Category:IEC standards

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<nowiki>standard IEC; norme CEI; стандарт МЭК; estándar IEC; стандарт МЭК; IEC-Norm; 國際電工協會標準; IEC-standard; standard IEC; IEC標準; IEC-standard; norma IEC; תקן IEC; IEC-standaard; 國際電子電機委員會標準; norma IEC; IEC-standardi; IEC standard; стандарт МЕК; 国际电工委员会标准; IEC-standard; tipo di norma tecnica sviluppata dalla Commissione Elettrotecnica Internazionale; 国際電気標準会議が開発した規格; norme développée par la Commission électrotechnique internationale; стандарт Міжнароднай электратэхнічнай камісіі; стандарт Міжнародної електротехнічної комісії; estándar desendolcáu pola International Electrotechnical Commission; normativa internacional; стандарт Международной электротехнической комиссии; Art von Norm; standard utviklet av International Electrotechnical Commission; standard that was developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission; standard, ki ga je razvila Mednarodna komisija za elektrotehniko; תקן שפותח על ידי הנציבות האלקטרוטכנית הבינלאומית; regelsæt udviklet af International Electrotechnical Commission; IEC規格; стандарт IEC; IEC-standarder; стандарт IEC; стандарт CEI; IEC-Standard; IEC-Normen; IEC-Standards; стандарт IEC; IEC standards; normativa IEC; estàndard IEC; 国际电工委员会标准; 國際電子電機委員會標準; IEC標準; IEC标准; IEC-regler</nowiki>
IEC standard 
standard that was developed by the International Electrotechnical Commission
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Standards of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)


This category has the following 25 subcategories, out of 25 total.







Pages in category "IEC standards"

The following 2 pages are in this category, out of 2 total.

Media in category "IEC standards"

The following 104 files are in this category, out of 104 total.