<nowiki>Interzonal; tournoi interzonal; Tsoonidevaheline turniir; Interzonal; Interzonenturnier; Giải cờ vua Liên khu vực; Interzoneturnering; Turneul interzonal; Szachowe turnieje międzystrefowe; Intersoneturneringane i sjakk; אינטרזונל; Interzonetoernooi; Torneios Interzonais; Межзональные турниры; Tarpzoninis šachmatų turnyras; Torneo interzonale; Interzonal; تصفيات ما بين مناطقية; Mezipásmový turnaj v šachu; Међузонски турнири у шаху; chess tournaments organized by FIDE from the 1950s to the 1990s; tournoi de sélection pour le championnat du monde d'échecs; Qualifikationsturnier zur Schachweltmeisterschaft; schaaktoernooi georganiseerd door de FIDE (1950-1990); Interzonaal toernooi</nowiki>
chess tournaments organized by FIDE from the 1950s to the 1990s