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Category:Kim Tae-young

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English: General (Ret.) Kim Tae-young, ROKA, was the 34th Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Republic of Korea Armed Forces and 42nd Republic of Korea Minister of National Defense.
한국어: 김태영(金泰榮, 1949년 1월 13일 (62세) ~ )은 대한민국의 군인 출신으로 제42대 국방부장관이었다.

<nowiki>Kim Tae-young; 金泰榮; Kim Tae-young; كيم تاى يونج; 金泰榮; Kim Tae-young; Kim Tae-young; 金泰榮; 金泰栄; Kim Tae-young; 김태영; Kim Tae-young; Kim Tae-young; 金泰荣; Kim Tae-young; político surcoreano; militaire sud-coréen; politikari korearra; políticu surcoreanu; polític sud-coreà; südkoreanischer General und Verteidigungsminister; político sul-coreano; 前大韩民国国防部长; سياسى من كوريا الجنوبيه; politicus uit Zuid-Korea; 前大韓民國國防部長; político surcoreano; 대한민국의 군인 (1949–2025); former Defense Minister of South Korea; سياسي كوري جنوبي; 前大韩民国国防部长; politico sudcoreano</nowiki>
Kim Tae-young 
former Defense Minister of South Korea
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Date of birth13 January 1949
Date of death26 February 2025
Country of citizenship
Educated at
Position held
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