Category:Group portraits of students in Taiwan
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Media in category "Group portraits of students in Taiwan"
The following 53 files are in this category, out of 53 total.
08.11 總統視察臺東市「仁愛國小」重建工程 (28801041442).jpg 1,568 × 1,044; 494 KB
12.23 總統參訪「國立臺中高級工業職業學校」,學生紛紛拿起手機記錄 (31668860592).jpg 1,568 × 1,045; 340 KB
201205071542550 玉井分局開放玉井工商校外教學,認識人民褓母.jpg 640 × 480; 109 KB
2016高雄燈會藝術節-全國創意花燈競賽-樹德家商.jpg 2,485 × 1,835; 853 KB
A dinner party of the Taihoku High School (cropped).jpg 1,859 × 760; 240 KB
A dinner party of the Taihoku High School.jpg 2,048 × 1,455; 387 KB
Dinner party of students of Taihoku High School.jpg 2,048 × 1,530; 342 KB
Dinner party of the students of Taihoku High School.jpg 1,734 × 1,127; 297 KB
Field trip of Taihoku Prefectural Taihoku Third Girls' High School at Giran.jpg 1,762 × 1,254; 512 KB
Group photo of field trip of Shimizu Public School at the museum.jpg 2,048 × 1,502; 624 KB
Group photograph of students of Taihoku Medical School 1930s.jpg 2,048 × 1,348; 576 KB
Guitar Club, Tatung High School students 20190525.jpg 3,000 × 2,250; 853 KB
On a graduation ceremony of elementary school students in Taiwan 01.jpg 1,920 × 1,080; 863 KB
President Ma Ying-jeou on 69th graduation of TFGHS.jpg 3,009 × 2,149; 1.35 MB
School children on graduation trip at the Taiwan Provincial Museum.jpg 1,523 × 1,523; 510 KB
Students in the Taihoku Railway Depot.jpg 2,701 × 1,870; 2.64 MB
Students of Taihoku First Girls' High School 1940 01.jpg 2,501 × 1,599; 1.88 MB
Students of Taihoku First Girls' High School 1940 02.jpg 2,512 × 1,592; 1.76 MB
Students of Taihoku High School at a intersection in Sakae Taihoku at night.jpg 2,048 × 1,365; 532 KB
Students of Taihoku High School eating lunch.jpg 2,048 × 1,454; 416 KB
Students of the Heitō Secondary School with the flag of honor.jpg 2,048 × 1,311; 289 KB
Students of the Taihoku First Girls' High School at sports day 1940 01.jpg 2,503 × 1,598; 1.74 MB
Students of the Taihoku First Girls' High School at sports day 1940 02.jpg 2,517 × 1,589; 1.8 MB
Students with drawings of Hitler and Roosvelt in yokoda clothings 1940.jpg 2,048 × 1,414; 341 KB
Volley ball contest players Taiwan 1942.jpg 1,117 × 712; 521 KB
Yu Yang Dance girls at Dubei Village lantern festival raffle party 20170210.jpg 4,608 × 3,456; 4.35 MB
國立中興大學102校慶演唱會工作人員紀念合影 20131103.jpg 2,048 × 1,151; 342 KB
埔里公學校畢業旅行.jpg 960 × 740; 294 KB
新北市私立及人國民小學 大掃除 20140214a.jpg 4,320 × 3,240; 5.58 MB
明德高中國中部女生夏季制服.jpg 960 × 720; 133 KB
李茗洋 桃園縣會稽國中.jpeg 450 × 320; 168 KB
林園高中第一屆畢業舞會.jpg 960 × 720; 110 KB
樹德家商 女生夏季制服.jpg 3,780 × 1,981; 1.27 MB
樹德家商3D列印作品「齊天幻科技‧開創新高雄」.jpg 3,456 × 2,304; 1.7 MB
樹德家商冬季制服.jpg 2,660 × 1,653; 656 KB
樹德家商制服.jpg 1,024 × 768; 112 KB
樹德家商女學生與印尼日惹市長、教育廳長合照.jpg 1,567 × 1,045; 182 KB
樹德家商女生夏季制服.jpg 1,567 × 1,045; 188 KB
樹德家商民俗才藝訪問團.jpg 3,170 × 1,976; 783 KB
樹德家商民俗才藝訪問團出訪授旗.jpg 2,962 × 1,862; 751 KB
犀牛望月糾察訓練.jpg 1,280 × 960; 686 KB
第9屆學員迎新照片.png 730 × 541; 513 KB
總統出席「中山女高畢業典禮」 (27295827192).jpg 756 × 504; 102 KB
總統致贈嘉義民生國中棒隊隊球具 (27132205094).jpg 2,507 × 1,671; 905 KB
總統致贈嘉義民生國中棒隊隊球具 (27669984621).jpg 2,509 × 1,670; 329 KB
臺北縣週末藝術秀 三峽老街 20080621.jpg 3,072 × 2,304; 1.64 MB
鳳山高中志清臺前 鳳中人樂團 20150519.jpg 4,140 × 2,354; 7.42 MB