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Category:Laives (Italy)

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Laives/Leifers is a municipality in the South Tyrol, Trentino-South Tyrol, Italy

Commons: Italy < Trentino-South TyrolProvince of South Tyrol < Laives/Leifers

<nowiki>Laives; Лайвес; Laives; لايۆەس; Лайвес; Laives; 拉伊韋斯; Laives; Лайвес; 拉伊韋斯; 拉伊韦斯; Лайвес; Laives; Laives; Leifors; Laives; Laives; Leifers; Laives; لايۆەس; Laýves; Laives; Laives; 拉伊韦斯; Лайвес; Laives; Laives; ليفيز; Laives; Laýves; Laives; Лайвес; Leifers; Leifers; Лайвес; Laives; Լայվես; 拉伊韦斯; ライヴェス; Laives; Лайвес; Laives; Laives; Laivesi vald; 拉伊韦斯; Λάιβες; Laives; Laives; Laives; 拉伊韋斯; Laives; Laives; Laives; Laives; Laives; Laives - Leifers; Laives; Laives; Laives; Leifers; Laives; Laives; لایوس; Laives; Clivus; لایوس (ایتالیا); Laives; Leifers; municipio en Tirol del Sur, Italia; település Olaszországban; cumuna taliana; Āltepēcalpōlli; udalerri italiako; municipi del Tirol del Sud, Itàlia; komyun Italyanong; Gemeinde in Südtirol, Italien; comun italian; Italian comune; یک کومونه در ایتالیا; италианска община; comuna italiana; 'nu comune tagliáne; コムーネ; municipalitate italian; kumun italian; kommun i Sydtyrolen, Italien; chemun de la Talia; муніципалітет в Італії; cumòn italièn; 意大利市鎮; कोमूने; kunta Italiassa; Italiya kommunalari; komuna u Italiji; Italian comune; italská obec; ståd in Itálien; comuna italiana; monicípiu italianu; commune du Haut-Adige, Italie; comune dell'Alto Adige, Italia; Talijanske općine; δήμος της Ιταλίας; Italiae municipium; Italiaanse gemeente; nu cumuni di Tàlia; kommune i Italia; gmejna w Južnym Tirolu, Italska; município no Tirol do Sul, Itália; comune italyano; 'nu comune italiano; munisipaliteit in die Italiaanse; komuna Italijoje; коммуна Италии; İtalya'nın Trentino-Alto Adige bölgesinde, Güney Tirol-Bolzano iline bağlı ilçe (komün); کمونے; comune itałian; munisipyo sa Italya; włoska gmina; kommune i Italia; 義大利市鎮; 意大利市镇; komunë italian; comûn italiàn; comună din Italia; municipality in South Tyrol, Italy; كومونا; 意大利市镇; komunumo de Sudtirolo, Italio; Leifers; Leifers; Лаівес; Leifers; Leifers; Leifers; Laives; Laives; Leifers; Laives; Leifers; Leifers; Leifers; Leifers; Leifers</nowiki>
municipality in South Tyrol, Italy
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Instance of
Patron saint
LocationSouth Tyrol, Trentino-South Tyrol, Italy
  • 18,162 (2023)
  • 24.11 km² (2011)
Elevation above sea level
  • 258 ±1 m
official website
Map46° 25′ 22.15″ N, 11° 20′ 05.18″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q244607
VIAF cluster ID: 124331324, 11144648159911325192
GND ID: 4111248-9
Library of Congress authority ID: n80059471
Bibliothèque nationale de France ID: 13741936b
J9U ID: 987007548049305171
OpenStreetMap relation ID: 47187
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Pages in category "Laives (Italy)"

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Media in category "Laives (Italy)"

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