri la funebro pro la morto de Kristo; тема во христијанската уметност; episodi de la pasió de Crist; Lamentacion sobre Cristo muerto; Lamentation du Christ; Kristuksen valitus; Valitus Kuolleesta Kristuksesta; Lamentation over the Dead Christ; Galarlun; Аплакваньне; Plângerea lui Isus</nowiki>
Lamentation of Christ 
subject in Christian art
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Religion or worldview
Authority file
Wikidata Q3155356
GND ID: 4306248-9
Library of Congress authority ID: sh96010298
J9U ID: 987007534727205171
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Pages in category "Lamentation of Christ"

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Media in category "Lamentation of Christ"

The following 49 files are in this category, out of 49 total.