<nowiki>Katherine Stanhope, Countess of Chesterfield; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; キャサリン・スタノップ; Katherine Stanhope; קתרין סטנהופ; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Wotton; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope, Countess of Chesterfield; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope; nobildonna e cortigiana inglese; gweithiwr y llys (1609-1667); English courtier; engelsk hovfunktionär; n/a uit Koninkrijk Engeland (1609-1667); Katherine Wotton; Katherine van der Kerckhove; Katherine Stanhope; Katherine Stanhope, gravin van Chesterfield</nowiki>