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Category:Heard Island

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Australian Commonwealth reserve Legal disclaimer
This image or film (or category of these items) was captured within the boundaries of Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve (Q1592370) which is proclaimed as a Commonwealth reserve of Australia in Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 - Proclamation - Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve (03/10/2002). (Q107248767).

Australian law states in section 12.38 of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Regulations 2000 that images and film captured in a Commonwealth reserve cannot be used to derive commercial gain unless at least one of the exemptions listed in section 12.06 of the regulation is satisfied. Exemptions include capture and use of images and film as allowed by the management plan for the Commonwealth reserve, and requesting and being granted a permit. Section 18.04(b) of the regulation may exempt a permit fee from being payable if the activity contributes to the positive portrayal of the Commonwealth reserve and its values.

Before using this content, please ensure that you have the right to use it under the laws which apply in the circumstances of your intended use.

See our general disclaimer.


<nowiki>île Heard; Херд (остров, Австралия); Heard; Hērda sala; 赫德岛; otok Heard; Heardov ostrov (ostrov); Wyspa Heard; Insula Heard; Heard Island; Heard Adası; ჰერდის კუნძული; Heard Island; Heard Island; Insulo Heard; Heardův ostrov; Heard; Avustralya'da ada; île d'Australie; pulau di Australia; ishull; eiland van Australië; Остров в Атлантическом океане; avstralski otok v južnem Indijskem oceanu; 1947 von Australien annektierte Insel im Südindik, 1500 Kilometer nördlich der Ostantarktis; pulo di Ostrali; island of Heard Island and McDonald Islands; ö i Heard- och McDonaldöarna; vulkanický ostrov v Indickém oceáně; pulo sa Heard Island and McDonald Islands; Heard-Insel; Heard Island; Heard Island</nowiki>
Heard Island 
island of Heard Island and McDonald Islands
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Instance of
Part of
Located in protected area
  • Heard Island and McDonald Islands Marine Reserve
LocationHeard Island and McDonald Islands
Located in or next to body of water
  • 26 km
  • 40 km
Highest point
  • 0 (2018)
  • 368 km²
official website
Map53° 06′ 00″ S, 73° 30′ 00″ E
Authority file
Wikidata Q1592377
VIAF cluster ID: 146020243
Library of Congress authority ID: sh88005900
J9U ID: 987007532288005171
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This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.

Media in category "Heard Island"

The following 36 files are in this category, out of 36 total.