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Category:King Sejong Station

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<nowiki>Base scientifica Sejong; base antarctique du roi Sejong; Base Rei Sejong; König-Sejong-Station; Estação Rei Sejong; ایستگاه سجونگ کبیر; 世宗科學基地; 世宗科學基地; King Sejong Station; 世宗基地; Base Rey Sejong; 世宗科学基地; King Sejong Station; King Sejong; Король Седжон (антарктична станція); 世宗科學基地; 世宗科學基地; 世宗科学基地; King Sejong-stasjonen; 세종과학기지; King Sejong Station; King Sejong Station; 世宗科学基地; Sedžona; base antártica; base antàrtica; stacja polarna; research station; Korejas Republikas polārstacija Antarktikā; Base scientifica sud coreana in Antartide; poolstation in Zuid-Korea; Base Sejong; Base King Sejong; Stazione scientifica Sejong; Base re Sejong; Stazione king Sejong; King Sejong Station; Stazione Sejong; King Sejong Base; Kingsedžona; 世宗王站; 세종 과학 기지; 세종기지; 세종 기지</nowiki>
King Sejong Station 
research station
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Instance of
Named after
LocationAntarctic Treaty area
Has use
  • year-round Antarctic facility
Elevation above sea level
  • 10 m
official website
Map62° 13′ 23.66″ S, 58° 47′ 11.41″ W
Authority file
Wikidata Q246364
VIAF cluster ID: 260996261, 129157523290627031061
Library of Congress authority ID: n2012053334
National Library of Korea ID: KAB201913539
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Media in category "King Sejong Station"

The following 2 files are in this category, out of 2 total.