Category:Images by Bubenik
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Media in category "Images by Bubenik"
The following 134 files are in this category, out of 134 total.
Aerinite-al-octahedra.png 4,000 × 3,000; 784 KB
Aerinite-CO3-H2O-channel-along-c.png 2,500 × 2,500; 383 KB
Aerinite-CO3.png 1,350 × 1,700; 91 KB
Aerinite-fe-octahedra.png 5,000 × 3,000; 656 KB
Aerinite-si-tetrahedra-chain-along-c.png 4,000 × 3,000; 408 KB
Aerinite-si-tetrahedra-fe-octahedra-chains-along-c.png 2,300 × 2,300; 177 KB
Aerinite-structure-along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 611 KB
Akatoreit.png 3,200 × 3,200; 141 KB
Akermanit.polyeder.atoms.png 5,000 × 2,500; 400 KB
Akermanit.polyeder.crop.png 2,500 × 2,500; 95 KB
Analcim.along-111.png 3,200 × 3,200; 822 KB
Analcim.along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 798 KB
Apophyllite.sheet.png 3,200 × 4,000; 753 KB
Astrophyllite-chain.png 1,600 × 2,800; 292 KB
Axinite.Al-Fe-group.png 3,200 × 3,200; 173 KB
Axinite.B-Si-group.png 3,200 × 3,200; 171 KB
Benitoid.2200.png 2,200 × 2,200; 123 KB
Beryll.2200.png 2,200 × 2,200; 102 KB
Beryll.ring.combined.png 3,100 × 1,750; 460 KB
Cancrinite.along-a.png 3,200 × 3,200; 274 KB
Cancrinite.along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 333 KB
Carletonite.sheet.png 2,560 × 3,200; 1.36 MB
Chesterit-chains.png 1,600 × 2,800; 428 KB
Chlormayenit-cage.png 3,000 × 1,500; 362 KB
Chlormayenit-O1.png 3,000 × 3,000; 365 KB
Chlormayenit-O2.png 3,000 × 3,000; 358 KB
Chlormayenit-T1.png 5,000 × 2,500; 320 KB
Chlormayenit-T2.png 6,000 × 3,000; 413 KB
Chlormayenit-X-position.png 6,000 × 3,000; 674 KB
Dalyite.sheet.png 2,560 × 3,200; 794 KB
Delhayelite.sheet.png 2,560 × 3,200; 1.01 MB
Dravit-1948-B-O3-group.png 1,800 × 1,800; 171 KB
Dravit-polyhedra-along-c.png 3,000 × 3,000; 691 KB
Dravite-1948-MgO.png 4,600 × 2,500; 724 KB
Dravite-1948-NaO.png 3,000 × 1,600; 330 KB
Dravite-1948-polar-c-axis.png 5,600 × 3,000; 787 KB
Dravite-1948-SiO-ring.png 2,200 × 1,200; 199 KB
Eakerite.png 3,200 × 3,200; 163 KB
Eudialyte.2200.png 2,200 × 2,200; 176 KB
Fencooperit.png 2,200 × 2,200; 125 KB
Gottardiit-along-011.png 3,200 × 3,200; 1.12 MB
Gottardiit-along-a.png 3,200 × 3,200; 984 KB
Gottardiit-along-b-perspective.png 3,200 × 3,200; 1.06 MB
Grossular-alo6.png 1,200 × 600; 66 KB
Grossular-cao8.png 1,200 × 600; 79 KB
Grossular-sio4-alo6-cao8.png 800 × 800; 84 KB
Grossular-sio4-alo6-cao8rings.png 1,600 × 800; 267 KB
Grossular-sio4.png 1,200 × 600; 71 KB
Guenterblassite-triple-layer.png 3,500 × 3,918; 566 KB
Haradaite-chain.png 1,600 × 2,800; 180 KB
Heulandite.along-a.png 3,200 × 3,200; 549 KB
Heulandite.along-b.png 3,200 × 3,200; 435 KB
Heulandite.along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 930 KB
Heulandite.rot-y-40.png 3,200 × 3,200; 1.01 MB
Hexacelsian.png 2,200 × 2,200; 228 KB
Jimthompsonite-chain.png 1,600 × 2,800; 407 KB
Laumontite.cage along b-axis.png 3,000 × 3,000; 442 KB
Laumontite.cage-along-c.png 3,000 × 3,000; 426 KB
Levyne.along-a.png 3,200 × 3,200; 255 KB
Levyne.along-b.png 3,200 × 3,200; 264 KB
Levyne.along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 847 KB
Liebauite chain a-c-plane.png 1,800 × 2,600; 188 KB
Loop branched dreier single sheet of Mountainite.png 3,000 × 3,500; 665 KB
Medait.crop.png 2,800 × 2,800; 151 KB
