Category:Holy Name of Mary Church (Piliscsaba)
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English: : Holy Name of Mary Parish Church (1781). Planned by Franz Anton Hilldebrandt (architect of the Hungarian Royal Court Chamber) Baroque style. The church stands free in the square in the middle of a dense wooded grove, it is not fenced, it has an eastern, central tower structure. Originally a building with an onion tower, 43 x 18 m in size. The altar is 9x7 m, the sacristy is 4.5x3 m. Its square tower emerges from the plane of the three-storey façade to form a risalit. It has a façade tympanum. Interior: The church's furnishings, altars, benches and organ were brought here from Buda after the disbanding of the clarissa order. The late Baroque organ was placed in the church in 1784, inside the Madonna Statue of The Throne, made of wood around 1350-70. The altar square is 16 meters high. The altar of St. Margaret and St. Klara was made in 1756. In the glass cabinet of the Altar of St. Klara you can see the Gothic wooden Statue of Madonna; 1350-70 In 1725, a Benedictine monk carried out the baroque conversion of the statue. The statue of Madonna, originally the throne, was transformed into a standing, dressable statue of grace. The Neo classicist main altar is made of stone, and there is a relic, a fragment of Jesus Christ's wooden cross. On the altar there is a carved sacrament holder with the image of Mary. It's an oval, a picture of mother of God bathed in the sun with Jesus on her arm. They are both Hungarian "magnats", i.e. Hungarian aristoctrate clothes, with silver crowns on their heads and rosary in their hands. Angels praying on both sides of the aisle kneel. The large altar image of 5.5 x 2.5 meters is a gift from a German officer. This depicts the Crucified Jesus with Mary and the Apostle St. John. - Templom Square, by Route 10, Piliscsaba, Pest County, Hungary.
Magyar: : Szűz Mária neve templom Műemléki azonosító: 7228, törzsszám: 7191. A jelenlegi barokk templom, a középkori, Szent György templom helyére épített 3. Szűz Mária neve templom. 1728-ban sövényfalú, agyagból! készült templom épült, majd 1748-1754 között egytornyos templom épült, végül 1778-1781 között épült a jelenlegi Franz Anton Hilldebrandt (a Magyar Királyi Udvari Kamara építésze) által tervezett templom. Source: A templom egy gesztenyeliget közepén egy mélyedésben áll a fák gyakorlatilag teljesen eltakarják. - Pest megye, Piliscsaba, Templom tér 10-es főút mentén
This is a category about a monument in Hungary. Identifier: 7228 |
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Media in category "Holy Name of Mary Church (Piliscsaba)"
The following 18 files are in this category, out of 18 total.
13 Templom Platz und Kirchturm, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 984 KB
Parish Church, main entry, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1,004 KB
Parish Church, main facade window, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.01 MB
Parish Church, S corner, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,645 × 2,193; 1.2 MB
Parish Church, SE side detail, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,427 × 1,903; 720 KB
Parish Church, stained glass windows, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,482 × 2,180; 563 KB
Parish Church, stone framed barred window, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,563 × 2,084; 746 KB
Parish Church, tower, Templom Square, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.1 MB
Parish Church, tympanum and 1781, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 949 KB
Pfarrkirche, Haupteingang, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 988 KB
Pfarrkirche, Hauptfassadenfenster, Templom Platz, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 978 KB
Pfarrkirche, NW Fassade, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.12 MB
Pfarrkirche, NW, Fenster und Tür, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 2,272 × 1,704; 951 KB
Pfarrkirche, SW Fenster, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 997 KB
Pfarrkirche, Turm, Templom Platz, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.01 MB
Pfarrkirche, Tür, Templom Platz, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.01 MB
Pfarrkirche, W, Templom Platz, 2020 Piliscsaba.jpg 1,704 × 2,272; 1.4 MB
Piliscsaba, római katolikus templom 2021 01.jpg 1,600 × 2,500; 1.49 MB