Category:Labeled photographs of human male genitalia
Media in category "Labeled photographs of human male genitalia"
The following 97 files are in this category, out of 97 total.
800px-Penis glans anterior posterior (labelled).JPG 800 × 514; 202 KB
A diagram of a penis.jpg 3,265 × 2,097; 1.23 MB
A flaccid penis Spanish.jpg 2,448 × 3,264; 3.89 MB
A picture of erected human penis.jpg 721 × 1,280; 116 KB
Adult male genitalia (bottom view).jpg 955 × 1,050; 298 KB
Adult male genitalia (intact).jpg 1,096 × 1,536; 376 KB
Anatomie des menschlichen Penis Anatomy of the human Penis.png 2,048 × 1,536; 3.52 MB
Anatomy of circumcised penis.jpg 2,048 × 2,628; 2.31 MB
Anatomy of Male Human External Genitals.jpg 2,474 × 3,304; 1.24 MB
Anatomy of Penis Diagram.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 3.17 MB
Anatomy of Penis.jpg 4,000 × 3,000; 2.79 MB
Anatomy of the human penis.jpg 1,000 × 1,168; 845 KB
Anatomy.jpg 2,336 × 2,304; 2.03 MB
Budowa penisa.png 2,088 × 1,944; 2.89 MB
DuongVat.JPG 2,649 × 2,425; 2.1 MB
External male genital organs RO.png 2,035 × 1,526; 5.08 MB
External urethral opening.jpg 721 × 1,280; 86 KB
Flaccid Penis on Sheets 102373 Labeled.png 4,000 × 6,016; 13.56 MB
Frenular delta, closeup.JPG 3,391 × 2,112; 1.39 MB
Frenular delta.jpg 2,321 × 1,943; 1.01 MB
Frenulum of human penis.jpg 721 × 1,280; 126 KB
Glans of Human Penis, Glans Highlighted.jpeg 995 × 1,300; 673 KB
Glans penis labeled.jpg 3,061 × 1,701; 2.37 MB
Human Body and Internal Organs (Labelled).jpg 684 × 699; 119 KB
Human Male Anatomy.jpg 3,000 × 2,184; 1.28 MB
Human male body anatomy.jpg 4,320 × 5,760; 2.87 MB
Human Penis (Asian).jpg 1,200 × 1,600; 1.53 MB
Human penis with labels.jpg 3,241 × 2,816; 886 KB
Kari-kubi.jpg 293 × 277; 24 KB
Labeled Human Penis.png 1,920 × 1,080; 1.56 MB
Labeled Uncircumcised Human Penis.jpg 1,280 × 848; 151 KB
Labelled bw flaccid penis.jpg 442 × 806; 164 KB
Labelled flaccid penis es.jpg 1,470 × 1,758; 1.67 MB
Labelled flaccid penis.jpg 1,475 × 1,893; 674 KB
Labelled-flaccid-penis.jpg 467 × 599; 76 KB
Male anatomy.jpg 3,678 × 2,592; 1.36 MB
Male and Female Genitalia.jpg 2,075 × 1,500; 2.05 MB
Male genitalia anatomy.jpg 4,180 × 6,352; 5.08 MB
Male Genitals plus Description.JPG 934 × 768; 133 KB
Male genitals.png 756 × 768; 744 KB
Male human genitalia with English labels.jpg 1,593 × 1,788; 2.51 MB
Male human genitalia with Japanese labels.jpg 1,593 × 1,788; 2.51 MB
Male human genitalia with number labels.jpg 1,593 × 1,788; 2.49 MB
Male human genitalia with Spanish labels.jpg 1,593 × 1,788; 2.51 MB
Male penis anatomy.jpg 4,320 × 4,320; 4.74 MB
Male perineum.jpg 1,691 × 1,650; 888 KB
Male reproductive system (Labelled).jpg 833 × 720; 185 KB
Male-Genital-Anatomy-Erect-Glans-Close-Up.jpg 1,397 × 1,986; 665 KB
Morphology of Human penis (Healthy).jpg 1,344 × 888; 729 KB
Morphology of Human Penis (Uncircumcised).jpg 1,344 × 884; 728 KB
Morphology of Human penis.jpg 1,344 × 884; 595 KB
Numbered flaccid penis.jpg 1,475 × 1,893; 434 KB
Pene y sus partes.jpg 600 × 450; 182 KB
Penis eines Mannes.png 1,200 × 1,584; 668 KB
Penis esp.jpg 1,004 × 1,035; 314 KB
Penis frenulum.JPG 1,784 × 1,362; 213 KB
Penis labeled eng.jpg 1,035 × 1,035; 320 KB
Penis labeled fr.jpg 1,035 × 1,035; 319 KB
Penis unbeschnitten.jpg 682 × 898; 254 KB
Penis(Asia).jpg 1,440 × 1,580; 433 KB
Penisbeschreibung.JPG 651 × 378; 35 KB
Penisnaht.jpg 523 × 575; 257 KB
Phimosis explained.jpg 2,048 × 2,048; 633 KB
Primary and secondary sexual characteristics of the human male.jpg 7,000 × 5,000; 6.67 MB
Raphe int.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 1.17 MB
Raphe on Male Geniitalia with Labels.jpg 1,499 × 750; 312 KB
Raphe penis.JPG 1,536 × 2,048; 630 KB
Schlaffer Penis.JPG 583 × 639; 53 KB
Scrotal transformation during rising sexual excitement.jpg 1,080 × 1,920; 341 KB
Semi-erect Penis1 Labels.jpg 3,568 × 3,968; 718 KB
Shaved Human Penis Scrotum Perineum Anus with Labels.jpeg 3,856 × 3,968; 2.38 MB
Small Penis - Erect.jpg 480 × 600; 241 KB
Small Penis - Left.jpg 1,015 × 720; 619 KB
Small Penis - Right.jpg 480 × 600; 199 KB
Structure of the human penis-en.jpg 768 × 1,024; 190 KB
Structure of the human penis.png 768 × 1,024; 611 KB
Wikipedia scrotum.JPG 479 × 575; 51 KB
Z8ddlJx.jpg 1,540 × 1,080; 195 KB
Ảnh dương vật.jpg 983 × 800; 335 KB
成年男性阴茎.png 597 × 448; 2.2 MB
陰茎による包皮の解説及び全体図 00.jpg 929 × 1,349; 933 KB
陰茎解説.jpg 2,920 × 1,984; 1.84 MB
남성 생식기 설명.jpg 3,024 × 3,024; 3.99 MB
남자생식기 및 외관.jpg 4,032 × 3,024; 6.53 MB
남자의 생식기.jpg 3,492 × 3,010; 6.09 MB