Megacyclite.2200.png 2,200 × 2,200; 148 KB
Mica SiO-sheet-a-b-plane.gif 570 × 800; 28 KB
Mica-MO-sheet-a-b-plane.gif 570 × 800; 54 KB
Mica-polytypes-a-c-plane.gif 1,400 × 700; 96 KB
Milarite structure T2.png 4,000 × 2,000; 751 KB
Milarite structure.png 5,000 × 2,000; 1,015 KB
Milarite-A-position.png 6,000 × 2,000; 474 KB
Milarite-B-position.png 3,000 × 1,500; 492 KB
Milarite-double-ring.png 4,000 × 2,000; 895 KB
Milarite.k-position.png 6,000 × 2,000; 746 KB
Milarite.png 1,350 × 1,100; 47 KB
Moskvinite.png 2,200 × 2,200; 137 KB
Muirit.2200.png 2,200 × 2,200; 94 KB
Muscovite.sheet2.png 2,560 × 3,200; 957 KB
Muskovite.sheet.png 3,800 × 1,600; 561 KB
Natrolite.along-110.png 3,200 × 3,200; 565 KB
Natrolite.along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 837 KB
Natrolite.rot-x-55-rot-y-39.png 3,200 × 3,200; 785 KB
Natrolite.rot-x-71.png 3,200 × 3,200; 853 KB
Nepheline.along-a.png 3,200 × 3,200; 293 KB
Nepheline.along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 300 KB
Orthoclase.along-a.png 3,200 × 3,200; 400 KB
Orthoclase.along-b.png 3,200 × 3,200; 242 KB
Orthoclase.along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 416 KB
Orthoclase.atoms.tetrahedra.along-c.png 5,250 × 2,800; 1.2 MB
Papagoite.2200.png 900 × 900; 20 KB
Pellyite-chain.png 400 × 2,050; 47 KB
Phillipsite.along-101.png 3,200 × 3,200; 577 KB
Phillipsite.along-a.png 3,200 × 3,200; 361 KB
Phillipsite.along-b.png 3,200 × 3,200; 358 KB
Phillipsite.along-c.png 3,200 × 3,200; 450 KB
Prehnite.sheet.png 2,560 × 3,200; 834 KB
Pyrosmalite.sheet.png 1,834 × 2,035; 318 KB
Pyroxen-chain.png 325 × 2,400; 34 KB
Pyroxen-structure-oktahedra-band.gif 451 × 481; 19 KB
Pyroxen-structure-si-chain.gif 405 × 541; 6 KB
Pyroxene-structure-I-beam-a-b-plane.gif 475 × 483; 10 KB
Pyroxene-structure-Ibeam-linking-a-b-plane.gif 580 × 570; 37 KB
Pyroxene-structure-momoclinic-orthorhombic-stacking.gif 1,150 × 600; 129 KB
Pyroxferroite-chain.png 1,600 × 2,800; 159 KB
Quarz-morphology-de.gif 1,500 × 1,200; 58 KB
Rhodesite-loop-branched-3er-double-sheet.png 3,000 × 3,500; 642 KB
Rhodonite-chain.png 500 × 2,450; 34 KB
Rosenhahnit.crop.png 3,000 × 3,000; 143 KB
Sepiolite.sheet.png 2,560 × 3,200; 835 KB
Sodalite-cage.along100.png 3,200 × 3,200; 335 KB
Sodalite-cage.along110.png 3,200 × 3,200; 311 KB
Sodalite-cage.along111.png 3,200 × 3,200; 368 KB
Staurolith-T2-M3-M4-layer.jpg 800 × 600; 68 KB
Steacyite.png 2,200 × 2,200; 114 KB
Stokesite-chain.png 1,600 × 2,800; 167 KB
Tienshanit.png 2,200 × 2,200; 209 KB
Tiragalloit.cif.png 3,200 × 3,200; 134 KB
Traskite.2200.png 2,200 × 2,200; 97 KB
Tremolit-I-beam-a-b-plane.gif 600 × 500; 15 KB
Tremolit-oktaeder-linking.gif 600 × 600; 31 KB
Tremolite-chain.png 630 × 2,400; 62 KB
Tremolith-A-pos.gif 1,125 × 550; 29 KB
Tremolith-I-beam-b-c-plane.gif 600 × 600; 14 KB
Tremolith-I-beam-linking.gif 600 × 500; 31 KB
Tremolith-Si-double-chain.gif 600 × 600; 10 KB
Turquoise Al-Cu-complex.gif 573 × 510; 8 KB
Turquoise-cationCoordination.gif 1,400 × 800; 76 KB
Turquoise-structualUnits.gif 519 × 1,000; 32 KB
Turquoise-structure.gif 600 × 800; 39 KB
Unbranched zwölfer single chain of Alamosite.png 1,600 × 2,800; 212 KB
Wollastonite-chain.png 280 × 2,400; 25 KB
Zeophyllite.sheet.png 2,000 × 2,100; 146 KB
Zunyit.cif.png 3,200 × 3,200; 175 KB
Zunyite-Keggin-Komplex.png 1,300 × 1,300; 120 KB