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Category:Illyrian deciduous forests

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<nowiki>Bosque caducifolio de Iliria; Илирске листопадне шуме; Forêts décidues illyriennes; 伊利里亚落叶林; Iliraj deciduaj arbaroj; Illyrian deciduous forests; Іллірійські листопадні ліси; Ilirske listopadne šume; Илирийски листопадни гори; Foreste decidue illiriche; ilirski listnati gozdovi; Ilirske listopadne šume; Pyjet gjetherënëse ilire; Илирске листопадне шуме; Илирски листопадни шуми; Illyriske løvskove; terrestrial ecoregion of Europe; екорегион в Югоизточна Европа</nowiki>
Illyrian deciduous forests 
terrestrial ecoregion of Europe
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  • Albania
  • Bosnia and Herzegovina
  • Croatia
  • Greece
  • Italy
  • Montenegro
  • Slovenia
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The Illyrian Deciduous Forests Ecoregion is a designated ecoregion by WWF and One Earth. It is classified as a Mediterranean Forests, Woodlands & Scrub Biome. It is one of six ecoregions in the Adriatic Sea & Central Mediterranean Mixed Forests Bioregion.


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Media in category "Illyrian deciduous forests"

The following 60 files are in this category, out of 60 total.